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Messages - AquaTsar17

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Programming / Re: View of a Scrolling Dungeon
« on: November 19, 2009, 10:38:03 PM »
Numeron's idea is exactly what I was looking for: something that could address both always scrolling and only occasionally scrolling. Now I just have to stop changing my lighting implementation and I'll have the main UI stuff done.

(Sorry for going entirely off-topic, btw.)
Hardly off-topic, auto-scrolling is still relevant to the discussion. I imagine it would have to be slow enough to still be playable though, so it's probably not a good thing to use for falling from the sky. Maybe falling down a hill or ramp though.

Programming / Re: View of a Scrolling Dungeon
« on: November 16, 2009, 07:20:20 PM »
Giving the user the option to change scrolling style would be nice, as it makes the game playable for more people. I already know there'll be some config section of the game (possibly just in an external file) so I could put it in there. Besides, I'm using ASCII instead of Tiles so that will already restrict the number of people interested in it.

I'm not sure what you mean by smooth scrolling though. Is this more of an animation of things moving? The scrolling I have right now is the same as Crawl, but I may experiment with Angband-style scrolling. I'm writing it in Java so I'm less concerned with CPU usage and moreso with memory.

Programming / View of a Scrolling Dungeon
« on: November 15, 2009, 06:56:32 PM »
Hi all,

I've been experimenting with a RL for a bit and have implemented a scrolling dungeon. However, I'm not really sure what would be the best way to view this dungeon.

For example, should the player's view onto the world automatically scroll so that their character is always in the direct center? Or should the view only scroll when the player's character reaches an edge? And then, how close to the edge?

Right now I've got it centered and auto-scrolling, because that was easiest, but I'm curious what other people think of that idea. Any thoughts?

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