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Messages - AquaTsar17

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Programming / Re: How do I actually use libtcod?
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:56:43 PM »
3. _hypot function that fail compilation is the most fair complaint. Scottberd must have stubled upon a link to some random or outdated MinGW build (like the one in the tutorial).

Actually, no. That particular bug was found in January 2015. If you use the latest version of MinGW, you have to deal with this bug. You're fine if you use an older version, but good luck finding a reliable place to download such things. This bug caused me a huge headache at the end of the 7DRL challenge, since I couldn't compile libtcod properly without fixing it. There's a workaround here for it:

Right now, the problem with libtcod is that you pretty much need to compile the library on your own to guarantee it will work. Once you do the workaround for compiling the library, the existing tutorials are pretty much sufficient. However, I've found that the tutorials for it tend to be unreliable because it encourages you to use the latest version of MinGW and stuff like this happens...

7DRLs / Re: High Tech Survival - 7drl 2015 - Success?
« on: March 26, 2015, 09:48:30 PM »
Yeah, some more instructions would help but the note above about the machines is pretty important too. You also need to connect a power source to the drill (a battery worked for me).

There is food in the fridges (the = in the north-east room) and there are ores in the room with all the construction devices (the = are storage closets in that room). You need to take those first and then use them to make all the other stuff.

I'm not sure how you get more food and water though, or if that's possible yet.

7DRLs / Re: HarvestRL
« on: March 20, 2015, 08:18:29 PM »
It turns out my finished version actually had some major bugs in it. First, it was very common to end up in a game where you were unable to win, because the way out of the caves was never created. That's been fixed. Second, sometimes the items you needed to cure the villagers and defeat the final boss would spawn, but somewhere that was inaccessible. That's also been fixed. There were also a variety of minor bugs and UI problems (like not being able to see anything on the first turn, crashing the game by closing a door on a coyote, villagers eating the items you need to win, etc.). These have been fixed.

I went through and made some minor balance changes as well, but any more work that I do is likely for an expanded version of the game.

For those interested, you can find the original and revised versions here.

7DRLs / Re: HarvestRL
« on: March 17, 2015, 03:04:36 AM »
Success! I think. The game is finished, and can be downloaded here. It isn't quite what I expected, and I'm pretty sure the balance is off, but I'm considering it acceptable. It's my first 7DRL that I finished (and only the second that I've attempted). Adjustments, improvements, and other stuff may come in the future but I'll probably fork those changes off into a new version.

7DRLs / Re: HarvestRL
« on: March 13, 2015, 02:49:12 PM »
Progress Update (Now Day 5)

Day 4 was spent fixing the inventory and equipment system, and getting farming to work. You can now till soft soil, plant seeds in tilled soil, and use a watering can to keep the soil wet. Each day, the plants grow a little bit and the water dries up, requiring you to water the plants again. Right now alternative sources of water are not available (e.g., rivers or rain) but that's not hard to put in. I might do that on Day 6 if there's time.

There is a day-night cycle (how the plants grow) and seasons change, but there's no observable differences in these yet. Combat is also there, but rather basic and enemies don't have a good enough AI to fight back.

Today the plan is to expand the content. Add some more plants, enemies, populate the dungeons, and make the plants do something. I'll be adding villagers as well. This should continue into Day 6, so that by the end of Day 6 I'll have all the necessary content for the game to be finished. That gives me Day 7 to fix bugs, clean up the UI, and call it done. Even if I was to end the challenge tonight, I'd still call this a success. It's far more finished than my attempt last year, which didn't even get off the ground. More screenshots will come tonight, when there is something significantly different from the pics above.

7DRLs / Re: Challenge Accepted RL [7DRL 2015]
« on: March 12, 2015, 05:45:50 PM »
Your next game doesn't have to be bigger. A lot of the challenge for the 7DRL is about making something polished that is simple and concise. What are a few mechanics that really work well together? Do they result in something fun? How much depth do they provide? The roguelikes that provide good answers to those questions end up being successful 7DRLs, in that people continue to play and enjoy them. The size, length, or realism and such is not as important.

Unless by "my next game" you meant something outside this challenge... in which case, you can probably ignore all of this.

7DRLs / HarvestRL - Success?
« on: March 12, 2015, 04:04:28 AM »
For this year's challenge I've decided to make a Harvest Moon-style game, with a typical roguelike twist. For those who have played the Rune Factory series of games, it will be similar but with greater randomness to the dungeons (and permadeath). You'll play as a farmer who needs to farm for supplies, to help keep the village alive and well, and clear some dungeons of enemies to finish the plot. After 3 days, I have a random village and surrounding grasslands, some unpopulated nearby dungeons, and basic functionality (movement, bumping to open and punch stuff, looking around, etc.).

Screenshots are below. I'll be blogging the development too here: and on the 7DRL Challenge site once I get access to it again.

Wandering around the village, just leaving the main road.

Looking at a door I closed behind me.

Programming / Re: querying the world and player driven sidequests
« on: April 20, 2012, 10:39:48 PM »
This sounds like an interesting idea, and one that actually makes use of talking to NPCs. I agree with kraflab though, in that this would make for interesting side quests but should not be the main quest.

My only suggestion is to consider how much detail you want to include in your world. In your example of a history book, how long is this list of events? Real history books are not 1 or 2 pages long (nor do real bookshelves only have 1 book on them). However, I think it's extreme to expect players to be interested in reading 50 to 100 pages of randomly generated (or even designer created) history for just one book they found somewhere. While this can really give the world a rich and detailed history, it's probably irrelevant for most players. Especially if it just leads to side quests.

What if books or sources of key words were similar to the queries? So, rather than reading a book to learn about events you just get short poems from bards. It would make sense regarding why it's short and why it's about some past event. Another option would be that when you read books the character reads the whole thing (or part of it), but the player is only shown parts of it that are of interest. In other words, the character only finds a few interesting antecdotes (important keywords which may or may not lead to a quest) and that is what the player is shown when the book is read. This way the player can still search for information, but does not have to do as much work to sort through unnecessary or irrelevant material.

Programming / Rogue-like without combat
« on: April 02, 2012, 02:27:37 PM »
The idea of a roguelike without combat has been discussed in many places before, but I am curious about something. What do you think of a roguelike where combat, and all it's associated stats + inventory mechanics, were included in a game where combat is not the point?

In other words, a game where you could fight all sorts of people but the point is actually to say travel between towns acting as a merchant. Or something similar to Rune Factory, where you need to farm but you can also fight stuff. (Though Rune Factory does still have a combat emphasis, since you can't win or end the game without fighting.)

Any thoughts on this? Clearly the fun of a game would depend on what else you do, but do you think it would be bad to include combat mechanics in an otherwise non-combat game?

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: Foreigners
« on: April 02, 2012, 02:21:43 PM »
When I first became an attorney I used to engage in arguments, trying to get people to think for themselves. I thought of it as furthering the education of the populace. Which is good for society. Then I realized that very few people are actually interested in the truth. Few are interested in the process of critical analysis of any topic. They are more interested in a point of view. Humans very much seem to want to be seen as 'right' more than actually being right. So arguments become debates. Petty, unproductive and self serving for both parties.

That's a petty and unproductive generalization.

It is a generalization, but it is a surprisingly accurate depiction of Western culture at the moment. If people had an interest in truth, they would be more willing to abandon ideas or conclusions that are false regardless of how much they like the idea. This is not the way Western society currently functions. There is a greater emphasis on people feeling happy or good about themselves, about their ideas, and thus more of an emphasis on "being right" rather than actually determining whether their point is correct or not. This is also promoted in politics, where the point isn't to do good things but to say things that will get you elected. (Of course I'm generalizing here, based on how prevalent this seems to be at the national level.)

It is also a symptom of the relativity of truth and rejection of the idea that there might be an objective truth to some problem. For example, the statement "well that's your opinion" can be an acknowledgement that my initial intention was for you to agree with me and not for us to reach the truth of the matter. If I was concerned about truth, I would agree or disagree with you based on rational or empirical grounds, not based on how much I like my conclusion or argument. (The "you" in this statement is for the purpose of illustration, it's not directed at anyone in this forum.)

Such a concept is more obvious in fields where there is little argument about objective truth existing (such as the physical sciences). Although we could certainly say there is an objective truth to social problems, it's not easy to see that might be the case or how we could investigate it. Academics have this issue, and they are supposedly trained for this as well as it being their apparent job to investigate such things. Therefore, how can we expect the average person to investigate the truth of social problems, especially when they may be more concerned about having an income than about truth?

Anyway, getting back to the initial issue, I think it comes down to the following. The state of the world is such that the people in it, and the systems we have created, are moving to a global and interconnected state. We were living in a society of independent nations that just focused on their own problems and deal with other nations as separate groups. As of a century and a half ago or so, the "independent" and "separate" aspects started to become more dependent and combined. Some people don't like this, and thus move against it (either actively fighting it or by refusing to participate). Other people take advantage of it, because global systems have not been properly developed. (The United Nations is not a world government, and if we were to create a world government based on any currently existing government of some country I really don't think it will work.) Other people are not aware of this. Lack of education is a good reason, either a lack because the country or its people are too poor for proper education or the country's government purposely restricts what its people learn.

What do we have as a result? We have some people operating at a global or macro level. NGOs and Multi-national companies are not thinking about operating within a country but above all countries. A multi-national can move its operations wherever because it is not limited to functioning just within one country. There is thus a major economic force acting upon the people in a country. How do people respond? One way is to go where there are jobs, or where one thinks there are jobs. Immigration has of course happened before, but my point is that economic pressures for immigration are now at a global level and not within one country anymore. People don't move from city to city looking for work, now people may have to move from country to country. That is a lot more difficult and more problematic, given the lack of a world infrastructure for such movement and lack of consistent laws or responses from different countries.

I think this is a reason why countries will have to deal with immigration, regardless of whether they want it or not. A country may want to close its borders, but in all practicality this is now impossible. There is external pressure to keep a country open to "foreigners", whether that be people, companies, ideas, etc. The concept of foreigner also only exists if our thinking is at a country level rather than a global level. Such problems may not make sense unless we think in sufficiently macro terms, and then look at the levels below. (And, of course, I can say "think globally" but such a statement on its own is completely unhelpful without providing any supporting frameworks and processes to actually engage in thinking at a global level.)

Just my two cents to this discussion.

Programming / Re: Any thoughts on explicit facing?
« on: September 20, 2011, 03:51:14 AM »
There was a simple java example of a FoV with facing. The player's FoV was cone-shaped, and you used that to figure out which direction you were facing. Enemies also had a cone-shaped FoV but it was drawn (rather than being hidden like in normal RLs) so that you could tell which direction they faced and whether they could see you or not. If you decided to do something like that, then it could technically be done with ascii.

As for whether it's a good idea or not, I think it depends on how well it becomes integrated with the rest of the game. Having to turn all the time to get through some labyrinthine level would be very annoying, since you're essentially pressing two buttons for each step. I think if the levels were more open, but stealth was important, then it'd be worth putting in. (Having a level design like this may also make AI easier...)

Programming / Re: AstralHex Progress
« on: September 02, 2011, 11:20:14 PM »
I think there's already a couple threads in the dev forum here that talk about possible systems for stats and how combat works and such, so you could look into those for some more ideas.

Since you mentioned FFT's timing system I thought I'd mention that you could consider some of the other ideas in that game. Like armor adding to health rather than having a defense stat, dodging being based on the weapon being used to attack you and your shield equipped, differences in timing for spells and various ranged effects, etc.

Facing of course matters in FFT but most people avoid that in RLs due to how annoying it is to implement properly.

All turns are composed of "move + action", and which you perform determines when your next turn is available. So, skipping a move would mean your next turn comes up faster, and skipping both move & action means your turn is available a lot sooner. However, this may be problematic for a RL since you can only do one or the other (move or act) typically. Maybe if skipping your turn (ie: waiting) or going defensive had a temporary affect on your speed could be interesting? I don't know. It'd certainly make for interesting enemies if some went defensive in between attacks to get in a double action here and there.

These details (and way more than anyone should really care about) for FFT are available here in case you're interested.

For a similar FF-like system you could also look at ZODIAC for inspiration. Any system you find you'll have to tweak a bit anyway.

Programming / Re: Catacomb Conundrum
« on: September 09, 2010, 10:44:56 PM »
Controlling an entire family actually sounds like an interesting idea. I think you should keep it in. If you don't want to use an "explore as group" option then don't. Just say the rest of the family has to stay in the house and you could even give them things to do while you explore. I know Mana Khemia had a bulletin board where you assigned jobs to party members to do during the week while you explored (though they seemed to do it on the side and came with you anyway), and one of the Alundra games (I think) had one character explore and the other make items with the components the explorer found.

Oh, then there was Legacy of the Wizard for the NES where you had an entire family that needed to explore a dungeon. Each member of the family had some bonus that you needed to exploit in order to explore one section of the dungeon, but you then had to leave the dungeon and go home so another person could explore the new area. (For example, the father did the most attack damage, the daughter jumped the highest, and the son was the only one who would wield some sword you needed to beat the boss.) I also think if one of the members died in the dungeon you couldn't use them again (permadeath), but I may be thinking of another game.

Those might be some ideas to consider.

Programming / Re: Resolution and Fonts
« on: July 16, 2010, 01:26:44 AM »
Actually, my concern was how to make sure (no matter what screen resolution or font size used) a fixed numbers of tiles in X and Y were available. The problem ended up being a bit more trivial than I expected, but it's good to know others already looked into and discussed this issue.

I also wanted to make sure that if I used some specific window size, all my players could actually see the entire screen. I run into that issue with windowed applications (even non-roguelikes) a lot, and wanted to avoid it.

Programming / Re: Resolution and Fonts
« on: July 10, 2010, 02:36:03 AM »
Huh, imagine that. Well that article addresses my question quite nicely, and the links from there are useful too. Thanks for pointing that one out!

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