I get what you were going for with the title.
But Dogplomacy sounds better.
I was just thinking about that last night actually, and yeah, the title is super-unwieldy. If/when I come back to hack on this some more I'll probably call it that.
Doesn't really convey "extremely bloody stealth/strategy roguelike" idea though...
Seems interesting, however hard to play for me since for some reason tdl refuses to install on my system and the game is really, really slow through wine. Could it be possible to package minimum libraries needed to run the game on linux with the sources? Because the ultra-violence and butt-sniffing is a great concept 
How slow is really, really slow? 'Cos it's ~ .25 - .50s on the average turn (and the first turn takes a couple times that since all the AI routines are kicking in at once) on my machine, which is a straight-up gaming laptop... I tried doing some optimizations but the result turned out to be super buggy and 10 times slower anyway
and it mangled the repo on top of all that...
But yeah, I've got a migraine right now so I can't do much of anything, but once that goes down I'll zip up the required libraries and send 'em to you.
Actually... hmm. This
probably won't work, but try sticking the .py files into the same directory as the executable in the win32 distribution and launching from there. Maybe also try replacing all the "import <bla>" statements with "from library import <bla>".