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Messages - chiguireitor

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Early Dev / Re: Ganymede Gate (Pre-alpha development)
« on: June 14, 2015, 08:42:37 PM »
--Reserved for troubleshooting--

Early Dev / Ganymede Gate - Sci-fi roguelike (Alpha7)
« on: June 14, 2015, 08:42:14 PM »
Hi all! I've been a little shy here and just realized that i was posting on the wrong sub-forum. The Incubator seems rather dead and there's a lot of action going on here on early dev.

Ganymede Gate

Download the ASCII version on

A Sci-fi futuristic game: you're exploring a human base on Ganymede that stopped communicatin home several months ago, there were some promising experiments with AI-bio engineering, but things seem to have went horribly wrong. The jovian moon is set to be nuked, but as the sole member on the UN board against this procedure you blast off with a team to the base to find out what happened and prevent the disaster taking place.

The game features multiplayer gameplay, turn based and *realtime* (don't hate me, just optional) modes, procedural weapon creation and will feature in the near future procedural monster creation, procedural quest lines, daily runs and support for multiple client technologies.

Currently, the game plays on the browser (you need a fairly recent browser with WebGL and WebSockets support) and the server runs on Node.js. The code is up on Github with the latest semi-stable release and support for npm deployment with the command "npm install MultiRL".

Current demo instance running on an Openshift server

Currently the game has 0 analytics (neither client nor server side) so, if you run into a bug or have suggestion just reply here and i'll be sure to reply asap.

Incubator / Re: Alpha development: Ganymede Gate
« on: June 13, 2015, 02:16:23 PM »
Hi luctius, thanks for the feedback... a little late reply from me hehehe

The inspect command is in sore need, as it is one of the main roguelike characteristics that i'm missing.

The realtimeness is optional, and in the current instance ( i've removed it... maybe i'll remove it permanently in the future because the balance issues it raises.

I'm atm working on the content generator, that will be the heart of the game as i want a huge variety of everything on it. For example, there's one ranged weapon (the MP9) that has atm almost 7000 variations (colors, features, ammo, etc). Here's are some of the variations:

Hi peeps! Didn't connect from a long time ago! Thanks for playing the game!

@KhaoTom The seppuku was a bug hehe... will revise it at a later time when i update the game.

@Samildanach Yeah the endgame trigger is shitty... i was critiqued during the 7DRL Jam because the end was crappy.

@vultures I got inspired by the canadians in south park, and that's the simplest character you can do that gets recognized quickly, i'm not an artist! And about the life-supply, i would want one internet point each day plz...

Just did a quick update to add a tutorial and fix the arrow being hard to understand.

7DRLs / Re: Conservation of Ninjutsu [7DRL 2015] [Finished]
« on: March 14, 2015, 08:20:34 PM »
Well done getting it done :-)

I tried it out and after spending alot of time walking with nothing about I came across two people who attacked me. I used smoke and then shuriken to kill them but then my character disappeared (or died?) after I stepped on a corpse and then clicked on the character (I was trying to see if I could pickup the enemies weapon). Any ideas?

Hahaha! That's a bug! If you click on yourself you commit seppukku! Not what i intend it to be.

Post 7DRL i will probably add a (belated) inventory, and some more interesting map generation (right now, you only get a castle and that's it). Like some towns, houses scattered here and there, shops to buy implements, etc. making the game more interesting.

7DRLs / Re: Conservation of Ninjutsu [7DRL 2015] [Finished]
« on: March 14, 2015, 07:20:58 PM »
I gave this a try last night. It needs instructions badly. I don't know what the tools do, it's not clear how I gain or lose ninjutsu, and it's not entirely clear where I'm trying to go (presumably in the direction of the arrow, but the arrow itself is kind of dodgy. It seems like there are terrain effects, but it's hard to tell.

Yes, indeed this is an issue. Will add some of these details on a short tutorial later tonite. For now, here's a grid:

Terrain TypeNinjutsu modifierOxygen modifier

ToolFunctionAI turns before reuse
Smoke bombShrouds the player in smoke, giving you full ninjutsu and APs10
Shuriken stormFires a shuriken to each enemy in a radius, damage proportional to ninjutsu12
Grappling hookLet's you climb over a wall10

7DRLs / Conservation of Ninjutsu [7DRL 2015] [Finished + mini-update]
« on: March 14, 2015, 06:02:18 PM »

Conservation of Ninjutsu

A game where you are a ninja pitted against a king's army, in a mission to assasinate the evil king.

Play with your mouse or cursor keys. WebGL and Android (awaiting to be published) builds available.

Android link

Incubator / Alpha development: Ganymede Gate
« on: February 22, 2015, 05:03:00 PM »
Hi everyone! Been a /r/roguelikedev regular for some time already but haven't taken the time to come here and post a proper forum thread.

So, today i present you "Ganymede Gate" (alpha quality).

The game is a multiplayer sci-fi roguelike, with optional game modes: Turn Based, Turn Based with Deadline and Continuous Turn Based. It is meant to be run on a local multiplayer server, but i haven't yet packaged it to be downloaded.

However, i have a testing server currently on and there you can playtest it. It is unbelievable hard at the moment and there's no level switching, there's a lot to solve yet because the game is being actively developed.

You can control the player with VI keys, WASD+(QEZC (diagonals))+X for wait or the arrow keys. F fires (double F for auto fire nearest), G grabs from the floor, R reloads, Space activates and I opens the inventory. There's currently partial support for mouse controls, but they're buggy atm.

Any questions, advice, critics are well received.

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