Author Topic: Alpha development: Ganymede Gate  (Read 12525 times)


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Alpha development: Ganymede Gate
« on: February 22, 2015, 05:03:00 PM »
Hi everyone! Been a /r/roguelikedev regular for some time already but haven't taken the time to come here and post a proper forum thread.

So, today i present you "Ganymede Gate" (alpha quality).

The game is a multiplayer sci-fi roguelike, with optional game modes: Turn Based, Turn Based with Deadline and Continuous Turn Based. It is meant to be run on a local multiplayer server, but i haven't yet packaged it to be downloaded.

However, i have a testing server currently on and there you can playtest it. It is unbelievable hard at the moment and there's no level switching, there's a lot to solve yet because the game is being actively developed.

You can control the player with VI keys, WASD+(QEZC (diagonals))+X for wait or the arrow keys. F fires (double F for auto fire nearest), G grabs from the floor, R reloads, Space activates and I opens the inventory. There's currently partial support for mouse controls, but they're buggy atm.

Any questions, advice, critics are well received.


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Re: Alpha development: Ganymede Gate
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2015, 04:58:05 PM »
It looks nice, though it took me a second to realise it wasn't turn based ;).

The first time I ticked up  a laser pistoel but could not equip it. At that time I also could exit the inventory but that was just me being stupid. ( exits the inventory).
The gatling laser is quite enjoyable :).

I would like to have an examine command though to look what the red gasses are (I expect flames or something).

It is fun thought a bit hectic.


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Re: Alpha development: Ganymede Gate
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2015, 02:16:23 PM »
Hi luctius, thanks for the feedback... a little late reply from me hehehe

The inspect command is in sore need, as it is one of the main roguelike characteristics that i'm missing.

The realtimeness is optional, and in the current instance ( i've removed it... maybe i'll remove it permanently in the future because the balance issues it raises.

I'm atm working on the content generator, that will be the heart of the game as i want a huge variety of everything on it. For example, there's one ranged weapon (the MP9) that has atm almost 7000 variations (colors, features, ammo, etc). Here's are some of the variations: