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Messages - oldteen

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Early Dev / Souls Rescue
« on: June 20, 2016, 07:00:00 PM »

First of all, sorry for my poor english. We come from Switzerland and we speak french...
My wife and I are doing game prototypes since long time. But this time we decide to move our "ass" and to make a project A to Z. We start the BlackBones Family. This name will regroup our finished projects.

Souls Rescue is a roguelike. We don't try to make something original, we just want to have pleasure to do it.
Some features:
  • random dungeon
  • turn based game
  • 8 environments (crypt, tropical, "void", ice, ...)
  • no direct spells, but a craft system to write your scrolls and make your potions.
  • our recipes for scrolls and potions use reagents from a big game (Ultima 7)
  • need to an ingredient to make a potion? you have a seed? plant it, wait some turns and harvest.
  • get a pet and develop its skills
  • die often

The game in 4 words :
  • turn based
  • pet
  • craft 
  • exploration (traps, hidden rooms, key puzzle, ...)

The background ?
... We have to find one background to justify these ideas :
  • 8 members of your families are death. You are one of them.. 
  • the player choose one of these 8 members to rescue the soul of the others. 
  • when you die, the hero and his inventory are deleted.
  • you can put items in a magical chest to keep them for another try.

A vidéo of the alpha version
Trailer alpha version

Operating system
  • win/linux/osx
  • why not xbox one or ps4

Souls Rescue is written in c# and monogame/fna. Sprites are drawed with Photoshop with love and with a mouse :)

commercial aspect
I work and we don't need more money to live. But if a day we can sell one or two copies to buy a pizza :)


Early Dev / Re: The Dead King (formerly Captive)
« on: October 09, 2014, 09:16:03 AM »
What we plan :

Heavy warrior means heavy armor, shield and one-handed weapon ! Become a tin and decimate the undeads with your spiritual power.

Slash your ennemies. Your kilt and your double-handed axe are your life. Berserker !

Fragile but fast! Hidden magically, you steal other creatures. Fragile but intouchable!

Specialist of bombs and traps. Each of your actions is calculated. Beware of strokes of screwdriver!

Whip your opponents or strike them with your steampunk arbalest. You are the best to find treasures and loots.

Early Dev / Re: The Dead King (formerly Captive)
« on: October 08, 2014, 07:43:54 AM »
add parameters menu to change the game resolution.
More intuitive than select the good "index_XYZ.html" page. Need coockies enabled to save parameters

Early Dev / Re: The Dead King
« on: October 07, 2014, 02:05:24 PM »
Hello koiwai,

Glad you appreciate this prototype. For me this forum was broken down (database error...) and I could not update the first post with new links. It's okay now.
Note : only four floors at this time... just to test theme (outdoor, castle, dirt, "egypt")

- To help adventurer we have added a fairy shopkeeper at first room
- We added hero selection, but at this time, the only effect is visual
- We decide to transform this prototype in a game
- We have some ideas about classes (Adventurer, Fairy, Paladin, Barbarian, more to come)
- We have 10 lines of story to justify the game  ;D

For each item, we choose a percentage chance of appearing for each floor (understandable ?)
When you loot a bag, you can see at bottom left what you have looted (just 4 lines)

The progression of weapons / hero / monsters /... is a big challenge for us, we are not very experimented. Now, I put some values and we try again and again :)

Early Dev / Re: Captive
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:24:36 PM »
Someone already alerts us, but thanks :)
We are thinking about this new name "The Dead King"

Early Dev / Re: Captive
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:48:47 PM »
Note to developer: you can decrease the number of people who rage quit your game in fifteen minutes by a factor ten by making the player start equipped with whatever stuff he starts with.

Good Idea, thanks. Update done :)

Early Dev / Re: Captive
« on: October 01, 2014, 02:00:25 PM »
could be more or less easier with luck or not.
We have to add merchant to counter-balance that.

Early Dev / The Dead King
« on: October 01, 2014, 06:21:29 AM »

First, sorry for my poor English!

Well, after playing hours and hours on Dredmor, Desktop Dungeon or Quest of Dungeons, my wife and me wanted to create something.
She fills sprites sheets and I fill sheets of code.
For this prototype (later maybe a game) we choose to use Haxe language that generate Javascript and WebGL

Give a try :
960x600 ->
1440x900 ->
1920x1200 ->

Runs on last version of IExplore, Firefox and Chrome.
You have to enable javascript.

The Dead King! - alpha 0.001

How to play

-- four bars
- red:health (ok...)
- orange:mana (nothing consume mana at this time)
- green:food (food restore health, no food kill you. To restore health more food is consumed)
- blue:water (water restore mana, no water kill you. To restore mana more food is consumed)
- violet:xp

With luck and good looting, the walk could be easy... else could be hard.
Go too fast will kill you, keep an eye on your food bar.
No consistency between floors
You can't save your progression

-- In game
{Arrows} : move the hero
{I} : show inventory
{Q} : if bow equipped, select a target
{E} : action / pick loots / open-close door / shoot arrows
{Return} : pass your turn
{1-2-3-4-5} : shortcuts
To attack a enemy, just try to walk over it (it also works to open doors)

-- Inventory open
- Items are automatically sorted (equipped - and for family)
{Arrows} : move cursor in your inventory
{I} : hide inventory
{E-Return} : equip / eat / drink / torch on-off / ...
{1-2-3-4-5} : assign shortcuts (on item type)
{S} : sort
{D} : drop an item (make a blue bag, so you can loot it again)

Future plan for alpha state
- add a true map
- add a character sheet
- add more dungeon / cave algorithm
- work on a history / background
- work on a random items creation system
- develop other themes (environments / enemies)
- traps
- portals
- keys puzzles
- more classes (ex:barbarian)

for beta state
- ???? maybe we are dead before this state :)


I am oldteen (Thierry), from Switzerland. I explore dungeons since I was born.
I start many year ago to create them myself and I never stop :)

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