I'm getting a weird issue with blt in python where my fonts are basically just blocks of color. Here's an example:

The one just showing blocks of white is blt, the other is the same code (more or less) in libtcod. I've tried setting background and foreground manually and also using puts instead of printf. Nothing changes unless I change the fireground color, and then I get a new colored block instead of white. As an example, here's the block of code used to render the top line of both images:
terminal.printf(ox, oy, '[color=white][bg_color=black]Hit Location')
terminal.printf(ox+15, oy, 'DERM')
terminal.printf(ox+20, oy, 'TIS')
terminal.printf(ox+25, oy, 'BONE')
libtcodpy.console_print_ex(con, log.x, 0, libtcodpy.BKGND_NONE, libtcodpy.LEFT, 'Hit Location')
libtcodpy.console_print_ex(con, log.x+15, 0, libtcodpy.BKGND_NONE, libtcodpy.LEFT, 'DERM')
libtcodpy.console_print_ex(con, log.x+20, 0, libtcodpy.BKGND_NONE, libtcodpy.LEFT, 'TIS')
libtcodpy.console_print_ex(con, log.x+25, 0, libtcodpy.BKGND_NONE, libtcodpy.LEFT, 'BONE')
Any help is greatly appreciated. I feel like I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to do some fairly basic things in BLT.