What is the best way to start printing where the last print left off? I've been using the measure function but things aren't lining up properly. I think I'm just not using it properly. Here's an example of how I've been trying to use it.
#define TEXT_WIDTH 60
#define TEXT_HEIGHT 30
#define TEXT_X ((SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (TEXT_WIDTH / 2))
#define TEXT_Y 2
char *awesomeText= "I don't know anything about anything. In fact, I can't even say for sure if what I just said is true; and truth be told, I'm not even sure if I can or cannot say anything for sure. I think - not know - that you should, perhaps, ignore me, maybe.";
terminal_print_ext(TEXT_X, TEXT_Y, TEXT_WIDTH, 0, 0, awesomeText);
dimensions_t mark = terminal_measure_ext(TEXT_WIDTH, TEXT_HEIGHT, awesomeText);
terminal_print_ext(mark.width, mark.height, 0, 0, 0, "[color=red]@");
When I do this, the aweomseText is wrapped correctly but the red @ is printed on the second - at "I think - not know -", rather than the end of the string.