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Topics - Kalantir

Pages: [1]
Temple of the Roguelike / Roguelike Database Broken?
« on: February 27, 2011, 10:08:43 PM »
I went through and rated all the roguelikes I played, and went to leave some comments, to find that I was no longer logged in.  So I assumed my session timed out and logged back in.  I re-rated all the roguelikes I've played and went to leave a comment and found that I was once again logged out.  I logged back in, and scrolled to the bottom of the roguelike databse screen and saw that it said I was already logged out.  How do I log in to the databse?

Early Dev / Feature Creeper
« on: November 06, 2010, 04:03:28 AM »
I just beat Feature Creeper for the first time and I must admit it is pretty fun!  Anyone else here played or beaten it?  I thought the ending was a little anti-climatic and there's a little bit too much luck involved imo.  Other then that its a solid coffee-break roguelike.

Classic Roguelikes / My idea of a fun roguelike has changed...
« on: October 31, 2010, 03:07:12 AM »
At first, I loved roguelikes such as Nethack, Adom, Omega, and such because they were so in depth and challenging that it gave a feeling of satisfaction when I reached a part of the game I hadn't yet been to.  Now however, I find that my standards are changing.  I would like to play many easy-medium difficulty roguelikes of short-medium length.  The problem is, I am having trouble weeding out the ones worth playing from the ones I haven't.  Here's a list of the ones I've played which match what I'm talking about.

A Quest Too Far
Ali Baba's Cave
Hydra Slayer
You Only Live Once

Do any of you have any roguelikes you could recommend which is along the same lines as those?

Programming / My new roguelike
« on: October 08, 2010, 12:54:04 PM »
Sorry, if this is in the wrong I you can see I am new here.

Anyways, I started a new roguelike, and wanted to share some ideas I have for it and was maybe looking for second opinions on some things.

I'm very loosely going for an Adom type of feel.

The premise behind this game is a persistent save file for each real life player.  As the player achieves certain scores or does certain things in game, it will unlock new races which become available once the current character retires or dies. So, even though you have a save file which does not delete upon loading the game, you still restart your character upon dying. Eventually, every creature in the game will be a playable race.  NPC's, monsters, and players are all treated the same via polymorphism.

I have been working on this over the last couple days.  So far I have managed to set up a world map, which can randomly generate towns/dungeons/whatever else i want. Each time a player enters a town/dungeon/whatever a "portal" is saved for that location on both ends linking the areas to each other.  So, you can enter locations, leave them, come back to them later, and it remembers them.  I also am almost finished with the "lighting engine".  Basically just what determines what can and cant be seen.  I still must write the random map generators for each different type of map.  Currently the field map just has a few random trees, towns are completely empty except for a few houses with no doors, dungeons are just a staircase leading back to the surface in a large empty room.

Ideas I'm looking for are
What method should I use to generate a random dungeon?  Have any of you played the 7drl "You Only Live Once"?  It's one of my favorites and I think it has a pretty nice look to its dungeons.  It seems like it randomly pieces together like 5x5 grids of preset tile groups or something to that effect.  Does anyone know how I would go about creating those?

How should I do the random world generator?
Currently, the world generator only creates a border of mountains around the edge of the map, and then generates random cities, mountains, and dungeons with the rest filled in with plains.
I just dont know where to begin to actually generate a semi-realistic world.  Also, I must figure out how to  generate a race-specific town for each race to start in.  That should be relatively easy for all intelligent and humanoid races... but animal creatures would have to be handled differently..

Sorry my post is such a mess and so long, but I'm really tired.. Anyways, I hope I got across what I meant to.

Here's a link if you want to see what I have so far.
Yes, I realize the field of view looks screwed up especially in villages.

hjlyubn for movement
> to enter a location (field, town, dungeon)
< go up a staircase

You can see how the field of view works better if you > into any field " and observe how trees effect it.

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