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Messages - DrOctapu

Pages: [1]
Other Announcements / Re: Acquiring feedback for your roguelike project
« on: August 30, 2010, 08:24:23 PM »
It's not all bad. I didn't know about this site before, and now I do! And I'm really interested in playing some Roguelikes. So at least you've gotten some positive traffic from all of this :)

Other Announcements / Re: Acquiring feedback for your roguelike project
« on: August 29, 2010, 05:42:31 PM »
Dark, no. Original, yes. The idea was a new one, so people flocked to it.

Early Dev / Re: Serial Killer Roguelike
« on: August 29, 2010, 04:16:32 PM »
His stupid cunt wife told him to stop, which is why he did. It wasn't an actual troll, just that he has a bitchey wife who kept him from making something neat. Oh well, good job there no nuts.
Who told you that? That's much more disappointing than the troll.

Early Dev / Re: Serial Killer Roguelike
« on: August 29, 2010, 07:12:37 AM »
Unfortunately, I am banned from posting on the Bay12Forums. As I have no intent of trolling anyone or coming off as a troll, I am not going to use tor or a proxy or something else to log in, as it's their decision and I can respect that. I know that I'm not CrimsonKing, and I hope that others do too, but ToadyOne and ThreeToe do not. I'll have to live with the inability to lurk, too, as they have me IP banned, forever. Seems harsh and baseless, unfortunately. Additionally, I withdraw my offer for help in creating the game.
EDIT: I have got the tileset that the guy used in the hoax, it's located at .
EDIT 2: He has left youtube now after finding out that I was posting quotes from our conversation. He said some awful stuff about toadyone and his fanbase, myself, and his fanbase. He deleted the youtube account shortly after, and has seen this thread.

Someone should lock this thread too. The trolling is pretty much over, haha. Trying to continue it here is silly.
Yeah, but we should get another going to find developers. Bay12 had quite a few but they've been locking threads and banning people baselessly.

Early Dev / Re: Serial Killer Roguelike
« on: August 29, 2010, 02:29:21 AM »
Unfortunately, I am banned from posting on the Bay12Forums. As I have no intent of trolling anyone or coming off as a troll, I am not going to use tor or a proxy or something else to log in, as it's their decision and I can respect that. I know that I'm not CrimsonKing, and I hope that others do too, but ToadyOne and ThreeToe do not. I'll have to live with the inability to lurk, too, as they have me IP banned, forever. Seems harsh and baseless, unfortunately. Additionally, I withdraw my offer for help in creating the game.
EDIT: I have got the tileset that the guy used in the hoax, it's located at .
EDIT 2: He has left youtube now after finding out that I was posting quotes from our conversation. He said some awful stuff about toadyone and his fanbase, myself, and his fanbase. He deleted the youtube account shortly after, and has seen this thread.

Early Dev / Re: Serial Killer Roguelike
« on: August 29, 2010, 01:16:55 AM »
I'm just determined to make this game now! Bastard. Well played.
I know. That was my EXACT reaction to finding out he was trolling us.
EDIT: Posting continued on bay 12. In the other games category.

Early Dev / Re: Serial Killer Roguelike
« on: August 29, 2010, 01:09:41 AM »
I hate to bump, but I have a bit of a revelation here:
Quote from: SKRoguelike
Or maybe, just maybe, I had an idea for a game that I didn't have the skills to make. Maybe I figured I'd pretend to make it. Give a bunch of idea's cloaked as features. Then maybe I figured I'd piss everyone off by telling them it's all bullshit.

Then maybe someone would actually make the game just to spite me.


Early Dev / Re: Serial Killer Roguelike
« on: August 29, 2010, 01:05:29 AM »
I will always believe that he saw all the articles that were written about it and how excited people were for it and just chickened out.
That's the logic I'm using right now while talking with him. If anything, I hope to get him to release it in it's current state, if he's not a troll.

Early Dev / Re: Serial Killer Roguelike
« on: August 29, 2010, 12:54:29 AM »
Hello gents. I have talked to Youtube's SKRoguelike account and they made a reference to MI-4, aka the British FBI. However, any American is unlikely to have knowledge of MI-4, let alone use it in average conversation. Additionally, this CrimsonKing's local time from his profile is only 1 time zone away from me, in America. Sounds like they were hacked to me.

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