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Messages - Gamer_2k4

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The Wayback Machine's version of The Roguelike Graveyard still has some files accessible, I think:

Of them, I had always thought Wish was pretty nifty, even if it never got anywhere.

Okay, first rule of roguelike development:
It's "Rogue," not "Rouge."

(Someone had to say it.)

One thing I can't understand: why this game has ascii graphics? It's not a roguelike and ascii (tile based mechanics) makes it only worse. You get nothing from using ascii.

Are you kidding? The game looks beautiful!

I say, keep up the good work.

Programming / Re: Worst bug you had?
« on: December 25, 2008, 02:00:15 AM »
My most obscure big was one where the player lost hitpoints inexplicably from time to time.  Turned out I left a pointer to the player on the stairs when he left a level, so the monsters could still attack that.  It was only a lucky guess that found it for me.

There is a pretty extensive help menu in the game, accessed intuitively by pressing the '?' key.

Programming / Re: My roguelike idea - The zombie survivalist.
« on: December 05, 2008, 07:31:57 PM »
'i' like in "bingo", 'do' like in dog.
Whoa...that's like "ihdaw" or something (at least, based on how I pronounce "bingo" and "dog").  I always pronounced it eye-doe.  But what do I know, right?

Other Announcements / Re: Any news?
« on: November 14, 2008, 04:50:53 PM »
And as always, Dwarf Fortress is still going strong:

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Twilight - A multiplayer roguelike
« on: October 23, 2008, 05:50:25 AM »
Because the author seems reluctant to publicize this game, I'll do it.  The game is called Twilight and is a multiplayer roguelike.  That's right, you can start a new character, grab some friends, and go adventuring across a pretty large world killing all kinds of monsters and collecting a wide variety of items.  You have to connect via telnet, and while instructions are found at the game's Roguebasin page, lazy Windows users (I know I'm one =P ) might find it easier to just use the batch file that I'll link to at the end of this post.  So take a look, because what good is a multiplayer roguelike without players?

Roguebasin page:
World map:
Quick connect batch file:

Remember, this is not my game.  The map and the Roguebasin page are not my work, and the game itself definitely isn't either.  I'm just posting it because pretty much the only other way to hear about the game is in the #rgrd IRC channel.

Other Announcements / Re: Need help find a rougelike game
« on: October 04, 2008, 01:57:13 AM »
Dwarf Fortress.  I hear it's pretty awesome after the month or so it takes to figure it out. :P

Other Announcements / Re: A game without food
« on: September 14, 2008, 02:33:41 PM »
Dwarf Fortress AM has no food (last time I played anyway).

I can't confirm or deny that for sure, but the wiki says the following:
"Pressing T will let you see a very zoomed out map of the surrounding area. Moving about on this map is much faster, as well as it heals your adventurer, keeps him from starving, dehydrating, or getting tired."

So I guess food has some role in AM, though I don't play it enough to really know.

Programming / Re: Developing a scripting system
« on: August 15, 2008, 03:32:23 PM »
Hi all! I'm glad I found this place! I'm a month or 2 into development of a roguelike. Programming it with C++ using SDL and SDL_TTF. My overall vision is a game that combines what I consider the best parts of my favorite roguelikes (mostly ADOM and nethack), with many unique additions of my own. I've already scoured the articles on Roguebasin but real dialogue is always nice.


Here's where the topic comes in: I have my heart set on a highly flexible scripting system to be used in the external data files in the game. If things work out properly, I would want to have almost everything except for the most basic game engine details to be defined in external files rather than hard-coded. Everything from random map parameters, specific maps, quests, items, monsters and monster AI, skills, effects, etc.

You sound like me five years ago. =P

I always wanted to have a customizable game, but then I realized something: At some point, I'm going to want certain elements of the game hard-coded.  If the player doesn't have access to data about the boss monster, or certain quests, or artifact properties, they'll be able to play the game as it was designed, instead of going through quickly and easily because they know how everything works.

The next step in this thought process was the realization that if there is going to be customizable content, it will be implemented and added after the real game is made.  What's the point in customizing if the game isn't done and ready to accept those customizations? Therefore, since we know that we're going to hard code the actual game anyway, and that user-defined content is irrelevant until there IS an actual game, it only makes sense to not worry about scripting until much later in the development process.

Is this an excuse for poor and limited game design? Of course not.  Luckily, there's a pretty substantial difference between "flexible" and "can handle everything", the main one being that the first is achievable.  When you start by hardcoding a game, you add features as they become needed, rather than the scripting approach, which says, "The player MIGHT want to do this or MIGHT want to do that, so I'd better include it."

My suggestion (if it wasn't clear by now) is to write the game as you want it, then later add scripting as an additional interface to editing content (the first being changing the source code).  You'll actually make tangible progress, and tangible progress is what keeps a developer interested in his own project.

Other Announcements / Re: The IRDC Thread
« on: August 15, 2008, 02:44:18 PM »
Unfortunately, Berlin is a bit out of my way.  Otherwise I'd be there without a second thought.

Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Good coffeebreak rls?
« on: August 15, 2008, 02:35:31 PM »
We then continued using it and made it canon (the same for talkie talkie projects, first used by Slash on rgrd too)

It's okay to talk in the first person here.  We don't mind. ;)

Programming / Re: random and balanced
« on: July 23, 2008, 08:29:32 PM »
Probably I'm thinking way to hard about this, but if you say a roguelike has to be winnable, do you mean: there must be a chance to win, or do you mean good strategic thinking has to make you a winner? In my point of view at the moment it's a game of chance with information, like poker.

I'm too impulsive to be any good at roguelikes myself, but I have the distinct impression that roguelikes can be won consistently by experienced players.  Winning a roguelike relies on knowing the game mechanics.  Once you know what's going on (such as needing a certain immunity before going below a certain dungeon level), you won't have to deal with unexpected instant deaths or other hindrances.

I would think that an easy roguelike allows the player to win once he knows how the game works, while a hard roguelike would require the player to make certain decisions even after the rules are known.  An example might be a dungeon where you have to deal with cold hounds and basilisks.  Do you wear the ring of resist cold or the ring of resist petrification? Basically, even when the player knows what resources he needs to win, the game will limit those resources.

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