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Messages - Gamer_2k4

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Programming / Re: Labyrinth generation
« on: July 11, 2007, 04:23:26 PM »
Prim's/Kruskal's algorithms: fill a map with rock tiles, then dig out 1x3 sections, making sure each section overlaps with a single previously dug out tile. This creates a perfect maze, i.e. one that has a single path from one point to another. (Doesn't occur in any RLs that I know of)
The minotaur mazes in ADOM use this approach, I believe.

I'd be very interested if anyone knows more techniques or references.
Dungeondweller has several articles about this sort of thing, as well as many other aspects of roguelike development.  Most of the articles have probably also been transferred to RogueBasin.

Classic Roguelikes / Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
« on: July 02, 2007, 10:29:43 PM »
Then you can choose... the pyramid or the tower of eternal flames. You will die either way :)

The pyramid is MUCH easier than the ToEF.  There are just a lot of traps.

I'm Gamer_2k4, that one guy from r.g.r.d.  I don't play roguelikes much anymore, but I'm developing one called Labyrinth of Reptoran.  I also participated in the 7DRL challenge last year, and ended up writing a game called Magic Monsters.  I use C++ and PDCurses.

What? PERSONAL details?

Ok, I'm 18 years old and just finished my freshman year at Milwaukee School of Engineering, studying software engineering.  I got hooked on roguelikes maybe 10 years ago, when my friend introduced me to Moria.  I then proceeded to discover Angband, Nethack, and *gasp* ADOM.  Later, I found out about Gearhead and really liked it.  But, through all of that, I continued to think "I can make a better one."  So here I am, roguelike developing.

Programming / Re: Saffron - Stealth Puzzle Roguelike - Preview
« on: June 30, 2007, 07:41:53 PM »
Well, I'm working on something like this myself, with varying levels of light intensity (0 to 100).  Whenever two beams intersect, the light is amplified somewhat.  I have a demo of the lighting system on my other computer; I'll post some screenshots and the binary as soon as I can.
Does the light affect how far away the player can be seen? For example, a player in 50% light could be seen from 5 squares away and a player in 70% light could be seen from 7? That kind of thing.

Yes, and there are view cones instead of a circular LOS.  Basically, the more alert you are, the farther you can see in front of you, but the less you can see around you.  That means facing is pretty important.  I'm attaching a file, LOStest, to sort of demonstrate the LOS cones.  It will prompt you for several things.
i: -1, 0, or 1; facing north, east or west, or south, respectively
j: -1, 0, or 1; facing west, north or south, or east, respectively
radius: self-explanatory
intensity: 1, 2, or 3; higher numbers mean smaller view cone

Quote from: Gamer_2k4
EDIT: Here are some screenshots.
Thanks for posting the screenshots, they're very interesting. Any chance of a binary so we can try it out and see what else has been implemented?

Actually, that's really all that HAS been implemented.  Remember, since lighting is so key to this game, I wanted to get it completely working before I did anything else.

But, I'll attach the binary (Windows only, sorry).  Basically, arrow keys move you around, and walking on a feature will destroy it.
@: you
*: light source
~: curtain (blocks all but the brightest light)
#: window or wall (walls block all light, windows block very little)

Oh, and there's no bounds checks right now, so don't walk off the edge of the map.

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: i to the r to the c
« on: June 30, 2007, 04:39:10 AM »
There's SUPPOSED to be a #rgrd channel somewhere...not sure if anyone goes there.

Programming / Re: Saffron - Stealth Puzzle Roguelike - Preview
« on: June 30, 2007, 04:28:00 AM »
How does your lighting system work?  Do two lights add to each other, or does each just have their own light range that happens to intersect with the other?
They intersect, because I want to keep light simple, so squares are either dark or light. If the player is in a square that can be seen by a creature, but it's in darkness, they don't get spotted. If it's in light, they do. I'm happy with how the light works, but if you have any suggestions, I'd be interested to know.

Well, I'm working on something like this myself, with varying levels of light intensity (0 to 100).  Whenever two beams intersect, the light is amplified somewhat.  I have a demo of the lighting system on my other computer; I'll post some screenshots and the binary as soon as I can.

It's not very complete right now, mainly because this is a side project, so it doesn't get a lot of attention from me.  However, I'm also stumped when it comes to three-dimensional lighting (I want you to be able to climb on roofs and the like; naturally, you should be able to see lights from below you), and since I want to get the lighting done before I implement anything else, the game is at a standstill.

EDIT: Here are some screenshots.  Watch the room on the left as the lights get put out, one by one.  Also, notice that you have a light meter on the lower left.

Early Dev / Re: Post your mortem of a newborn roguelike!
« on: June 29, 2007, 10:18:01 PM »
Not much of a screenshot, but it may get some people interested in the game:

The game is Magic Monsters, a somewhat unknown game that I made for a 7DRL competition last year.

Programming / Labyrinth of Reptoran
« on: June 29, 2007, 10:04:30 PM »
I've been working on Labyrinth of Reptoran off and on for a little while now.  It's part of a series I hope to make called the Reptoran Saga.  Details are here:

Also, the first game in my 7DRL series has been in a playable state for quite some time now.  Magic Monsters has a very steep learning curve, but some of you may like it:

Programming / Re: Labyrinth generation
« on: June 29, 2007, 09:56:17 PM »
Does it have to be a maze?  I have a pretty decent generator that makes good caves using a raycasting technique.

I played ADOM and Nethack and thought "I could make a game like this.  But mine will be better!"  So, I learned to program my calculator, then QBASIC, then C++, then Java.  My game is being written in C++ right now, and if I ever worked on it, I think it could be pretty good. >_>

Programming / Re: Saffron - Stealth Puzzle Roguelike - Preview
« on: June 29, 2007, 09:50:55 PM »
How does your lighting system work?  Do two lights add to each other, or does each just have their own light range that happens to intersect with the other?

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