jim wrote on
2012.01.25 11:46:52:
Not a big fan of this one. I got bored very quickly and gameplay was very repetitive. Judiciously applied pyromancy means an automatic win. I guess the graphics and campy flavor have a lot to do with the game's popularity, which is fine by me, but it's by no means a great roguelike.
infidel wrote on
2014.12.22 21:07:46:
I've had misgivings about this one for years but when I've finally tried it, the humor and charm quickly won me over. This game has a lot of personality.
Chocolate Cheddar wrote on
2017.03.03 09:04:52:
Would be much more fun if I didn't experience crashes and save file corruptions (as of 2017). For a good game, it really doesn't want you to play it.