The IRLDb allows its users to provide the following information about their standings with roguelikes.
You need to be
logged in to the
Roguetemple Forums to submit your ratings, experience, and comments.
You can find people who have already submitted their information
- Ratings
Each player can rate the quality of each roguelike (based on their aesthetics, control system, roguelikeness,
innovation, completeness, lack of bugs, etc.)
- @ - not much reason to try this one
- @@ - not good, but there are some good things about it
- @@@ - a good game
- @@@@ - definitely recommended
- @@@@@ - everyone should play it!
Click on one of the "@" signs in the rating column to rate games. To remove your rating, click the "-" sign.
It's your decision whether you want your votes to be anonymous or not. (You can choose to be anonymous or
not independently for each game; when submitting your votes, only ratings you have clicked on have their
anonymity changed.)
- Experience
Each player can state their experience with each game:
- @ - newbie, just started
- @@ - got some basic understanding about how the game works
- @@@ - had significant understanding and successes, but no wins yet
(e.g. reached the flame wall in ADOM, got one Rune in Dungeon Crawl, etc.)
- @@@@ - won
- @@@@@ - won a challenge game (e.g. ultimate victory and/or winning
with multiple classes in ADOM, winning Crawl with lots of Runes and/or many different races and classes,
etc.) I guess you could also select this if you just think the game is simple and has no more secrets before
Don't cheat! You should not mark yourself as a winner if you have been save scumming or doing
another obvious cheating or bug abuse. Other than @ and @@@@, experience rating is a bit subjective
(for games with no victory condition, you should also probably subjectively decide whether you can call
yourself a winner - I think a good general rule would be that you can call yourself a winner if you have
reached deep enough that you have witnessed everything that the game has to offer (if no new monsters or
items have been appearing in the last few levels, then you are a winner), although this rule still
does not make sense for every game). Click on one of the "@" signs in the XP column to
rate your experience. To remove your rating, click the "-" sign.
- Feedback
Feedback can be used for any kind of written information: feedback to the game's developer, comments about the game,
mini-reviews, provide detailed information what is good and bad about each title, which challenges you have
successfully completed, etc.