i started a thread on bay12games forum about your game, the people like RogueSurvivor a lot!
One bug i found:
When you drop stackable items and the ground is full they will vanish.
Couple of ideas of things i would like to see in the feature:
1. I like how followers have their own mind, but some orders would be great. When to sleep, when to eat, when to run, when to barricade...
2. Ammo. Guns should be really scarce, ammo should be more common ...yet still pretty scarce.
3. Im not sure, but the stuff in shops seems like its geting respawned. If yes, in options to be able to set how often and how much should respawns or not respaw at all.
4. Its too easy to kitte zombies- Most zombies have a speed of .66. That means that they miss every third move. So move back and forth a space from them until they move twice in a row, moving next to you on the second move. Attack them then move away. Repeat. (credits to mainiac) ...perhaps add some randomness to the speed.
5. Zombie and human population moving between districts- humans fleeing from zombie horde zombies follow them. (levels of zombie infestation differs and changes from district to district resulting in districts deserted and some infested or safe)
6. Encumberence to have impact on speed and stamina.
7. Not sure if this is possible but i would like to see humans and groups of humans buiding safehouses and going for scavengeruns and returning to safehouse to get some sleep. Ai works fine btw but lacks some long time planning. ...on the other side im playing with max population and the game is very quick, congrats on that.
8.Aiming, a round spending aiming could raise chance to hit. Possible only when not hungry sleepy and out of breath.
9.In options a chance to get infected when hp gets low. -antidote in CHAR buildings.