Author Topic: Some themes, have they been done before?  (Read 30224 times)


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Some themes, have they been done before?
« on: March 22, 2010, 10:34:41 PM »
Hello all, I'm a bit new here, looking to develop a more traditional Roguelike. I did an ill concieved realtime scifi graphical game for the recent 7DRL, called GUNFIST!. It didn't come out as more than anything but an example of how to do a topdown shooter with random one screen levels. Sad. So this time I'm going for a more traditional turn and tile based design.

I have a few ideas on theme I want to run past some of you to see if it has been done before. I don't want to make a clone.

For example, a wacky and/or serious Dungeons & Tolkiens has been done very well by Nethack and Crawl Stone Soup already. So that theme is out. So here are my theme ideas (the finalists at least.)

Black Pope (Horror)
- The Pope (Good Pope and/or White Pope) has asked you descend into the catacombs under the Vatican and confront the Black Pope (aka Anti Christ). This will be a classic Catholic Horror roguelike with lots of demons, holy artifacts, etc...The difficulty here would be to not offend the true believers. Character Classes would be Monk, Priest, Crusader, Virgin, etc...Enemies would be Ghouls, Ghosts, Vampires, Demons, maybe even Old Scratch himself.

Escape Station (Scifi) - The title says it, you are in prison at the lowest depths of an asteroid space station. Chaos attacks the station, you must escape. Character classes would be Soldier, Agent, Diplomat, Mindwalker etc...No skills, 4 attributes only (str, int, con, dex). You can carry as much Gear as you have STR, learn as many Psionic abilities as you have intelligence, handle as much cyberware as you have constitution. Mutation would alter attributes. Pretty simple really. Enemies would be the classic grid bugs, face huggers, Xenomorphs, Predators, Terminators, Droids etc...

Klingon (Scifi, Ship Based) - Your 'character' would be a ship. Story would be that you have been exiled for cowardice on a freighter with other cowards. In order to redeem yourself you must take this hull and win back your honor. The ship will basically have so many 'slots' you can place parts on. Weapons, extra armor (hullpoints), Shields, Sensors etc...Maps would be of the entire star system on grid with Planets of various atmospheres, Bases of various hostility, Asteroids to hide in, Stars you don't want to get close to etc...Character classes, should they even apply would be Engineer, Tactical, Navigation, Science etc...I'm nearly positive this has no been done.

Well thanks for reading, I would enjoy feedback.


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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2010, 10:52:58 PM »
Well, in my (albeit limited) experience, it seems the vast majority of successful roguelikes are fantasy-based; which is to say, any idea that breaks from that and goes in another direction (such as sci-fi) is fairly original by default. That's not to say it's never been done before, but it's certainly a fair few steps further up the originality ladder than yet more orcs and elves. :) With that said:

Black Pope: Interesting idea, and I don't think I've seen horror done much in roguelikes, other than an attempt with CthAngband (is that still around?). I can't help but be reminded of the first Diablo game, which starts off with a descent into a demon-infested church, though that's pretty much where the similarities end. I definitely like the idea of a horror-themed roguelike though, that's something there hasn't been nearly enough of.

Escape Station: Gameplay-wise, I imagine this'd play much like a reverse ironman? I personally haven't seen much at all by way of space-themed sci-fi roguelikes, though I'm sure someone more knowledgable than me on the 'scene' may disagree. Still, I like this idea, it has a lot of potential. :)

Klingon: Probably the most original idea of the three, IMHO, and one that could work well if pulled off right, though I magine it'd be quite difficult to implement compared to the other two. Kinda like a roguelike version of Elite, in a way? I actually considered something similar myself, originally (though not Star Trek themed, much as I love ST) but scrapped it because it seemed far too complex and problematic to execute. My only real concern is that you say you're looking to develop "a more traditional roguelike", though something of this sort is anything but traditional -- it's a good idea and could be a lot of fun, but it's a long shot from tradition. :)
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SUDD: An all-new sci-fi/fantasy roguelike in the making!


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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2010, 12:20:32 AM »
  Hey TY. By traditional I mean turn based and maybe ascii. My last attempt was basically a top down shooter with random levels, with animated graphics. And it sucked IMHO.

  Elite: Space Trading game. I think there is a guy making one like this, called Privateer. You should check it out. I couldn't figure out what to do! Looks well done though.

  My idea would be very little trading. Salvage = Loot. Fuel = Food. And the scale would be one planet/star/asteroid field/ship per tile. Just like in rogue you run into enemies to attack. Firing all active weapons, there will be some 'ranged' weapons like long range missiles maybe.

  This idea is on the top of the list right now. But once I have the engine built I'll be able to port it to my other ideas I think. Hell if I get too crazy I could include the Escape Station ideas as an AWAY MISSION type mode. Lol.

But one should try not to include too much. At least not at first.

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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2010, 12:32:06 AM »
There's a couple of Elite-esque roguelikes out there, but I've not heard of a space sim focused on combat.  The Klingon idea sounds quite cool in that respect.

For the Satanic game you might want to look a little at two of the 7DRLs written this year - City of the Condemned (play as angels or demons in the battle for a city's souls) and Demonhunt (hunt lots of demonic enemies in bloody dungeons).  Neither do what you're saying, but they touch on the same theme.

The Escape Station theme could be good - not something I've seen before.  The setting sounds a little restricted though.  Something a little more bizarre might allow more development freedom.  For instance, escape from a medical lab where scientists have been conducting strange experiments on you.  You'd have to battle the security systems and other test subjects, whilst uncovering your new powers (whatever they may be).  You could upgrade yourself with new things you find as you explore the labs, but doing so would lose a little more of your humanity.

Getting a good game idea isn't just about doing something different, it's also about allowing scope for interesting gameplay and fun content.


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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2010, 01:18:32 AM »
I like the sound of the Black Pope one, and the escape the space station one sounds cool too.


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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2010, 01:36:36 AM »
  Thanks guys, for the comments. I've decided to make a design document for each one, see how it all fits together and go from there. I'm a big planner. Things spin out of control if you don't plan.


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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2010, 01:46:56 AM »
I vote for the pope one because it has the most intriguing setting for me.


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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2010, 05:24:45 PM »
I like the Pope one because I are Catholic. The Irish kind, mind you, not the Hispanic, Korean, or dreaded Italian kinds.

Hey, um, has anyone ever done a literary-themed Roguelike? Not just one book, mind you, a buncha them all in one game. Preferably with the exception of Tolkien.


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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2010, 05:43:44 PM »
Well man there is a *band based on the Zelany books. Zangband? There is an Aliens one, but I think that's more based on the movie. I really liked it.


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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2010, 01:06:10 PM »
Being saved by Jesus Christ and inspired by his teachings he got from God myself and as a variant of a peaceful christian rogue-like, I'd propose this idea:
   You're a Jesus Christ's disciple, going around cities and villages, preaching, baptizing in Jesus' name performing miracles - heal the sick and lepers, raise the dead and cast out devils, to make people believe in God, and give praise to God - since He gives you the powers, otherwise you won't be able to do
   There are different powers: to speak different languages to convert foreigners, poison will not affect you, prophecies, invisibility to non-believers, dream visions with quests or warnings, destruction of idols. There are requirements as told by Jesus: you shouldn't take any money for your work, and you should immediately leave cities that wouldn't receive you; God won't like you mingle with non-believers.
   The more you get faith from God, the more you'll be
tried by non-believers who will hate you and cause you mischief: being jailed, hit, stoned, tortured, thrown to animals, burned at the stake or crucified. A death like a martyr surely means immediate ascension into the kingdom of God. Sinning like don't do to others what you wouldn't like for yourself, lust, fornication, lies, judging people, hypocrisy, killing, stealing and other things God forbid reduces your faith and increases the chances you forget of God and become a false prophet without any powers. To clean sins you must repent; fasting provides increased effect, but people shouldn't see you fast or pray.
   Good things like do to others what you'd like for yourself and conversion of non-believers increases your faith and cleans you of sins. You can also meet false prophets or magicians which you must convert or take away their false powers with God's miracles and prayer. People doing sins must be converted and asked for repentance, they also should not follow idols. People are converted better on seeing miracles. In some tough situations, God may send you angels, which are not winged men, to help you out or deliver you from death or jail. If you die like a martyr you win, given a position in God's kingdom according to your deeds; false prophets and unrepentant sinners go to hell, for eternal torture, but it's only for God to decide whoever goes where.

   And that's all, it's what wisdom God has taught me, even if I am not a perfect christian, but good thing is he forgives the repentant. Perhaps the idea may not sound fun, but look closely at what humor/fun is - mostly things that God forbid; hacking/shooting people in games is fun, but in reality it's killing, insulting and judging other people is forbidden, sexual stuff is lust, slapstick is not what you'd like for yourself, jokes and anecdotes are commonly about lies and adultery; check for yourselves - it's everywhere in music, movies, books, etc. Though I'm not judging, I only tell what God has let me see, 'cause I didn't realize that myself.
   I'm only talking about things that seem fun but are forbidden by God.
I'm also preaching here about God, because being even the  smallest one in Heaven for ever, is INCOMPARABLY MUCH better that getting the biggest fan base with a rogue-like game, and attracting girls and getting proud by that fact for a tiny painful life.
  Living by God's rules versus living by this world's rules is like peace versus war. Though if I did say something that Jesus didn't tell, don't believe me, believe him. Only through Jesus can one be saved, not through me.


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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2010, 02:00:11 PM »
Jesus Christ.. this was just what we were missing, a jesus nut.


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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2010, 02:36:48 PM »
C'mon, dude, Jesus nuts are yummy.

*munch munch*


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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2010, 02:40:11 PM »
Why do  you call me that? Didn't you know what Jesus taught "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Reason who am by this: The whole world tells you to do something, that in the end brings you harm. Then you find a book that contains the recordings about a man that said his knowledge and power came from God, as you try to apply the things he taught, you find it brings you good results and peace. Whom will you listen to? The whole world or that man - God's son?


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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2010, 03:45:15 PM »
And a completely tone-deaf one at that, Krice.


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Re: Some themes, have they been done before?
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2010, 03:47:54 PM »
C'mon now, Perdy, why would you need to listen to anyone but Christ? He has all the knowledge of the universe, minus dinosaurs.