Hello fellow roguelikers.
Here is roguelike game I developed for almost two years in my spare time.
It's still in beta state, but most content is here.
Download page:
http://wq.rlgclub.ru/downloads_eng.htmlThe game is about apprentice wizard who made his way
into trouble due to own stupidity. Now he need your
help to survive. Read manual for details please.
What you can find in this game:
1. Original light system. There is no such thing as permalit cells.
2. Original time system. Effect of most actions happen after
time is spent for this action. You start casting spell,
monsters can move or attack while you casting it,
and than you release it. Drinking potions is not instant too.
It is possible to evade ranged attacks.
3. 12 base magic elements. Any two base elements can be fused,
resulting in 66 possible extended elements.
Special effects of this 12+66 elements is what makes characters
variety in wq.
Don't take fusion system too seriously. It's not realistic sim or
But there is still little logic behind fusion

4. The deeper you go, the more powerful items you will find.
Some items can significally change combat cycle/tactics.
5. There are a few minigames. I'll make more later.
6. There is minimal move/attack animations that make
things a little more clear even without looking into message log.
There is also floating minitext for damage/effects.
And colored glow around letters for effects.
7. There are 2 new monsters each level.
Some monsters are not too original, but some
have quite interesting abilities.
8. There is ultimate escape ability - controlled blink.
It's available right away. But you need to actually see
destination cell. i.e. it must be lit!
At first game may seem very difficult.
But once you get used to it, it's ... well, not easy, but
as long as you don't make mistakes you won't die. Too much

There are 3 difficulty levels.
Casual - damage taken by character is halved, there is no regeneration
limit on levels.
It is possible to load game on death.
Normal - normal damage. Regeneration energy is limited, but there is
plenty of it.
It is possible to load game on death.
Hardcore - normal rl difficulty

Spend your mana/hp carefully.
Preemptive FAQ:
Q1: Why can't I attack/cast spells in any direction, like monsters do?
A1: Monsters can only cast spells in 8 directions too.
As for attack - that's mostly balance issue.
Q2: How can I equip an item???
A2: It's mentioned in manual. Press tab to go to equipment section.
Press enter. Select compatible item. Press enter again.
Q3: Game isn't starting. Something about graphics mode.
A3: One person reported this to me. And didn't answer ony of my
Most likely this is because his desktop color depth was 16bit. Try
fullscreen mode.
And send your system details to me pls.
Q4: Game is sooo slow...
A4: Game is trying to repaint itself at constant 50FPS. Slowest CPU I
have is C2D 1.66Ghz.
It runs fine on it. I'm afraid I can't help much here.
Q5: Is game even winnable?
A5: Most likely yes

Q6: How many levels are there?
A6: Main villian is on 25th level.