Coming to you LIVE from my old junk PC!
Yeah, new PC just had the most horrible and baffling crash the likes of which I've never seen. Out of fear of making it worse and tremendous anger I've manually powered it down and retreated in shame to this old one.
I was just watching a simple video before aiming to get back to beta work on Din's Curse when it crashed in....awe....inspiring fashion:
-Some odd, loud beepings here and there
-Locked me out of my Win 7 account
-Mouse went totally unresponsive/unpredictable
-Screen didn't even display said account lock out screen correctly and kept fading to black back and forth and back and forth.
-The keyboard buttons, crtl+alt+delete, Win key...they did nothing.
Now, as you might recall, the "install day" was cut very short so there wasn't time to "test" and "examine" much of anything. I passed a Memtest 100% no errors, got ATi drivers/DirectX stuff fine, and Windows update seemed to function----past that I know of no diagnostic or otherwise things that pehaps would've been a DAMN FINE idea to run very early on. My only possible lead is a pair of BSOD's I'd never seen before within the last couple days, "clock_interrupt" which led me to think that was maybe a BIOS issue...but upon finding what I think was the correct board on the manufacturers website, I was unsure what to do as to which of the downloads listed and made wary of the disclaimer that said BIOS flashing was risky unless it was necessary and you knew what you were doing (saw no idiotproof onsite instructions on this process...)
Anywho, I'm in deep water then and unable to continue the Din's beta work, or much else, until I get some confidence/a plan/reliable machine please help! I mean, Valentine's Day is generally not my day period....but this takes it to an entirely new, utterly ridiculous level.