Thanks for the feedback! I have a few updates planned for the game:
First, implement the curses library and therefore fix the refresh bug. I know it sucks, but I hope that it doesn't stop one from enjoying the game now. On a faster computer (also, it would seem, on windows xp) the console can actually run really quickly and the refresh is barely noticable. However, on the machine I programmed the game on (a toshiba nb205 netbook running win7starter) the console runs much slower.
I didn't know how to program individual colors for different parts of the output in C++ and I still don't. Hopefully I can learn how to do this and give the player the option of customizing each object in the game.
However, if you look at the source, the game doesn't even use objects. The graphic determines how the program reacts. Still, assigning individual colors seems perfectly reasonable and should satisfy everyone.
That said, I don't really feel like that is a priority. The game already allows 256 color combinations, and the color menu is the easiest and menu to access. The color menu can be accessed at startup, or at death, allowing for the player to easily experiment with different ways of viewing the game. For example, running in the traditional colors makes the game seem like a roguelike, but inverting the colors creates the illusion of a notepad, or "world of text"-type arena. You can even play in pink and neon green to match your pink and green laptop. On a philosophical level, it allows the player to set the mood of the experience. My direct influence on this would be REZ, Lumines, and many other modern games, which offered a multitude of color options and skins, but still don't allow the complete color customization of most operating systems. I think this level of user control is essential to the increasing the success of any piece of software, particularly artistic and recreational software.
Consciously, the motivation behind the color setting was inspired by Microsoft's windows 7 starter os, which does not allow the user any easy access to the desktop wallpaper and several other graphics settings.
Anyway, I encourage everyone to play around with the settings, you will DEFINITELY enjoy the game more!