Author Topic: Interhack 2.1.37 released  (Read 5757 times)


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Interhack 2.1.37 released
« on: February 06, 2010, 08:15:23 AM »
Note: This is still an alpha version (despite the version number).

You can find more information here:

And download the source from here:

Release notes are also available:

Another two version releases... I just skipped actually release 2.1.36. Bigfixes as per normal. Big changes this time round include player role and race selection now works. It is very simple to add new roles or races... More weapons have been added and I am in the process of improving the code where weapons are applied.

If anyone with C++ experience (C experience should be okay for the most part) wants to help create more plugins, send an email to the address found in any of the source files. You can tackle anything you want - from Monster AI, to monsters, to objects, magic, special levels...

Version 2.1.37    2010-01-29

Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/objects/
Added - plugins/objects/
Bugfix - interfaces/ - corrected menu prompt offset
Bugfix - server crash on invalid role or race selection
Bugfix - Objects can now be created without a group name (improves wishing)
Bugfix - Updated bits of game documentation in doc/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Bugfix - plugins/players/role_*.cc - Multiple object creation
Bugfix - Level::Move_ObjectInteraction - obj count was not being updated
Bugfix - plugins/objects/ - Magic not being applied
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Bugfix - - Weapon/Armor enchantment not working / displayed
Bugfix - migrated race and attribute initial code to Player::PostCreate

Version 2.1.36    2010-01-26

Bugfix - interfaces/ansi - Menu page count corrected
Bugfix - plugins/object/lockpick - Corrected name of object
Bugfix - plugins/object/drawbridge - tune is loaded/saved to disk
Bugfix - interfaces/ansi - Menu being displayed when no objects to choose
Added - Support for menu input from a monster / player
Bugfix - - cerr output not showing socket file descriptor
Added - plugins/players/
Added - Role selection menu for new players
Bugfix - interfaces/ansi - Menu page count displayed when only one page
Added - Initial code for more armor and weapon types for samurai role
Bugfix - interfaces/ansi - Extra ':' in some prompts
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - Race selection menu for new players
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Added - plugins/players/
Bugfix - moved attribute creation into Monster::PostCreate
Bugfix - moved player attrib creation to Player::PostCreate