Author Topic: Roguelikes with quests not to kill things?  (Read 7891 times)


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Roguelikes with quests not to kill things?
« on: November 13, 2024, 04:40:35 AM »
Hey guys, I only play Nethack and Liberal Crime Squad, i want to find some new roguelikes to play, and I'd like to know if there are any deep roguelikes out there, that has side quests that involve things other than killing monsters, or maybe even an endless game where you can just do things like discover items, craft things, do pilgrimages, flip properties, talk to people, or just some other work/sim type of thing.

The roguelike in question can be old or modern, but it would have to be a real roguelike, not the FTL or Binding of Isaac variety or whatever. Currently playing ascii sector and i love that it has you do shipping missions.

Haven't delved into Caves of Qud/Cogmind/Brogue/Stone Soup yet, if i can do random quests in those games, that would be swell, but I'm very open to new and obscure stuff.


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Re: Roguelikes with quests not to kill things?
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2025, 11:29:44 PM »
A little late, but...

Cogmind, Brogue and DCSS are focused on, broadly speaking, dungeon crawling and don't feature special side quests, at least not in the usual meaning.

Caves of Qud _might_ feature mechanics you are looking for, but I never played it for a long time. I believe it's still mostly focused on fighting.

You might have a better luck with UnReal World (open world / survival / crafting roguelike that takes place in Iron Age Finland), Ultima Ratio Regnum (unfinished but still developed roguelike focused entirely on generating interesting world; I don't think it features quests yet, but if I remember correctly it's planned for the feature), Dwarf Fortress adventure mode (basically "do whatever you want", buuuut it's still mostly travelling and killing monsters).