Author Topic: Epyx Rogue for Switch  (Read 5004 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Epyx Rogue for Switch
« on: August 08, 2024, 05:53:24 AM »
I was very excited when I saw the old Epyx version of Rogue was coming to switch.

Unfortunately, in recent years, I find myself without a pc. So I have been missing out on all of my favorite rougelikes, such as nethack, zinfra Arcana, Moria, and the original Rogue.

I was so psyched when my friend told me the original Rogue was coming to Switch.

I bought it automatically.

It turns out that it is a very poory emulated port of the commercial amiga version.
It has several really bad bugs. The RZ and LZ button functions do not work at all as stated on the overlay.
Plus, there are instancces that require "clicking" on yes or no that is simply not possible.

A very shoddy port. I emailed the devs and publishers with no reply from them. And still no update.

I thimk it cost $8 or $10. Still too much for such a poor port in my opinion.

Plus, the scaling is terrible and no ASCII option. Good luck identifying things while playing handheld.

Just putting it out there.

I've not seem anyone mentioning it and how poorly it was done.

P.s. I've been away from the site for many years due to lack of ability to stay up to date with the current climate.

Plus, the whole "rogue-lite" situation.