Author Topic: Triangle Wizard (now at R 18.03)  (Read 8384 times)


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Triangle Wizard (now at R 18.03)
« on: September 20, 2023, 12:14:00 PM »

Several things to report in this update:

- Process on Triangle Wizard 2 has been steady, looking good for an October 27th release!

- The old website will no longer be updated. Apparently it has not disappeared as I initially assumed, so I'll leave it up for now point to this new website.

- During the development of Triangle Wizard 2 I have been reading the code of the original game quite extensively, which have led to a number of small bug fixes. These have now been bundled in a new version for the original game! The download link can be found in the download section, please let me know if the link breaks!

Release notes for R 18.02:

-Priests of Stoutheart no longer lose maximum health upon leveling up (only the curse of Stourheart now does this).

-Holy water reduces death damage to creatures immersed in it.

-Unholy water reduces holy damage to creatures immersed in it.

-Light of the Avariel now correctly increases Solar Flare's light radius instead of reducing it.

-Solar Flare always caused stun. Fixed.

-Giant Frogs can now correctly breathe underwater.

-Reduced health of Giant Spiders.

-Voidmancer now does corruption damage instead of hypnotic damage.

-Rainbow Apprentice now does hypnotic damage instead of corruption damage.

-Fixed various typos and small bugs.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2023, 11:33:22 AM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 18.03)
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2023, 11:33:49 AM »
R 18.03

A user called 'Misc' recently alerted me to the following two things:

- Esoteric Priests of Dagon (Priests of Cthulhu) have an easy time maxing their unique ability by casting Dismissal on all items in a shop. (Which generates hate since R18.01.)
- If you kill a creature affected by a Malediction effect combined with the Binding of Isaac talent the walls of the dungeon might get alive and move around.

So in this new version these issues are addressed! :)

Release notes for R 18.03:

-Esoteric Priests of Dagon's ability capped at 50% hate.
-Loveliness gain from the Pax unique item capped at 50%.
-Fixed some typo's.
-Hate gained from dismissing store items capped at 15%.
-Killing an enemy under the effects of a Malediction with the Binding of Isaac talent will no longer make the walls move around.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training