« on: November 26, 2020, 06:40:17 PM »
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1456630/Dawn_of_the_Mexica/ $11.99 Win/LinuxABOUT THIS GAME
Dawn of the Mexica is a challenging roguelike videogame based on the myths from the indigenous people of the Valley of Mexico in the age of the Culhua-Mexica Empire and the invasion of the spanish conquistadors.
Our story begins in a fateful morning, in which the sun god Huitzilopochtli hasn't risen...
Pure turn-based roguelike with procedural level generation (different every game!) and character permadeath.
Colored dynamic lighting. Light and shadows are essential in this sunless world.
Extremely complex and realistic combat system. Every weapon and armor type combination is taken into account. There's more than a thousand detailed critical effects: Every part of your body can be injured or broken, burn and freeze. You can become blind. Or deaf. You may bleed, become stunned, knocked out...
Complex character sheet with 9 stats, 12 Character classes, more than a hundred spells and more than 40 skills to choose from as you level up.
Friendly and intuitive interface. You can fully enjoy the game either with mouse or keyboard.
Weather/survival system. Even a torch may change temperature around you. Be careful not to freeze nor faint from the heat!
Deeply researched. You won't find "ooparts". The mexica background is not "aesthetic". Weapons, armor, clothing and items from that era are recreated as faithfully as historical data allows.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2020, 12:40:55 PM by getter77 »

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training