Hello. I am pleased to announce the release of XONG 1.4; thanks so much to everyone who provided feedback and bug reports, as many of the fixes/suggestions made it into 1.4. XONG is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX (Intel only for now), and GNU/Linux (32-bit binaries currently available, 64-bit coming).
Highlights include bugfixes, graphical changes, and a whole new tutorial zone.
Downloads are available from
http://github.com/dto/xe2/downloads and the webpage for XONG (with installation notes, please read!) may be found at
http://dto.github.com/notebook/xong.htmlThe download area also includes something called Sanctuary. This is an early testing release of a "ambient roguelike vignette" I'm working on. Feedback there appreciated too. (The installation notes from XONG linked above also apply, because the same game engine is used.)
A few pics of XONG and Sanctuary: