Author Topic: Roguelikes with recordings to view and possibly even tournaments?  (Read 7354 times)


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I've heard that there are tournaments for some popular roguelikes and I've found some Rogue recordings at But I'm new to the roguelike public scene, so I have no idea where to look for something else alike.

Please help :) I really want to see competent people play.

P.S. Sure, there's YT playthroughs, but they're by random people one can find who're not necessarily competent. That said, I'd be grateful for links to some good YT playthroughs and channels, as well, because having commentary is always great.


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Re: Roguelikes with recordings to view and possibly even tournaments?
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2020, 03:05:10 PM »
Hey Celes, not sure if you already know about

In there you can see ttyrecs of the best players (probably) for example this one: (However it seems the browser ttyrec player is not working at this time, so you'd have to download the file and play it back.)

Better yet, you can just connect to the server using the browser at and see games in progress :)