The scrolling I have right now is the same as Crawl, but I may experiment with Angband-style scrolling.
This is how I would think: since you already have a working system, you might as well stick with it for now. Scrolling in itself isn't what makes a RL interesting (although it's an important part of the overall game). Rather, I would argue, content is. I'm sure there are plenty of things to do and features to add. For instance, an interface for setting config options

Of course, if you feel like implementing Angband-ish scrolling right away, go ahead. If it is what you want to do right now, it's probably also what you should be doing, I think.
When and if you ever end up with two working systems, allowing a config option to toggle between the two sounds like a good idea. For now, you could just use the one you like yourself, and leave the other handing around as code or comments, so that you can switch it on at will.
I'm not quite sure which type of scrolling I prefer. It probably depends on how the maps look. Ideally, I prefer RLs that don't scroll at all, but that would be moot point to bring up now

As always,