Beat the game, I actually had a lot more fun than I thought I would!

Beat the other final boss as well. I really liked the fact that the game was (mostly) straightforward with you, with regards to stuff like monster statistics. I wish you had included the actual, numerical benefits of each statistic, but that's a pretty minor nitpick. I also liked the gradual increase in player power - unlike something like Angband, where a couple lucky artifact drops can let you steamroll almost everything between you and Morgoth (e.g. Ringil and Cubragol).
A criticism: I feel like the early game is too unforgiving, and without prior knowledge it's kinda unplayable. You pretty much have to rush down to the lizard in the basement, avoid fighting ANY monsters, use both your potions and hope that you roll well enough to kill him. Otherwise, you don't get a pet, and without a pet the first scruffy dog you come across will maul your face off.
I also think that the enemies spike in difficulty way too hard as the game goes on. It's easy in the beginning (first couple pearls), but it ramps up really quickly over the next four or five pearls. The last 2 pearls had enemies that could nearly 2 shot me. It got to the point that I would farm by picking an area with a portal in it, killing 4 or 5 enemies, then portaling back to a safer area to rest up in the nearest town. Over and over again. To complete a dungeon, I would dive to the bottom while fighting as few enemies as I could then blow all my consumables on the boss. I get that a big part of roguelikes is choosing your fights wisely, knowing when to run, accruing and using consumables, etc. but I personally felt that it was a little extreme. Then again, I didn't die a single time, so maybe the enemies
were of an appropriate difficulty.
One more thing: I feel like characters without greater heal are too weak.