OK, here are my notes.
-The midi in the boss stages gets messed up for me. It will play regularly once but then the second run through only has a voice or two. It alternates each play-through from normal to broken.
-The console gets a little error message about an undirectioned attack whenever I attack outside of the 8 cardinal directions. I assume that's known (I guess it has something to do with no slash image being displayed), but I thought I'd mention it.
-This isn't really a bug, but I found out why my one save didn't keep. I thought I could force quit after I hit space when I saved. It turns out that it's not safe to quit right then. I think you should put a "Saving" notice up during that time.
-Got 2 Werebane daggers in one game from rescues. I didn't even want daggers.

-I really wish a lot of the game was more explicit.
--Can anyone use any armor and weapon? I saw mentions in the guide about what classes like but I never saw anything to indicate penalties or hard restrictions.
--I wish damages were displayed.
--I don't understand what is good about thinks like daggers and hand rings.
--What is Soul Power exactly and how exactly does it effect spells (strength, duration?)
--What is Invocation? Every time I get a level of it I can't tell a difference in anything.
--It would be nice to see what exactly upgrades do before you buy them, not just after. (i.e. Will evade give me 5, 10, 15, 20?)
--Not sure what the difference between Adv Morphing and regular morphing is, even though I've gotten it.
-Not being able to attack a unit with unarmed if it's on top of you sucks.
-I just figured out today that NUM5 is the wait key. Before that, I was hitting G.
-I still don't know how to get that overworld map to show (the gfx/barrett-map.gif one)
-Starting new games can be a pain. I don't want a Renegade with a bow and I don't want a Wizard with hand rings.
Finally, I was hoping to play through the game until the end before giving feedback but I don't think that's going to happen. I've been playing Dark Renegade and getting past a certain point is really, really hard. I go from fighting medusa heads to having troubles clearing the area with the salem witches to not lasting 5 steps into the next area. That might not be such a big deal, but the time it takes all morning to rescue a few of those people. Am I missing an easier way to do that?