LambdaRogue has received a huge update to v1.7 today:
This is the first major update for LambdaRogue since 2012, and it is huge indeed.

I worked on a lot of areas, to make the game look better and play more interestingly, esp. in the midgame and lategame, which felt a bit grindy to me in the previous version. I touched nearly every aspect of the game, and it feels much more "fluid" to me now. We have new monsters, some monster behavior changes and additions, new status effects, new items and more variety in dungeon level generation. We have a new fighting style (unarmed), changes to religion, digging, and how ammu for fire-arms is handled.
The most visible change, of course, is the new 40x80 tileset, which is now switched on by default. To let the new 40x80 tileset shine, there is now an additional display mode available, 1920x1080. You can toggle big and small tileset either by pressing Page Up / Page down on your keyboard (this is like zooming) or in the options menu (so you can easily "zoom out" for getting the big picture of the dungeon, and then "zoom in" again).
To better match the style of the tileset, I've also changed the artwork for menus, windows and status effect icons. The status effect icons are also much better readable this way. Note that I actually _removed_ all the intro and "cutscene" graphics which we had in 1.6.4; these were not fitting to the rest of the style visually anymore.
Finally, I've added many more sound effects and a few soundtrack additions, incl. a fresh title song.
LambdaRogue official website: on
Complete changelog:GAMEPLAY FEATURES:
- Addtions and changes to Dungeons:
- much more variation in dungeon generation, esp. for the deeper levels, which should
now be more interesting -- the final level (of the main dungeon, that is) has now a
completely new generation method. The "lava" level is now already level 19, which avoids
the repetion of the previous levels 17 to 19. Other levels also received some love.
- some parts of the dungeons now have toggle switches, which can activate bridges and doors
- there is now a chance that stairs don't lead further down the main dungeon on first
usage, but "magically" lead to special secret areas. These areas are small, handmade, and
come each in 4 different version. Currently, 5 of these special levels are included; more
will follow in future updates.
- in addition to water, we have deep water, in which you'll drown and items will sink
- ice aura transforms water tiles to ice tiles
- if fire aura is strong enough, the ground tile will become lava
- if water aura is strong enough, the ground till will become water
- Earthquakes may now create lava or water holes in the dungeon
- level names show level depths in feet
- renamed caves level 3 and 4 to "the nest"
- renamed "new maze" to "labyrinth"
- added a well to the coffeebreak version of level 1
- Changes and Additions to Monsters:
- six new monsters
- certain monsters can now hit together in a coordinated attack if these monsters
stand next to each other
- some monsters will now always attack when hostile and next to the player
- attacks of certain monsters now never miss (don't worry, I use this VERY rarely)
- monsters can be affected by "calm", "blindness" and "confusion"
- certain monsters now never flee
- generation of some monsters can be restricted to certain dungeon tile types in monsters.txt
- fire attacks by enemies now have the same effect on dungeon features as fire attacks
by the player (like roasting corpses, destroying paper items, damaging monster hives ...)
- the sandman can paralyze players even if a few tiles away
- Changes and Additions to Items:
- 31 new effects of items & magic on player skills (incl. resistances)
- lots of new items to make use of the new effects (these are mostly new
potions which are scattered throughout the dungeons, but not available
from traders)
- the effect of greased weapons is now taken in account in total status calculations,
so you can now create a weapon that temporarily affects one of your own status
values by greasing it, for example a sword that temporarily increases your Move skill
by greasing it with a potion that increases your move skill.
- more grease effects can be used in combat
- removed all profession requirements from most items
- removed all minimum char level requirements from items and chants
- adjusted minimum dungeon level requirements of some items
- ammu for fire-arms is now equipped in a quiver, potentially freeing one inventory slot
and making more clear what is used as ammu
- Changes and Additions to the Player:
- New combat skill: Unarmed: thieves now start with this as best battle skill;
unarmed combat gives +1 to Move skill
- added random birth sign to character generation, giving a permanent +1/-1 bonus/malus
- you can start the game with a randomly created character (in the main menu, press [1],
then [g] ("get random character") when asked
- besides eating (which was always necessary), you now also have to drink;
you can use any potion, well or river for drinking (but with wells there's of
course the risk of wanted or unwanted side effects, and water from rivers can
be unhealthy), or have lunch at one of the restaurants. If you don't drink for
a too long time, first PP will decrease, later also HP, and you'll die from
- a little bit more variation in biography generation
- you can change your name in-game in the character status screen
- Changes and Additions to Digging:
- digging with some tools can transform the floor type to different types than just
the default floor, for example water or lava. So if you're in desperate need of water,
and have a proper tool at hand, you can dig for water and replenish your thirst with
that. Or if you want to create a lava barrier, to hurt enemies, you can do this with
the proper tools.
- while digging, items can now be found before digging is completed, so you don't need
always to dig till the end, if useless rubble is the result. If an item is revealed,
you can see it, but to step onto the tile you digged on, you still have to complete
the digging. You can now simply easier estimate if it is worthwhile, so you don't
waste so many turns (food, water) for that.
- Additions and Changes to Religion:
- being blessed gives now +1 to Fight (Ares), Chant (Aphrodite), Hit (Apoll),
Move (Hermes) and Trade (Dionysa)
- being cursed gives now -1 to Fight (Ares), Chant (Aphrodite), Hit (Apoll),
Move (Hermes) and Trade (Dionysa)
- when you are cursed, your god will un-curse you if your next offer is all your money
(other ways of uncursing still exist, of course)
- removed the restriction that characters who follow the god Ares don't get EXP
for killing caveworms
- Graphics mode only:
- new big (40x80) tile set by Cecilia Souza Santos, incl. tiles for the new monsters
- you can toggle between small (20x40) and big (40x80) tile size on the fly by pressing
Page Up and Page Down keys (zoom in / out); this gets saved to the configuration file
- additional 1920x1080 display mode (in addition to the old 800x600 and 1024x768 modes)
- status effect icons are now much bigger and use the same graphics as quickbar icons
- the "dark preacher" has now his own graphics (... dark variant of the standard preacher)
- new backgrounds for the various screens (inventory, status, etc.); now fitting with
the visual style used in main view for status area and quickbar
- modified title screen, also to fit better the general art style
- item icons in inventory view are now the same as in dungeon view
- removed all graphical intro and chapter screens, and all window-sized spell GFX,
because these don't fit stylistically with the pixel-art anymore.
- removed the unused portraits of the deities
- removed the old tile set and the option to use it
- the position of the quick bar can't be changed anymore; it is now set according to the
selected display size, and also not saved in the save file anymore.
- Both modes:
- current equipment in inventory is shown as list now
- when hitting an enemy, a hit effect is shown on the monster
- when an enemy hits you in melee combat, a hit effect is shown on you
- negative effects on skills are now shown with red color in status screen
- if STR is >100%, it is shown in green color in status screen
- when you die, the reason is first shown in a single message, before the last 20
messages are displayed. This way you can better recognize what actually happened
(esp. useful if you were one-hitted by a powerful enemy, or to take a screenshot
of your last moment and the dungeon).
- when digging, you are only asked for entering the number of turns to dig if the
integrity of the tile to dig through is >1. The prompt also shows you how many
turns are needed with the current tool skill and the equipped tool.
- the equipment summary screen now displays a hint if your weapon has a higher WP or GP
than your related weapon skill
- 4 new CC songs for the soundtrack, incl. new title song
- many new sound effects
- reduced chant refresh rates and chant base PP costs:
- chant refresh rate is now chant range / 3
- chant PP cost is now (chant range / 2) + refresh rate
These changes directly affect the availability of the spell's crystals.
- enchanters start with 100 PP instead of 50 PP
- renamed (old) Focus Ring to Steadfast Ring
- added (new) Focus Ring (reduces Chant refresh rate)
- increased PP gain during level up
- increased effect of Cola and Coffee
- increased number of songbook slots to 16
- increased inventory size to 18 slots
- 2-handed weapons give -1 to Move skill
- new characters in standard generation (i.e. not quickstart presets) get
each 1 skill point more to train (in all difficulty levels)
- intelligent monsters do not always open doors anymore, only with a certain chance
- stools and wells filled with water are now considered "town" tiles, i.e. no monster
will be generated on top of these tiles
- the grease of weapons will now always take effect (unlike built-in weapon effects,
which have still a random chance of taking effect)
- reduced the effect of dungeon traps (now "Player level * 2" instead "Player HP / 4")
- removed the gender differences for HP and Move during character generation; being
male or female is purely cosmetic now.
- increased values of elite antbee
- preachers moved down 1 level to dungeon level 5
- Digging through rock will not replace the rock, but instead it will allow you to
climb it (i.e. you can now stand on top of the mountain-like tiles)
- Hit skill gets a +1 bonus while standing on a hill or on a mountain
- Chant skill gets a +1 bonus while standing on "star" floor
- reduced water aura effect of "Waters of Styx" to 30
- Mindhunter can now cast blindness instead of confusion
- increased Eris' HP, PP and WP; Eris will also transform ground to walkable tiles
- decreased possible paralization duration to 1 to 7
- increased total number of monsters in levels 7 to 18 (felt too empty without them,
and now, as we have more variety, it gets interesting)
- dungeon tile transformations ("the caveworm defecates" ...) range reduced by 1
- in the main dungeon, treasure chests are only generated between levels 1 to 15
- crypts are now generated in the forgotten realm level 2
- reduced maximum amount of treasure chests in deeper levels
- earthquakes don't produce that much rubble anymore
- decreased the chance of being uncursed just by praying a little
- being healed from a drug addiction by praying now needs at least 5 humility
- slightly increased WP, GP and AP of workshop items
- slightly increased the amount of resources needed for workshop items
- increased the damage taken by lava to player and monsters
- reduced the bonus of a very good parents relationship to skill to +2
- "The Shadow" is now shop-only and moved to DLV 10
- increased GP of "bow" and "shortbow"
- it actually occured to me that in Coffeebreak mode the steps to the final
dungeon level got not created. So it was not possible to win the game fully in
that mode. Story mode worked, though.
- long-range TP were wrongly calculated (used WP instead of GP)
- corrected the wrong "Press SPACE or ENTER to close" prompt on map screen
- corrected a wrongly mentioned skill in the "basic magic" help file
- some effect icons were a pixel off their actual position
- saving the game did not save if the current weapon was greased
- Vitari drug could increase STR even more than 200%
- attacks with greased weapons did not correctly use the effect range of the
grease, but did use the weapon's own effect range (which was 0, if the weapon
had no own special effect, leading to no grease effect at all during the attack)
- the "mouse over" on the status area did not show every effect
- "IncTalent" bonus added only 1 instead of actual effect range to talent
- selling resources in the resource workshop was not taking the "Trade" skill
into account
- when monsters transform tiles, they don't transform stairs anymore
- the trade skill was not affecting item prices in shops correctly (instead of
getting cheaper, items got more expensive with higher trade values)
- when a monster split into others (like worm mothers into caveworms), one of the
resulting monsters was placed on a wrong dungeon tile, due to a typo in a x/y check
- blood was partly placed on wrong dungeon tiles, due to typos in x/y checks
- items and potions which increase EXP and Gold gain now add 25% of the base EXP/Gold
to EXP/Gold (formerly, they added the double amount of EXP/Gold defined in monster
data file, which was 0 most of the time, making these effects pretty useless)
- it is now checked for Level Up when player gets EXP after destroying Northdoom
- player PP can't be less then 0 anymore
- fixed a bug where the game would return without notice to the title screen when
the player was dead or quitting in a previous game in the same session
- the small water, electricity and ice effects were not shown when cast by a monster
- if a monster stood on lava and HP went to 0, HP was set to 1 again, to avoid the
monster's death.
- sometimes, a door was created near the left or right edge of the dungeon, leading
to nowhere. This should not happen anymore.
- fixed bug with Crono's sale of the "History of Herbstwelt (Part I)", making it
impossible to finish Marco's quest (reason for the bug was a simple typo. The item
was named "Part 1" instead "Part I" in the items.txt)
- screen was not darkened in "throw" selection window
- "hit or miss" check in monster vs. player attacks was reversed
- there should be no NPC tiles created anymore in coffeebreak mode (this avoids ugly
grey tiles out of nowhere in deeper levels)
- ghosts and silent ghosts don't leave corpses anymore after slain
- monster generation around monster hives now uses all 8 possible directions around it
- when a new game was created in the same session after a lost or won previous game,
the player's equipment was not cleared
- pressing a wrong button does not leave the "new game / load game" screen anymore
- the inactive (grey) icons for a few effects were too dark (read: black)
- "short arrows" were wrongly named "small arrows" (no real issue, just inconsistent
with descriptions in bows using these arrows, which mentioned "short arrows")
- fixed a few typos
- reworked help texts during new game / character generation, to be easier to
grasp and convey the most important information on a quick glance
- added a few more "tips of the day"
- the "killed by a (monster)" message now shows the hit points of the attack
- monsters don't step on lava anymore
- rubble is not longer available in shops
- a bit more comprehensive winning message is shown when you defeat Eris in
Coffeebreak mode
- adjusted the description of "the Krice" in Rinahn's quest
- the Lonely Librarian won't drop his Diary Page in Coffeebreak mode anymore,
because that item is only useful in story mode.
- no "unknown" variant of rubble is created anymore
- dropping rubble does not barricade anymore
- rubble is not available in shops anymore
- "unremarkable" equipment is not available in shops anymore
- no Muin/Beithe/Huath/Ailm variants of unique and rare items anymore
- machines don't leave blood and corpses anymore, but may leave old metal
- removed MacOS related definitions from source code, because I can't support
MacOS anymore and have no idea if that MacOS stuff would still work.
- minor code re-formatting
- updated "copying.txt"