« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2018, 12:13:03 AM »
Update #4

Greetings adventurers! Today we reveal the first major post-launch content patch for Tangledeep! We've added a BIG new feature that expands and deepens the job system. You can read all about it below and check it out right now in-game.
We've also been carefully listening to your feedback about game difficulty from the very beginning all the way to New Game+, and we've made a number of changes to address what we've heard. There are also lots of bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements based on your feedback and reports, so let's jump right in and see what's new!
Job Emblems are a way to specialize further into any of the game's 12 jobs. Every job has its own Emblem that can be upgraded twice. For each level of the emblem (1, 2, and 3) you'll be able to choose a unique upgrade that suits the skills and playstyle of your job. With 2 options per tier, 3 tiers, and 12 jobs, that's a total of 72 new bonuses in total!
To kick off the Job Emblem quest, you must master a job, beat the first boss, and talk to Jorito. You'll discover that Job Trials are unlike other challenges in the game: they require limiting yourself to a minimal number of consumable uses, flask charges, and abilities from *only* your current job. Each trial is harder than the last, and to even attempt them will cost a hefty amount of JP. But should you be victorious, your Emblem will be upgraded with a new tier of power.
There are a few other things to know about this new system:
By mastering multiple jobs, you can potentially earn an Emblem for every single one.
You can bring an Emblem from one job to another. However, you can only upgrade a job's specific Emblem by being that job.
Wearing an Emblem reduces your JP gain - an important consideration.
Emblems cannot be sold or banked, meaning they cannot be given to future characters.
Emblems cannot be upgraded in the Dreamcaster. Their bonuses are unique, and must be unlocked through the Trials!
Though Tangledeep veterans are able to amass large amounts of gold by the time their perfect gear set is fine-tuned in the very late game, for most players we realize that gold is hard to come by and easily spent on things like consumables, Item Dreams, and healing. We’ve done a pass to adjust some gold costs (and gold sources) to make certain features more appealing and accessible, particularly earlier on in the game.
Percy’s healing cost has been reduced overall, and substantially for lower level character (5 and below).
The cost to deposit items at the bank has been reduced by between 50% to 70% depending on item rank and rarity
Average gold earned per monster defeated has been increased by 5. This extra value is subject to bonuses like mods on gear, the Entrepreneur feat, or Champion/Boss reward bonuses.
Treasure sparkles now give 10 more gold (if they contain gold at all)
Rumors that have a gold reward now give about 60 more gold, guaranteed
Reduced the cost of certain early game consumable items, namely food (some of the previously-increased cost was the result of a bug!)
Decreased the base cost to guarantee a magic mod on all equipment (except for gear at teh very highest rank). Increased the scaling cost per existing mod (or if the item is legendary/gear set). It should now be easier to start using the Dreamcaster sooner.
Increased gold reward from Pandora’s Chests
Added SFX cues for things like depositing, withdrawing, selling, and dropping stacks of items
Shops are now guaranteed to restock after a certain amount of time if they do not restock by chance (time threshold is about ~3 days)
Many skills involving physical weapon attacks (such as Cloak & Dagger, Wild Horse, weapon masteries, etc.) now use your main hand weapon’s element instead of always using Physical. This gives you more tactical possibilities when considering weapon elements/mods and damage bonuses, plus enemy strengths and weaknesses.
In New Game+, the base powerup drop rate is halved (this does not affect bonuses to drop rate from stats or gear)
Increased Orb of Reverie drop chance in New Game+ by ~10%
Changed Floraconda’s Bed of Thorns damage to be based on its Weapon Power (scaling) instead of Spirit Power (not scaling)
Shara’s energy field now reduces the duration of summons that stand in it. (She’ll announce this if it happens.)
Fixed bug where all player damage was being treated as if you had opened 15 Pandora’s Chests (really) - in other words, all damage was being reduced by about 15%
Fixed bug where you could not click on your pet in Examine mode (using keyboard / controller) to issue commands
Friendly monsters in Item Dreams can no longer pick up your upgraded item after beating a Memory King
Added extra checks to prevent monsters/hero from stacking after certain push/pull effects
Added extra checks to make sure a Gold Key is always available in the Buried Loot map
Inventory screen now correctly shows and recalls the previous inventory sort state
Fixed bug where various game options were not being saved/loaded correctly
Floraconda now only uses its Bed of Thorns skill when an enemy is adjacent
The interaction with a certain.. Person… in the Bandit Library can now end happily
Fixed bug where one dungeon music track never played
Fixed text bug if you clicked “COMMUNITY” on the title screen and then went back
Possible fix for bug where player pets were sometimes being lost on save & load
Fixed a bug that sometimes affected spirit power calculations when wearing multiple pieces of gear that modified spirit power
Fixed some inaccuracies in rumor location hints
Fixed bug where final boss phase 2 energy shield would disappear on save/load
Fixed bug where final boss phase 2 could disrupt its own energy shield by getting near map edges
Fixed Monsterpediologist achievement
A new equipment slot has been added. To accommodate, the Gear Bonuses / Current Gear areas on the Equipment screen are now tabbed so you can see more stuff at once.
After unlocking the Dreamcaster, you can now reset your level-up stat bonuses by speaking to Percy and paying a one-orb fee!
Added a new mini quest to Flooded Temple. (Will appear on new save files)
New Champion mod - Banisher. Knocks away (and sometimes roots) nearby enemies, and reduces the duration of your summons!
New legendary bow
New legendary claw
Massively improved the performance of inventory sorting
You can now target friendly charmed monsters (other than your own pets) to mark them as Hostile. To do this, enter examine mode (“X” on keyboard by default) and select that monster, OR if using mouse, right-click on a monster.
When using the Town Portal in town, you will now have the option to Fast Travel. No need to walk to the cave entrance every time!
When targeting an ability, hovering over a monster will now display their information. Moving the target square to an empty tile will go back to showing ability info.
When opening the Snack Bag, your last inventory sort type (A-Z, rank, rarity, etc) will be saved so that when you return to your Inventory, it maintains the sort it had before.
You can now filter Equipment by Favorites only
Newly picked up items now show [NEW!] in your inventory/equipment list
The corral pet UI now shows exact Beauty values for your monsters
When selling, withdrawing, or depositing stacks of items, the shop/bank UI will no longer close
If a Dagger critical (+60 CT) puts you above the ‘free turn’ threshold for your CURRENT turn, you will see a log message and popups above nearby monsters that indicates they *missed their turn*.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 12:17:43 PM by getter77 »

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training