Author Topic: Haque (now at Update #2!) $  (Read 5519 times)


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Haque (now at Update #2!) $
« on: November 23, 2017, 01:37:40 AM »

$14.99 Win/Mac/Linux

Haque (/hak/) is a glitch fantasy roguelike adventure about cute monsters, low-bit hauntings, and a suspiciously talkative narrator. Choose your character and battle through forests, deserts and dungeons to defeat a mysterious evil. Die often. Try again!

Explore a vibrant fantasy world falling apart at the seams.

An old man has asked you to complete a quest: purge the land of evil monsters! What land is this? It doesn't matter. Don't ask too many questions.

Journey into the pixelated wilderness with your beloved pet at your side. Encounter dangerous foes, make some new allies, and challenge the reigning bosses. Ignore the mounting sense of dread. That's normal.
Key Features
Character selection featuring an endless array of randomized characters
Detailed character statistics and a classic armor slot system
Procedurally generated maps and settings
Challenging turn-based combat with an emphasis on movement and strategy
Dozens of unique enemies-- don't get surrounded!
Rotating roster of bosses, each with different fighting styles and priorities
Hundreds of items to equip, eat, or... reanimate
Weapon and armor crafting
New character quirks at the end of every level
In memoriam screens to immortalize your permanently dead characters
A slider for screen grime!

Use every tool at your disposal to deliver Haque from evil. Find the truth. Save the game.

Content Warning: Haque contains flashing images and adult language.

Fingers crossed for another substantial KS success story!   8)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 10:57:17 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: Haque (now at Update #1) $
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2017, 12:44:38 AM »
Update #1
Penguins have been added as Ultra Rare pets but will become Common in December, January, and February or year-round if playing on Linux.
Added Jumbo Krill as Penguin treats
Added Duel Gear, a rare forgeable armor piece that increases Critical Hit chance.
Hovering your mouse over an Item on the ground will reveal that Item’s name. Right-clicking will show a description of that item.
Reminder prompt for picking up items added to Tutorial and Level 1
A handful of new names and name-elements have been added to the name generator.
Screenshot button added to Game Over screen
It is now possible to take screenshots with Steam however Steam takes two screenshots every time the screenshot button is pressed. We’re uh… gonna figure that one out.

Bouldertoss is now slower, slightly less accurate and has a slightly longer cooldown.
Bouldertoss’s starting damage has been changed from BaseAttack+[3-18] to BaseAttack+[4-10]
Bouldertoss’s damage can now be augmented by quirks like Brawn, Sneaking, Raging, and Bleeding.
Boreal creatures (like Jotuns and Penguins) now have a penalty to their Fire Affinity.
Pet Hoodoo quirk now also increases the chance of Familiars remembering to use skills.
Ring of the Dead now reanimates your character at 50% health instead of 100%
Straight Arrow no longer transfers through same-material mainhand forging.

Fixed game crash when using Autocombat (aka the “T” glitch)
Fixed game crash when hovering over the Jester Mask in your inventory
Fixed animation hang on magic casted by allies on the edge of your sightlines
Fixed gamepad button prompts displaying when no gamepad is connected.
Fixed game not saving settings when backing out of the control rebind menu with Deny
Fixed minor animation glitch for Bardsong and Power Attack.
Fixed extra long boss names not displaying properly

There is a known issue on some Linux machines where Haque’s framerate will not be limited and it will run insanely fast. Turning V-synch on in the options menu is a possible workaround. This is apparently a Game Maker issue but we’re investigating a fix.
Inventory Text is slightly uglier on Mac. This will be fixed next update.
Removed Hook & Pull AI debug messages.
Quickened Ice Wall and Lingering Ice Wall have been removed. Rapid
Summon and Stable Summon now impart their effects to summoned glaciers.
War Fan’s Underhanded quirk has been replaced by Poison Hit, an identical quirk.
It is still extremely cumbersome to equip your pet and followers with items from a controller. We’re working on a big UI update that will fix this but it’s still a bug for now.

Thanks for your feedback and for a great first week of Haque!
Kevin Cole, Developer
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: Haque (now at Update #2!) $
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2018, 10:58:14 PM »
Update #2  8)

The Stats and Backpack screen have been merged into a single screen where you can view your character’s stats, items, quirks and skills all at once.
Added ability to toggle between allied characters on the new stat screen. This makes it easier to equip allies, change their AI, and view their stats.
Added full controller navigation to Stats/Backpack screen. No more switching to mouse control to equip your pets!
Added a key that toggles ally AI that defaults to C on keyboards and Y/triangle on controllers. This replaces the stat screen button.
Added an additional effect to Herbs. Feeding an Herb to a Cat will now boost its Speed for a while.
Added a brief celebration effect when freeing Prisoners from jail.

Added a short cooldown time to Necrotize, Deep Freeze, and Evil Eye. This is meant to encourage caster type characters to switch up their playstyle and reduce caster spamming.
Reduced the likelihood of high damage weapons spawning.
Increased the likelihood of rare weapons spawning after level 4.
Reduced bonus health given to Zombies. This is meant to keep horde sizes on the manageable side by increasing Zombie churn.
Reduced Zombie attack speed. Zombies needed another small nerf and this made the most thematic sense.
Reduced Djinni Health slightly. Djinn had higher stats than other playable species which they really didn’t need considering Arcane Blast is such a beast.
Reduced Djinni Ice Affinity. This makes them weaker to Ice damage and makes it harder to obtain the coveted Ice Elemental Arcane Blast.
Reduced Jotun Health slightly. Jotuns, like Djinn, were just a little too good.
Increased Undead Ice Affinity. Ice damage was becoming too universally good and Undead needed a small bump. Good news for Skelly Heroes!
Reduced Noble Necro Affinity. Eagles and Vampires now take just slightly more Necro Damage.
Reduced amount of HP granted per second from eating Crystal Residue. HP gained is still roughly equal to that gained by eating one piece of Jerky.
Changed tactics of some bosses with long range abilities. Sea Witch, Pharaohmancer, and others will now behave defensively (run away) at certain HP thresholds.
Increased size of the Sea Witch arena.
Increased Sea Witch’s Affinities.
Changed Sea Witch’s second phase skills from Sneak to Dashcut. Sneak wasn’t as exciting as I thought it was, and Sea Witch kept getting cornered.
Added the Hellfire Weapon quirk to Pharaohmancer’s khopesh.
Reduced wait time on newly summoned creatures. Summoned creatures are no longer surprised by enemies when first summoned. More good news for Skelly Heroes!
Increased Health of Manticores and Manticore Juniors. Manticore fights are now longer and tougher with more opportunities to be poisoned.
Increased Android Accuracy. This makes Androids slightly scarier but it also increases the value of their inedible corpses.

Fixed crash that occurred when out of idle banter scenes. This crash also may have been responsible for the bosswarp crash.
Fixed crash that occurred by petting pets that weren’t there.
Fixed softlock where sometimes effect animations would hang forever. If an effect hangs, it will be automatically destroyed after 12 seconds.
Fixed boss achievements not unlocking after beating game.
Fixed holes in the desert zone perimeter that allowed players to leave the zone and wander across an endless void.
Fixed bows generating arrows while inside The Megachest.
Fixed Speed bonuses displaying incorrectly in item descriptions.
Fixed Codex description of Frost Boulder.
Fixed Old Man’s grammar on Level 2.
Fixed Skeletitan banter cameo.

Haque version for Mac will go live in a few days! Sorry for the wait. Codesigning is maybe more complicated than it needs to be.
There is a potential issue on level -3 where some Macs may only display a white screen. I could not reproduce this issue but disabling CRT effects in the A/V settings may remove the white screen.
Mac screenshots are still upside down. I have no idea why this is happening and I find the issue both saddening and amusing.
Next update will feature a little more added content and the new Spring event. There may be some hints about what’s coming in this update.
This was kind of a big one! I will try to reduce the amount of time between updates in the future. Thank you as always for your feedback!

Kevin Cole, Developer
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training