Author Topic: Rogue Basement, a 48hRL  (Read 5828 times)


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Rogue Basement, a 48hRL
« on: April 24, 2017, 04:42:59 AM »
I made this game for Ludum Dare 38:

I know it's probably way too easy, but I wanted to see if I could really do something resembling a full roguelike in 48 hours. This is my first RL, so I'm totally ecstatic that I got to this level of completeness.

The user manual explains the controls but doesn't give away everything:

I recorded a few videos along the way. Nothing super amazing, but it shows off some stuff when it was in development.

And finally, here are the screenshots of its progression from map generator to game:

If anyone has any ideas for simple balance tweaks I'm really interested in getting a few more percentage points of fun out of it.

And, finally, I'm sorry it eats up a bunch of CPU and still lags a lot.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 04:44:50 AM by irskep »