Author Topic: Sleeping Beauty (7DRL 2017)  (Read 8436 times)


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Sleeping Beauty (7DRL 2017)
« on: March 10, 2017, 02:16:39 PM »

the game is basically finished and fully playable (winnable, losable). You only need a reasonably modern web browser. Enjoy!


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Re: Sleeping Beauty (7DRL 2017)
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2017, 05:17:57 PM »
I played, won on the first try, but liked it. Actually, if I don't plan to invest that much time into a game, I prefer it to be not that hard: this one could be a little more difficult though. Nice building around a theme... story... whatever.

The most obvious thing to notice is the combat system. I understand we seek alternatives to bump-into-enemy system. In later floors I noticed that it does require some strats, but it can never surprise you, right? I think that surprise/uncertainty is an important aspect of combat.

Also, using combinations like ctrl+h can trigger some browser shortcuts like showing history in Firefox. Maybe it can be prevented in JavaScript by calling event.preventDefault() or something.


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Re: Sleeping Beauty (7DRL 2017)
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2017, 06:12:53 PM »
I played, won on the first try, but liked it. Actually, if I don't plan to invest that much time into a game, I prefer it to be not that hard: this one could be a little more difficult though. Nice building around a theme... story... whatever.

Agreed, it is rather easy.

The most obvious thing to notice is the combat system. I understand we seek alternatives to bump-into-enemy system. In later floors I noticed that it does require some strats, but it can never surprise you, right? I think that surprise/uncertainty is an important aspect of combat.

Right, no surprises. Enemies are procgened, though.

Also, using combinations like ctrl+h can trigger some browser shortcuts like showing history in Firefox. Maybe it can be prevented in JavaScript by calling event.preventDefault() or something.

Indeed. But preventing some might anger other shortcut users who prefer browser native behaviors. That is why any modifier is allowed.


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Re: Sleeping Beauty (7DRL 2017)
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2017, 06:54:14 PM »
+1 to what Publius said. The combat system was fun, if a bit on the easy side. Maybe if wounds had been more grievous, or if you didn't regenerate health/mana naturally, one would have to strategize more around potions, the order in which to engage enemies, and so forth. The thorns were a nice touch, and it amused me that the game has a kissing mechanism, although I felt a bit more could have done with that idea :P Overall, though, high marks in all categories (aesthetics, interface, RL-ness, fun, polish).

As always,
This matir, as laborintus, Dedalus hous, hath many halkes and hurnes ... wyndynges and wrynkelynges.


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Re: Sleeping Beauty (7DRL 2017)
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2017, 10:43:36 PM »
Great little game. I enjoyed the tutorial polish and how you simplified several of the usual keys down to enter.

I thought the combat system was interesting, though it could be better explored. I think I would have preferred if mundane items changed color frequencies instead of RPG stats. Magic items could then do things like fiddle with the grid between battles, expand it, or introduce extra symbols with weird effects. The fact that you can game it by fighting weak enemies is cool, but means there should always be weak enemies around.