Day 0 (Saturday): Pre-planningGiven that we technically have 8 days, and I'm not going to spend more than 2 hours a day on this game because of other commitments (Family, Work, etc.), I'm going to call today a pre-planning day. I've spent some mental planning for this as well to partially flesh out some of my ideas.
I'll be developing on a mac, but I have VM's for windows and linux to test run these and package them up. Besides setting up the project, today's other major task will be to setup the framework for creating a distribution for each of the major operating systems: mac, linux and windows.
My plan is to push the code out to github.
-= Goals =-
-= Stretch Goals =-
- [ ] - Build a full pipeline for application bundling on mac, win and linux
--= Post mortem =--
Application bundling for various OS's is a more lengthy endeavor than I was prepared to do and I currently do not have that piece automated, which means I will only be able to provide code updates and not playable binaries for this 7drl. It may be something I'll need to wait on until after the 7drl.
Additionally, I was a little frustrated attempting to find a decent event-based library. And while I could easily build a simple implementation using a dictionary, I don't have any time to make this polished and I'll probably hit some performance or technical issues due to that problem.
Time was also a factor. I knew 2 hours would be pretty ballsy going in, but it's all I can allot in a day.