Wow, that's a quick and big update!

Be warned, I'm going to write a very long rant below.

Trinity mimics are very interesting and very weird.

I will have to play with them more to get the hang of that turn-jumping between your bodies. It's really strange to constantly jump between your bodies (and I love that you are now highlighted, that would be very hard to play otherwise), but I like the synergy of your bodies and how they can fight together in an organised assault!
I like the shadow teleportation, but I feel it's a bit underpowered right now - it is great for quick movement, but it would work very much better as a way to suddenly appear next to your enemies, or run away in a pinch. That's currently very hard, though, because of the light nearly all creatures emit. You can still jump towards your enemies by extingushing them first, but that costs power. Teleporting away is out of question - it would cost you two turns (first extinguish, then teleport) and you can't loose two turns by the time you will have the need of an emergency teleport.
Maybe your extingushing ability could cost no power (balanced by either longer cooldown, or shorter duration)? That would make at least ambushing from afar much more interesting option, plus would give more incentive to use extinguishing on even lamps and such, like a good shadow demon should.

And/or, and this would be IMHO very cool, but probably hard to implement and compute, all creatures could have dynamic shadows - depending on the position of nearby light sources, all creatures could have an adjacent shadowed tile. This would allow all shadow demons to jump next to or run away from any fight by standing in this shwadowed tile, making positioning matter more and making their teleport machanic more prominent.
I haven't played as a priest much, but I like how powerful can theri abilities get in the right situation - I had one smite me for 10 damage when I was playing as a demon.

I'm going to be incredibly nitpicky and say that you have inconsistent capitalization.

Chrome angels and trinity mimics have their first word capitalized on title screen, but both on highscore screen, while both types of imps have a reversed problem.

I may have missed something, but when I started to get randomly wet, I was quite sure I'm standing in rain - but it would be nice to have some notification. Maybe there could be a "Rain" status next to the wind direction?
Speaking of wind, what if flying creatures had a small chance to be blown by the wind, moving in its direction? No reason for this change except that it would make the wind tiny bit more relevant.
One thing I always long for as a thief is a way to cross from one roof to another faster than by climbing all the way down to the street and back up again. The City is dangerous enough for one fragile theif even without having to run through blood-smeared streets.

The thief is already quite acrobatic character with his or her climbing and Death from Above, what if they could also sprint and jump? (Ninja thieves!)
Sprinting could be an active ability that would speed you up for several turns, with cooldown long enough for you to catch your breath.

Sprinting should be mutually exclusive with climbing - you wouldn't be able to activate sprinting in climbing mode, so no sprint-climbing walls for you, but you can still use sprinting in a pinch when caught next to dangerous enemies in the streets. The no-climbing rule for sprinting would also give the thief an incentive to not be in climbing mode all the time and ignore that you can switch it off.

Jumping could also be active ability with a cooldown, this one compatible with climbing, so the thief could jump from the side of one building to another wall nearby. Alternately, you could sprint before jumping, increasing the range of your jumps (but with no climbing). Maybe you could also jump over some obstacles (furniture, the hedge fences), or by jumping into a window, you would shatter it and jump through (and maybe take damage). All jumping would generate quite some noise, though. Maybe horses could also jump, increasing their jump range by their momentum.
Could we maybe get the end-game screen with achievements and score saved as a .txt log? It would make hunting for the most achievements much more exciting and easier to share.

And I have one more proposal for a playable faction: You could join the Criminals as the
You hate your heritage. You were born of an unholy union - and it left its marks on your poor parent forever. No matter what you did, you always ended on the slippery slope. But you are still human at the heart, a bad human, but human non the less. And when the infernal and celestial forces clash and threaten you world, you cannot stand idle. You didn't ask for your powers, you don't want them - but you can make the best of them now. You just want your world back to normal - maybe it's dark, unjust and unforgiving world, but at least it's normal. And if you have to walk over rivers of blood to bring the world back to normal - so be it.
Normally, you are a human criminal. You are as weak as any other human, with no special weapon, and all factions are hostile to you (demons because you are human, angels and humans because you are criminal). However, your half-blooded demonic nature gives you several gruesome powers that should allow you to achieve your goal - slay all supernatural creatures.
You are Unholy and cannot be possessed. You can sense good and see even disguised demons, just as other demons can. You also have two active abilities that give you advantages necessary to survive - Cannibalize and Demon Rage.
Cannibalize lets you heal and gain power. You can use it to devour any corpse, healing 1 HP and gaining 1 power from it. With the amount of corpses left in the City, this gives you much healing and power, but with low HP and no armor, you will need it.
Demon Rage gives you a fighting chance against angels and demons, because your fists won't do. It costs 2 power and for a short time, boosts your speed, dodge chance and armor, plus growing you a pair of demonic claws. Thus, you gain a weapon on par with claws of demons (or slightly more powerful, because you are on your own), but maybe you claws could deal high flesh damage instead of vorpal. Maybe your claws could also cause several turns of bleeding.
Thus, you have to balance your playstyle around being very fragile most of the time, with short bursts of fighting rage and healing from corpses in between. If your claws also caused bleeding, it might be interesting to try to deal as much damage during your rage as possible, then retreat and let the bleeding do the rest of the work.
Cambions should start inside the police station, in one of the cells with other criminals.
Finally, it might be only mine love for descriptions, but maybe there could be inventory descriptions for even other items than the ones with active use? Right now, you can pick up coins and corpses which will have no description - what if they had a short quote for a description?
Eg. for coins:
"So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?" – Ayn Rand
And for corpses:
"Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow." - William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
"Since we're all going to die, it's obvious that when and how don't matter." - Albert Camus, The Stranger
And one more question: Do you have any plans about making the attacks, defense and maybe light radius of creatures into actual inventory items (eg. a rifle, an army uniform, a torch or a lamp), or will they stay as abstractions as is?
Thank you for reading through so long posts as mine.