Author Topic: Soulblight  (Read 136712 times)


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #120 on: June 24, 2018, 06:15:22 PM »
Yeee it’s this time of year again - the summer sale is here! For the occasion we have -25% promotion. With this announcement out of the way time to get to our weekly update part.

This weeks high score leader is once more Kurker. Let’s all congratulate him on winning The Beast Inside exclusive kickstarter demo key. The price for the next week is Cyber Sentinel. It's a game made by fellow indie eveloper from our home town Częstochowa - Marcin Puchalski

As usually we have a new update live this week. In our weekly pool you’ve chosen the Sly taint to be added to the game. As we were working on implementing it we’ve realized it would be best to remove the synergy bonus in favor of increased wound avoidance probability. This way the taint will feel much more unique. We also decided to change the wording and the name to fit the theme of the game better

This time in our weekly pool we’re choosing on a new weapon. Citizen's Sting (Left) or Corsair (Right) - decide which one we will add by voting in on our discord channel:

The poll ends as usually on wednesday.

Cya around,

NetMoverSitan started to put together the the Soulblight Lore videos putting together all the breadcrumbs:


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #121 on: July 01, 2018, 07:44:55 PM »

Hey Everybody!
It’s Friday evening and the 5th Weekly Soulblight Challenge has just ended. This week's winner is NetMoverSitan. Besides claiming the reward he is also the FIRST PERSON EVER to reach 100%. This means he has not only reach the end of the labyrinth but did so without using any taints! We will need to find a special way to commemorate his achievement ;)

Meanwhile the new 1.16 game update is up. Here's what's new:
We’ve added the weapon that you’ve chosen in this weeks discord poll - The Corsair.
Shields in the game from now on posses special PARRY property. Equipment with this tag will not decrease your blocking speed. Now the shields will no longer feel counter-intuitive when it comes to blocking. To balance this out we’ve also decrease the defensive stats of all shields. To use them effectively you will have to actively block the incoming attack. This will differentiate shields from other pieces of armor.

As to our weekly poll. Once more you’re deciding on a new armor set that we’re about to add to the game next week. Poison Armor (Left) Boilersuit (Right) - Vote on Soulblight Inner Circle Discord Channel -
And of course “This Round” leaderboard has been reseted and the new Soulblight Weekly challenge is now Live. The reward this time - Bulb boy. Person on the top of "This Round" leaderboard next friday evening will be receiving the Steam key

That would be all for this week folks! ;)

Cya around


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #122 on: July 07, 2018, 07:24:33 PM »

Yup - the new Soulblight update is up! :) Last week you've chosen a Boilersuit in our discord poll and so here it is! As you can see besides improving your sneaking abilities it also contains a black steam special property. This makes it an interesting choices for those walking the reckless path.

As to our weekly Soulbligth challenge. This time we have someone new on the top of the list - Kraj of the Mimis. Congratulations - the Bulb boy steam key is yours!

Reward for the next week's top contender - Hear of Iron IV -

And of course our new weekly poll is up. Once more you will be choosing a new weapon for Soulblight. Silent Guardian (Left) Scimitar (Right) - Vote on our discord channel -

Cya Around


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #123 on: July 13, 2018, 08:36:37 PM »
Hello everybody,
It’s time for another weekly update! This time we have many intresting new staff for you.
Let’s start with our traditional poll - this time you’ve chosen a Silent Guardian - quick and beautiful piece of steel, isn’t it?

On current poll we move back to the taints. Enter our Discord ( ) and chose between Stubborn and Slothful!

Also, this week we were improving our tutorial sequence to make it more clear and help you to learn how to survive in Sanctuary, using some fancy prompts and cut scenes like this one:

Another thing we added is a new mechanics which allows you to learn recipes and brows them in character information menu:

At the end we are proud to announce that the winner of our Weekly Soulblight Challenge is NetMoverSitan!

His award is key for Hearts of Iron IV! This week you're fighting for Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition steam key!

Good luck!

Cya around


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #124 on: July 24, 2018, 10:12:55 AM »
Ok everybody - new Soulblight update is up. We've added The Slothful taint.

It was a crazy week. Last Thursday Foundation Indie Games offered us a chance to showcase our game at ChainaJoy conference in Shanghai. It is an awesome opportunity but there's a problem - the event starts on Sep 3rd.

So now we're rushing all the necessary preparations. This is also the reason this weeks update is a bit late. There is still a lot of work a head of us though. And we've decided it would be best to put our weekly updates on hold until we get back form Chainajoy. (This is why there has been no new poll this week)

Don't worry we will contionu with our Soulblight weekly challenges though. This week we have a brand new Contestor on the top of the board - Dundin! Congratulations!

The price for next week - Archaica the path of light. As usually person on the top of the board next friday evening will be receiving the key:)

We will keep you guys updated on our unexpected journey to China. Meanwhile take care! And see you back on September 10th.



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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #125 on: August 08, 2018, 02:19:31 PM »
Hello Everybody
Kuba from My Next Games here. How's it going? For us it's been very intensive two months. If you follow our social media or steam/discord weekly updates you probably know there's been a lot of new features coming to Soulblight recently. I will soon write an article summarizing all the changes but today I would like to tell you about our recent trip to Chinajoy.

It all started very suddenly when we've been contacted by people from Foundation Indie Games Poland (IGP). They've asked us if we would be interested in becoming a part of the Polish Game Stand at Chinajoy this years. To be honest I was a bit surprised. I knew the event was in just one week but we weren't planing on participating. We didn't even apply for the IGP recruitment for it. The representative of IGP explained that one of the games that was supposed to participate dropped out on the last minute and that they are looking for a replacement. As Soulblight was already a part of the IGP Stand at PAX West Seattle twice they though that it would be a good game to showcase in China as well :D.

I've never been to China so I said - Let's do it!:D

Day #1
After a week of intensive preparations and over 12h flight we landed in Shanghai. The airport looked like a regular European airport only bigger. The first noticeable difference was the wave of heat that struck us when we left the building. We were very glad that our hotel seemed to be not too far. We soon realized it wasn't exactly true. Taxi trip took us almost 45 minutes! It looks like everything is bigger and further away here. The rest of the day we spend sleeping of the trip.

Day #2
After good 12h sleep we woke up at 10 A.M. The Chinajoy was still one day away so we decided to spend the day sight seeing and getting acquainted with original chines food ;)

Day #3
The first day of the event. We woke up at 6 A.M so we can get to the venue earlier and set up the stand. Here's how it looked like:

After the event we went for the Polish party organized by IGP and Polish Institute in Beijing. We didn't realize that It took place in fancy five star hotel. When we got to the sight we felt a bit under-dressed wearing our regular cloths. Fortunately when guests started to arrive the feeling disappeared. The party was specifically designed to promote Polish games. There were even a dedicated stations provided by the organizers with our games so the guest can check them out.

Day #4
The second day of the event. Today we decided to get to the venue by subway. We didn't realize we'er going to travel during the rush hour. It was so crowded that despite all the air-conditioning and ventilation it was still hard to breath. Fortunately the Subway is very efficient and we were able to get to Chinajoy without any delay.

After the second day of the event we got invited to the party organized by Sina Games. It took place in an exclusive Light Club in the city center. The Club itself had this awesome cyberpunky feel to it.

Day #5
As usually on this kind of events the last day was a bit slower. We got to the stand 15 minutes late but fortunately at the business section people started to show up that day an hour later. Evening that day we decided to take a bit slower as well. We went for a little evening stroll by the river.

Day #6
It was the last day of our stay in Shanghai. We woke up around 11.00 A.M and packed up. Our Chines adventure was over

Cya Around


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #126 on: August 13, 2018, 05:39:51 PM »
Ok we're back with our weekly routine ;) Last Soulblight challenge was a bit longer than usually but it's time to warp it up. The exclusive Lust of Darkness Kicstarter Demo key goes to  Skralde10. Congratulations!

The reward for this week Cyber_Sentinel:

Person on the top of "This Round" leaderboard next friday evening will be receiving the key

And of Course our weekly polls are back as well.

Duelist's Faith or Officer's insignium - Vote on our discord channel ( )

That would be all for today :)

Cya Around


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #127 on: August 18, 2018, 06:14:54 PM »
Hey Everybody! Just published new Soulblight update. This week you've chosen Duelist's Faith to be introduced to the game.

Meanwhile the new poll for this week is up on our discord channel - This time your deciding between this two Tains.

And of course Soulblight challenge. The last week's winner is Dyurahan. Congrstulations!

The reward for next week - Hexlogic

Person on the top of "This Round" leaderboard next friday evening will be receiving the key

That would be all for today

Cya Around,


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #128 on: September 06, 2018, 02:22:21 PM »
Hi everybody
It's been over two weeks since I posted the last update. Don't worry It didn't mean there were no Soulblight updates. I just didn't have the time to write about them :) We continue to run weekly polls on our Discord channel ( ). This week we're deciding on a new piece of armor to be added to the game.

Meanwhile today I finally decided to sit down and sum up changes to the game of the past two weeks.

New Taint: Fierce

New Weapon: Steel Ivy

Besides new game elements we've also decided to slightly redesign one of the already existing taints. Prying no longer gives you the bonus for transmutating items. It now rewards you for excessive container searching ;) We feel this mechanics fits much better that personality trait

That would be all for today folks :)

Cya around,


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #129 on: October 02, 2018, 03:11:58 PM »
Hey Everybody
It’s time for my another monthly update. This time I would like to start with an announcement :) We’ve been working on it in secret for couple of months and now it’s ready. TADAAAM!

Soulblight will go live on Nintendow Swtich on October 4th :D You can already find it in e-shop’s coming soon page ( )

The upcoming Switch premier didn’t mean we stopped our updates this month. Traditionally every week there’s been a new poll on our discord channel ( ). The two new weapons you’ve chosen to be added to the game were “Dragon's Breath” and “Citizen's Sting”.

As a new armor set you’ve chosen the Studded Armor

And lastly you’ve voted for a new Stubborn taint

This is of course not the end of what we have in store for Soulblight - more new exciting things will come in the future :)

Meanwhile take care and cya next month,


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #130 on: November 05, 2018, 06:58:58 PM »
Hey Everybody
Yes you guessed - It’s November and it’s my another update summary :) Here’s what we’ve been up to this past month.

If you follow my little updates you probably know that past few months were quite intensive for us. Weekly updates, trip to Chinajoy and Soulblight Switch launch - after all this we feel a bit tired out. We decided to take October a bit slower. In order to do that for two weeks we put our discord polls on hold. This allowed us to catch a breath and address two fetcher from our backlog that were sitting there for while - AZERTY keyboard control schemes and “Pedant of the Rabbit God”

The pedant is our way of commemorating NetMoverSitan who couple of months back bit Soulblight without using any taint (He’s the first person ever to do it). Thought it was impossible? Here’s the video of him doing it :)

In the second part of October we went back to our week poll routine. We started of with weapons and before the end of the month this two new pieces has been added to our armory.

Now we're voting on a new armor set. Here are the two between witch we're choosing:

Cya around,


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #131 on: November 08, 2018, 10:33:55 AM »
Actual game development looks funny. People run in places and meetings to promote the game and post tons of colorful images in random unrelated forums. I guess it's making money at least, so it must be worth all that trouble.


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #132 on: December 12, 2018, 09:07:48 PM »
Hey Krice - sorry for the late response
Not sure what you want I'm just a dev and I'm sustaining this thread more of a habit than of anything else. I treat it more like a chronic of the development than anything else.


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #133 on: December 12, 2018, 09:10:02 PM »
Hey Everybody
Kuba from My Next Games here. Another month is behind us so it’s time for my traditional summary :D. Today we have some announcement.

I’ve noticed Soulblight active player community has grow a bit recently. Because of that I’ve decided to reactivate our Soulblight Challenge Initiative. This time though we will do it on the monthly basis. The longer time period will allow us put on the better prices and increase further the amount of people participating. So here’s how it will work:

- From now on every Month we will be resetting "This Round" leaderboard
- The Person at the top of the "This Round" Steam leaderboard at the moment of the reset will be announced the winner
- The winner of the challenge will be receive a reward that we will announce at the start of every round

This month challenge will last until JAN 16th. The winner will be receiving an awesome RPG game I myself have been playing for the past month - Tyrany :)

This is not the end of announcements for this month though! Here’s another one - Soulblight is now supporting Hungarian language :D For this awesome news we have to thank one of the members of our community - He translated the entire game by himself and is running this awesome gaming site: - go check it out.

Now before wrapping the update up let's look at new taint and equipment we’ve added to Soulblight this month

As always don’t forget to visit our discord channel
( ) and vote in our polls to help us decide what we will add to Soulblight next. And cya next month :)

Merry Christmas!


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Re: Soulblight
« Reply #134 on: December 13, 2018, 07:23:24 AM »
I treat it more like a chronic of the development than anything else.

So it's like a blog and it's in a wrong forum.