Author Topic: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 49! Big Quests) $  (Read 44607 times)


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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 30 Character Creation) $
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2017, 10:28:47 PM »
Alpha 30 Character Creation

Yeaaaa, that's right, it's FINALLY possible to create your very own characters! Just click on the bottom slots in the Character Select screen to get started!

This is still very much a work in progress, so there are a few caveats:
- Saved characters may be deleted next build (August 10)
- Unlocks are disabled while playing as user-created characters.. for now.
- User-created characters do not work in multiplayer mode.
- Many abilities and traits are not available right now.
- Point values were added very hastily and might end up getting changed a lot. Not a whole lot of balancing has been done.

There's also a new Fortnight Discussion up right now:
What is the final challenge/boss/whatever?

Alpha 30
New Feature
Character Creation

Zombies have correct eye sprite after being arrested and killed

UI / Controls
Fix for NPC icons remaining on the minimap after they are transformed into Zombies
In 2-player local coop, switched color of split-screen transition effect from white to black so that it would appear less jarring
Players can now rebind many controls that were not available for rebinding before
Controller rebinding can be done from the initial setup screen before the game begins for the first time

Fix for thrown items sometimes dropping beneath the player instead of actually being thrown

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Jock no longer loses 5 Health when using his Charge ability
Fix for error occurring when Jock landed on the ground after charging into a wall, preventing sound effect
Flesh Feast cannot be used on Killer Robot
Player cannot receive “Big Bullets” when they are unable to use guns
Player cannot receive “Durabilitacious” when they are unable to use melee weapons
Zombies are seen as “Guilty” by Cops

Fix for players not falling into holes if they were running at extremely high speeds due to “I’m Outtie”

Can no longer receive missions where you need to kill someone of the same class when you have the Class Solidarity trait

Level Generation
Adjusted positioning of various Tubes in Factories to avoid instances where the objects they spew out miss the conveyor belt

Artificial Intelligence
Cops get angry when the player hits Fire Hydrants and makes them spew water
Cops no longer try to whack Fire Hydrants to death when they get sprayed
Ghosts and non-party-member Zombies are less careful when walking into dangerous situations
Fix for Cops not being initially Hostile toward Shapeshifters
Jock has (temporary) dialogue in Home Base

Optimizations made to Zombie

Stuff you might have missed in Alpha 29's many hotfix builds
Fix for multiplayer having major issues with level transitions
Proper support for generic USB gamepads
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 31 Character Creation Improved) $
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2017, 07:54:42 PM »
Alpha 31

So first off: I released a version of Alpha 31 earlier today, prematurely. If you ran this version, all of your unlock progress may have been deleted. I'm very sorry about this, and I'll be taking more precautions in the future to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen again. If your progress got deleted, send me an email (my email can be found at the bottom of and I'll send you a file with everything unlocked.

Pretty much every major thing that was wrong with the previous iteration of Character Creation has been fixed. Check the list below for the full details.

I’ve also started work on Floor 4 - Downtown. It won’t be done for another couple of update cycles (likely September 7th), so the next update (August 24th) will probably be on the light side. If you want to help out with this new area, you can discuss ideas in this week’s Fortnight Discussion.

I’ve also started work on porting the game to consoles. So yeah, that’s a thing now.

Alpha 31
Character Creation (and related gameplay)
Custom characters can be used in multiplayer mode, as long as it’s not a non-password-protected internet game
Character data is now stored in the My Documents folder (or Mac/Linux equivalent)
It is now possible to change a character’s eye type and color, and add an accessory
Many balance changes made to point values
Character Creation interface has been prettied up
Added “Clear Slot” button
New selectable traits: Unstoppable-ish, Ultimate Butterfinger-er, Sausage Fingers, Scientist Slayer, Specist, Diminutive, Naked, Blahd Basher, Crepe Crusher, Zombify, Flesh Feast, Fair Game, Serve Drinks, Charismatic, Malodorous, Addict
New selectable items: Drink Mixer, Slave Helmet Remote, Steroids, Codpiece, Bacon Cheeseburger, Banana, Whiskey, First Aid Kit, Rock, Combat Helmet, Freeze Ray, Ghost Blaster, Shuriken, Axe, Translator
New selectable abilities: Enslave, Sharp Lunge
Traits and Abilities are now capable of canceling out other traits and abilities
Trait, Ability and Item descriptions may contain “Recommended” text to indicate other things that go along them
Custom characters can get Achievements and Unlocks.
No longer necessary to switch to Sandbox mode when using characters that exceed the point limit. However, players will be unable to get Achievements and Unlocks.
Placed caps on the number of Traits and Items that can be selected before the player exceeds limitations
Button added to allow alphabetical sorting in addition to point value sorting
Sorting takes “locked” status into account
Some missing items added to starting item selection
Gamepad button prompts only appear when using a gamepad
Error message will appear if you try to give your character a name that is already taken by an existing character
Deleted characters are immediately removed from the Character Select screen
Fix for facial hair appearing as the wrong color in the big character select image
Pressing Start on the gamepad to save the game while inputting a character name will now save that name properly
Assorted fixes for gamepad navigation in character creation screen
Fixed more cases where “E_” text was appearing when performing certain formerly character-specific abilities
Fix for new custom characters sometimes starting with the wrong hair, skin color, etc.
Fix for custom characters who got zombified resurrecting with incorrect body type
Fix for custom characters with “The Law” not being able to see whether a person was guilty or innocent
Fix for custom characters with “The Law” not being aligned with Cops
Fix for Taser not being available to custom characters when No Guns mutator was active
Fixed bug where the last button on the Traits and Items lists was not appearing
Fix for “Killer” on Stats screen reading “E_Custom” at times
Fix for NPC custom characters not having wolf heads, robot heads, etc.
Fix for player not being able to change the color of wolf heads, robot heads, etc.
Fix for original head appearing behind wolf heads, robot heads, etc.
Fix for larger body types not being sized correctly on the Character Creation screen
Fixed timing of certain Character Creation screen sound effects

Around 100 new sound effects

Fix for fan translations not appearing properly when turned on until after the game was restarted

Fix for accessories like Sunglasses sometimes appearing over hair when they weren’t supposed to

UI / Controls
Fix for pressing space to select random characters on Character Select working weird in Home Base with more than 1 player active

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for Arresting animation not completing properly when arresting Slaves
Studious and Super Studious do not take effect when the player loses XP
Turf Warrior has been replaced with one trait for each gang: Blahd Basher and Crepe Crusher

Sandbox mutator now allows you to do missions, but does not require them in order to get to the next level

Fix for appearances of “purple worm man thing”

Updated Unity engine from 5.6.1f1 to 2017.1.0p2

Updated 2D Toolkit plugin from to
Updated Rewired plugin from to
Updated Steamworks dot net from 9.0.0 to 10.0.0

Prep work for Downtown levels
Prep work for console versions

Alpha 31b
Fixed issue where character select wasn't working properly and people's unlocks were getting deleted
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 32) $
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2017, 10:40:58 PM »
Alpha 32
I have been furiously optimizing Streets of Rogue over the past week or so. While performance issues haven’t been a major problem in the game (save for a few trouble sections), it had been about a year and a half since the last time the game got an optimization pass. If you’re running the game on a low- to mid-range PC, you may notice fewer frame drops in this build. For everyone else, the game will feel just a tad bit snappier. There’s still a lot more optimization to be done as well.

A big part of the reason for these optimizations is that I’m currently working on console versions of the game, and unfortunately, consoles don’t have quite the horsepower of a modern PC. So, my code needs to be in impeccable shape for the game to run at a decent clip. While Streets of Rogue might not look like the sort of game that should have big requirements, there’s actually a lot being processed on the CPU at any given time. Fancy AI doesn’t come cheap!

So what consoles is the game coming to, and when? Can’t say right now, but it may happen before the end of the year if all goes well!

What about Level 4??
And what of Level 4? Well, I was hoping to have it done for the September 7th build release, but that may not happen. There’s a lot on my plate right now given some recent developments regarding the console versions. But I would still like to have it out in mid-September. Can’t make any promises, but I think that should be doable.

The game will be playable at PAX West next week at the tinyBuild booth. Stop by and say hello to those fine folks, and be sure to bug them about Hello Neighbor's release date, I hear they love that! Sadly I won’t be able to make it this year. I’ll be out of town for a wedding for 5 days during Labor Day weekend.

Community Stuff
This week’s Fortnight Discussion deals with the long-awated “Big Quests”...

Also, check out the Wiki Editor of the Month competition!, and while you're at it, go make some edits to the wiki[]!

Alpha 32
Loads and loads of performance tweaks
Load times are slightly faster

Fix for players clipping through walls and objects vertically after teleporting while in the water

UI / Controls
Fix for Traits on Load Character screen not being separated by line
Fix for players 2, 3 and 4 not having the correct character selected when entering Character Select screen after death while playing as a custom character
Fix for error if player plays as a custom character, dies, clears the custom character slot, then closes and re-opens the menu

Fix for Shopkeeper appearing to be equipped with weapons on multiplayer client when he is actually empty-handed

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for Bloodlust, Zombify, Camera Shy, Crepe Crusher, Blahd Basher and potentially others not triggering properly sometimes for multiplayer clients past the level where they joined the game
Unstoppable-Ish cancels out Tank-Like and Skinny Nerdlinger during Character Creation

Fix for “jump out of water” sound effect playing if the player teleports while in the water

Fix for explosions from first laser not hitting the player if he stood in the exact right spot
Player can now eat the Banana to advance the “quick-use health” part of the tutorial
Prep work for Downtown levels
Prep work for console versions
Created new Free version of the game
Created new Show version of the game for PAX
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 33) $
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2017, 07:14:24 PM »
Alpha 33

Yep, I’m still hard at work optimizing every little detail of Streets of Rogue, and there’s still quite a bit more to do. I didn’t expect the process to take quite as long as it’s taking, but apparently there were a lot more spots in the game where I was doing things in a… less than satisfactory way. It’ll be worth the extra effort, since it means the game will be mounted on a much more solid base. Like I mentioned last update, most modern PC users won’t see a huge difference -- these changes will primarily benefit players on older hardware, and the upcoming console ports of the game.

Today’s update has some noticeable improvements for frame drops in the Industrial areas, and there’s still more to come. There are also a number of bug fixes, mostly for things that I broke during optimization. Please keep me posted on anything else that I may have broken!

Also, apologies for last update’s speculation about the release of the “Level 4 - Downtown” content, I’m going to keep my lips sealed about that until the time comes. New content will be my top priority following the current batch of performance improvements. You can still contribute suggestions for Downtown in this thread.

This week’s Fortnight Discussion: “ProTips”. I know you’ve got some. Let’s have ‘em.

Also, a reminder to check out the Wiki Editor of the Month competition!

Alpha 33
Whole bunch of large and small improvements that hopefully did not break too much

Fix for split-screen camera sometimes showing weird artifacts on Medium lighting mode
Fix for players appearing as purple worm man thing when switching to local multiplayer mode from Home Base

UI / Controls
Fix for “Other players can revive you” messages not appearing in four-player local mode
Fix for certain interface elements appearing in incorrect positions during camera zooms
Fix for dialogue box appearing on top of main menu when the game is paused

Fix for not being able to properly Bribe cops, which in turn made the Cop character impossible to unlock

Playfield Objects
Switches and Laser Emitters cannot be set on fire

Fix for cases in multiplayer games where people would refuse to equip or shoot certain weapons on the server due to traits like Stubby Fingers, though they were equipped on the client

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for game freezing if the player killed themselves while having the Bloodlust trait
Fix for Bloodlust restoring someone’s health after their death
Fix for Bloodlust triggering when the player punched dead bodies that were burnt from fire
Fix for bodies not turning into zombies if they were afflicted with Zombiism and then knocked out and killed

Fix for opponents sometimes immediately punching the player after the player had just initiated combat
Fix for opponents being too aggressive toward the player prior to actually hitting the player for the first time
Fix for opponents consistently being too aggressive toward multiplayer clients
Fix for opponents phasing through walls often as multiplayer client

Fix for Werewolf Transformation sound effects not playing
Sound effects added to menus in a couple spots

Fix for game going haywire when falling down holes and dying while Possessing another person
Possibly a bunch of other fixes for possessing other people
Fix for players being able to continue the game in coop mode if they were falling into a hole after the game had ended due to Suicide or finishing all the levels

Level Generation
Fixed a couple of instances where pits were placed in such a way that people would have difficulty pathing around them

Artificial Intelligence
Improved pathfinding, people less likely to get stuck walking into walls
Fixed issue where people would not pay attention to noises after too many noises had been created during that level
Fix for combat not occurring properly between NPCs when they were off-camera
Fix for people not fleeing clients properly when they were out of range of the host
People will not walk through red lasers in most situations
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 34) $
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2017, 09:59:27 PM »
Alpha 34

As you may be aware, I’ve spent the past month or so doing heavy optimization work on Streets of Rogue. Welp, my work is mostly complete for now! As a result of these efforts, the game performs an average of 75% to 100% faster than it did previously! Not bad, eh? There are still some trouble spots that need attention, not to mention the load times could be improved -- but for the time being, I’m very pleased with the results.

This also means that I finally get to start working on content again, so starting this weekend, Level 4 development will be in full swing. Expect to see an early, unfinished version of my work in the next update.

This week’s Fortnight Discussion: “Ideas for a Mobile Version”. No, I’m not planning on creating a mobile version anytime soon. For all I can say at this point, it may never happen! But, I do get asked about Android/iOS a lot, and I’m curious to hear what sort of changes would need to be made for this version to not suck.

Alpha 34
Many, many improvements

Fix for possessed characters in multiplayer sometimes having white eyes

UI / Controls
Fix for being able to press Esc and quit the game on the loading screen when not in online
multiplayer mode
Fix for character select interface not being transparent after death in multiplayer games
Fix for character select screen appearing briefly (barely noticeable) while black “curtains” open at the start of multiplayer games

Fix for lakes that appear to be poisoned sometimes not giving proper effects to the player

Fix for items sometimes going all teleport-y crazy after falling into an incinerator
Fix for items sometimes going nuts when near the edges of water
Fix for item sprite appearing at wrong position on Y axis after exiting water

Fixed issue where commanding people to attack an object wouldn’t work properly if the player went outside a certain range of the object

Fix for no sound playing when Tranquilizer darts and Water Pistol shots hit wall

Fix for player jumping in and out of water too frequently when landing on the edge of the water body

Artificial Intelligence
People become hostile toward someone who freezes their friend
Fix for people sometimes getting stuck at the edge of holes
People are better at figuring out when to pause for Fire Spewers
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 35) $
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2017, 10:56:02 PM »
Alpha 35

Level 4 is finally here! Well, partially! As of right now, Downtown is still very much in development. Actually, none of the game’s levels are really “finished” by any stretch, but Downtown especially! A bunch of the new Downtown content that I’ve been working on isn’t ready for public consumption yet, so I’ll be pushing out more of this content over the next couple of updates. You can play through 4-1 right now to get a little taste of what’s in store. Expect it to become more fleshed out and varied from the other levels in the weeks to come. Let me know what you think of the new stuff in this thread.

This week’s Fortnight Discussion: Altars and Sacrifices. A roguelike stable, Altars have just recently made their way into Streets of Rogue. But… how should they actually work??

Alpha 35

New Stuff
Game is now playable through 4-1

Lots of new wall and floor art for Downtown levels

New Track “Floor 4-1 Hit Me With Your Best Rock”. The mp3 has been added to soundtrack owners’ libraries. More tracks will be coming when 4-2 and 4-3 are added.

Unlock Elevator Access - Downtown
Downtown Diva (you can’t actually achieve this yet, since it requires you to complete Level 4-3 which does not currently exist)

Non-Playable Characters

Dance Club
City Park

Police Box
Alarm Button
Metal Detector

Everything Else
Bunch of improvements (yep, I’m still at it)

Fix for weapons not appearing in the player’s hands when a saved game is loaded (only fixed for games saved in Alpha 35)
Potential fix for pink sprite appearing in place of crushers
Fix for Taser bullets sometimes appearing the wrong color
Yet another attempted fix for generators not always disappearing after exploding
Attempted fix for people sometimes appearing weird on multiplayer client
Fix for frozen people (from Freeze Ray) playing walk animation sometimes

UI / Controls
Fix for local coop players’ UI sometimes appearing at the wrong zoom level
Fix for people not always being tracked properly on the minimap on multiplayer client

Playfield Objects
Fix for multiplayer clients not causing Fire Hydrants to spray on the first hit

Fix for Haterator not working properly
Fix for Ammo Stealer not removing a person’s ammo when used from the multiplayer client

Sounds from a level can no longer play after the level has ended and the screen has faded out

People should fly through walls without breaking them less often

Fix for people and objects not being visible in Rogue Vision after accepting a mission

Updated Rewired plugin from to
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 36 Expanded Downtown) $
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2017, 09:45:11 PM »
Alpha 36 Expanded Downtown

Like the title says, this build has a bunch of new additions to the Downtown level, including a first pass at an Arena. I’ll likely do more with that later, it’s a little on the bare-bones side at the moment. Anyways, the changelog should speak for itself! As usual, let me know what you think of the new stuff in this thread.

This week’s Fortnight Discussion: Disasters! Streets of Rogue needs more of them. But… what?

Alpha 36

New Stuff
Game is now playable through 4-2

New Track “Floor 4-2 Groove is in the Blood-Pumping Organ of an Animate Being”, also added to soundtrack owners’ libraries

Building Types
Music Hall
Movie Theater

New blue laser emitter type that acts as a Metal Detector (actually it detects any weapon in your inventory)
Movie Screen
New Conveyor Belt type for Malls with slightly different functionality

Added trait “Upper-Crusty”

Everything Else
Many Spanish translation fixes

Initial scripting for Arena fights implemented
Classes within Malls have the ability to sell the player things that they previously did not
Bouncer gives the player the ability to drop their weapons in front of Metal Detector Laser Emitters
Comedians can tell jokes to Music Hall patrons
Thief can pop out of Manholes and pickpocket the player. Other characters may pop out as well...

Fix for “Falling into hole” animation of multiplayer clients not playing properly for host
Fix for players appearing to float permanently if they died in a body of water and returned as a ghost
Fix for Supercops, cloned NPCs, etc. not displaying particle effect or sound effect when spawned on multiplayer client
Glass walls are slightly more transparent

UI / Controls
Fix for instances on multiplayer client where optional mission objectives would not be indicated on the minimap
Fix for the mouse collider box attached to NPCs hidden in objects like Bushes sometimes blocking the object, despite the NPC being invisible
Fix for player not being able to hide “combine” target after right-clicking a Combine item in the toolbar while the inventory was closed

Playfield Objects
Fix for being able to knock on certain doors where this should not have been possible
Fix for Manholes sometimes appearing on top of people rather than beneath them
Fix for Hole not always appearing on multiplayer client when Well is destroyed
Crushers shouldn’t go through walls as much, if at all
Fix for multiplayer client not being able to make offering from Altar

When players are mugged by Mobsters, they can get their money and items back by killing the Mobster

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Players can now pickpocket other players in online games

Fix for player not being able to teleport while swimming in Canals

Level Generation
Minor fixes to placement of certain outdoor walls

Fix for instances where multiplayer missions could not be completed from the multiplayer client

Supercop, Mobster and Upper-Cruster can no longer appear on “New Character Every Level”

Artificial Intelligence
People are now capable of sitting in chairs
People have the ability to “own” an entire building where different rooms have different owners as well -- such as the owner of a Hotel
People are better at getting their bearings in regards to pathfinding after being knocked back
Fix for NPCs not always being able to see multiplayer clients when host was not in the vicinity
Fix for NPCs in certain buildings getting hostile toward the player upon seeing them when the rest of the building would only become Annoyed
Fix for people hidden in objects like Bushes becoming visible when Ghost players bump into them
Mobsters no longer ask players who Can’t Speak English for money

Updated Unity engine from 2017.1.0p2 to 2017.2.0f3

Updated 2D Toolkit plugin from to
Updated Rewired plugin from to

Bunch of physics modifications to keep things running smoothly on the new version of Unity
Some multiplayer modifications for the new version of Unity
Extra multiplayer cleanup, got rid of a bunch of internal errors
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Surprise Halloween Update) $
« Reply #22 on: October 24, 2017, 09:24:56 PM »
Surprise Halloween Update~

As a li’l surprise for Halloween: The Zombie disaster has finally been added to the game! From now until Halloween, the first couple of “Level Disasters” you see in the game (you know, the ones that happen every 3 levels) will be full-on Zombie apocalypses.

Also, if you play the game between now and Halloween, the playable Zombie character will be automatically unlocked for you! And yes, you’ll even get the achievement! For doing LITERALLY NOTHING!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 37) $
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2017, 07:00:13 PM »
Alpha 37

This will be the last update that I’ll be dedicating to Downtown for the time being. At some point, I’ll circle back around to it, much like I plan on doing for the other levels. For the next update, I’ll be switching gears to focus on bug fixes and balance. Not particularly glamorous, but it’s been awhile since I did any real housekeeping, and I’ve amassed a rather enormous pile of bugs to fix thanks in large part to reports from you fine folks.

For those that enjoyed last week’s Zombie disaster: Yes, the Zombie disaster will still appear in-game randomly. Also, check out the new “Zombies Ate My Game Balance” mutator, which adds zombies to every level.

This week’s Fortnight Discussion: Clerks. They’re a new character in the game. How should they function?

Alpha 37

New Stuff
Game is now playable through 4-3

New Track “Floor 4-3 Heavy Wheezing on the Dancefloor”, also added to soundtrack owners’ libraries

Zombies Ate My Game Balance

Non-Playable Characters

Holes may appear in place of Canals sometimes
Ice Rink

Power Box
Turntables functionality

Downtown Diva achievement can be earned

Everything Else
Updated Simplified Chinese translations
Added a Fan Translation fix for languages that use special characters such as Japanese to prevent characters from appearing too small in certain spots on the interface. To implement the fix, see the updated “How To Make Translations.txt” file.

Upper-Crusters may travel with their own personal Slaves
It is now possible to offer Slaves to Mobsters when they mug you
Fix for Slaves blowing up after falling down a hole
Fix for “Sign Up to Fight” button sometimes appearing multiple times on multiplayer client

Fix for Arrested people having the wrong head sprite
Fixed cases where NPCs might not animate properly if they were on the screen when the game was started
NPCs point their guns directly at their opponent rather than simply pointing in the direction they’re facing
Changed graphics for Train slightly
Fix for instances where a person could remain highlighted white after being attacked and flashing
Fix for cases where Bridges across canals appeared to be facing the wrong direction on multiplayer client
City Park transition tiles (i.e. parks within Downtown) have been modified to be more organic

Playfield Objects
Potential fix for objects sometimes becoming non-interactable on multiplayer client
Fix for Manholes spawning too close to the level entrance
Lamps can be affected by EMP Grenades
Fix for not being able to use Alarm Buttons when you have other people in your party
Fix for Alarm Button dialogue not appearing on multiplayer client
Metal Detector turns off when Arena battle starts
Fix for Alarm Button not causing Supercop to spawn when destroyed by fire
Fix for Saw Blade continuing to make noise after being shut down
Fix for objects taking a second to be destroyed on multiplayer client when shot by shotgun

Fix for EMP Grenade making certain objects non-functional when they were not classified as being electronic
Jock NPCs no longer carry nonexistent “Baseball” item
Fix for “Remove w/Slave Helmet Remover” button appearing twice if player has more than one
Fix for thrown items being capable of hitting people hidden in Bushes or Manholes

Rogue Vision is now included in the pool of potential Daily Run mutators
Fix for player being able to choose “Create A Mutator” button

Level Generation
Office Drone has been replaced with Clerk in a bunch of spots
Buildings can potentially have two Bouncers now
Power Boxes may appear in random spots on levels, typically guarded by police
Jukeboxes have been added to certain buildings

Artificial Intelligence
Added Ice Skating behavior
Fix for police getting angry if player attacks Zombies
Zombies no longer wait outside of doors when their opponent is on the other side like other NPCs do, because they are stupid zombies
All store owners and Guards in Mall get annoyed with Suspicious or Malodorous characters
People at the Arena cheer during fights, and when a fight is over
Fix for Supercops not investigating the player’s location upon spawning if they were too far away from the player
NPCs are less likely to walk directly on Train and Mine Cart Tracks, particularly when they are not in combat
Cops and Supercops are now Loyal to Upper-Crusters
Mobsters will not bug the player for money if they are fighting other people
Mobsters will not bug the player for money if they use the Alarm Button to call a Supercop
NPCs no longer stop for a split second if the player interacts with them but the NPC does not have context buttons
If the player interacts with someone traveling in a gang (i.e. Mobsters), the other gang members will stop and wait for the interaction to finish
If a Slave has one owner and that owner begins to flee, the Slave will follow to avoid having their helmet blow up due to the distance
Fix for NPCs not being more careful about accidentally shooting their allies in the back
Fix for NPCs not getting angry if the player used the Shotgun on owned objects

Created new Free version of the game for and GameJolt

Did a bunch of work on a “Chinese Government Approved” Chinese version of the game
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 39) $
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2017, 01:22:44 PM »
Alpha 38

New Features
Added four-player split-screen mode. Must be turned on from the Gameplay Settings menu.

Updated localization for all territories - LOTS of new translations
Fix for certain text on the main menu not appearing properly when Fan Translations were activated

Arena fights can no longer be started when the power in the building is out
Status effect-causing lakes will no longer contain Acid unless the player has put it there
Fix for players being able to teleport into bathroom of Arcade

Hologram can no longer be hit by Train and Mine Cart

Fix for Shapeshifter being headless after Depossessing Gorillas
Fix for Oil Spills sometimes appearing beneath rugs or other floors
Fix for Burnt or Frozen people not always appearing that way of the burning or freezing occurred off-screen
Fix for NPCs often facing the wrong direction while pointing their guns on multiplayer client
Fix for Flamethrower particles appearing to go too far past Glass Walls after hitting them
Falling bombs have a shadow sprite

UI / Controls
When someone disappears for whatever reason, their word bubble text disappears as well
When playing as Zombie, the player will not know who is Hostile by mousing over them until the person actually sees them and becomes Hostile
Fix for Wrestler’s “Toss” icon (and potentially some others) appearing when the player is a Ghost
Player can no longer attempt to Quick-Teleport while in the Home Base
Fix for Scroll Bar not appearing on character stats in-game
Future free versions of the game will no longer state that the game will be saved when quitting
Fix for “Can’t Teleport To Yourself” text on map screen not displaying properly in offline games
Fix for top-of-screen UI elements not disappearing when the player enters the Main Menu
Fix for icons not appearing on the minimap if someone other than Player 1 opened it first
Fix for issue where gamepad players could shoot a gun and then move faster than normal by rotating the right analog stick while the gun was remained un-holstered
Fix for Player 2 UI appearing on Player 1’s screen in split-screen coop
Fix for camera initially being in the wrong spot after switching the 2-player camera from Full to Split in the Settings menu
Fix for Clock not moving out of the way of minimap in 3- or 4-player mode
Minimap appears in 2-player split-screen mode
Minimap appears in bottom-right corner during 3-player Full-Screen mode
Players can teleport in 3- and 4-player mode
Fix for RT and LT button icons not appearing properly at the start of the game

Playfield Objects
Fix for part of Crusher remaining after being destroyed by huge Explosion
Fix for certain cases where Fire Spewer would not fire
Changed Tree collider slightly to avoid player clipping situations
Killer Plants no longer snap at Ghosts
Fix for Killer Plant bites not always registering
Fix for Killer Plant, Fire and Explosion sometimes knocking people in the wrong direction

Fix for Ghost Gibber stream going through Glass Walls
Fix for Gas Mask not always working properly
EMP Grenade can be used to remove Slave Helmet
EMP Explosions affect objects behind walls
Fix for people with Pacifist trait not being able to equip Oil Container
Fix for client player in online matches dropping duplicates of “undroppable” starting items items like Taser and Slave Helmet Remote on death
Fix for Taser not working properly if chosen as a starting item and also chosen as a loadout item

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Flesh Feast now allows people to gain health when using weapons other than Fist
NPCs who are infected with Zombiism before death will stay dead a bit longer before turning into Zombies
Fix for Wrestler not getting kill credit when inflicting status effects on NPCs with thrown objects (i.e. Toilet poisoning someone)
Fix for Wrestler not receiving credit for repercussions of destroying a computer by throwing it
Fix for Wrestler not always equipping correct weapon after throwing an object
Custom characters cannot go into Withdrawal in the Home Base
No longer possible to create a character with both Suspicious and Charismatic
Fix for being able to choose Skinny Nerdlinger and Unstoppable-ish at the same time for custom characters
Inanimate objects can no longer gain status effects
Fix for people losing Frozen status effect when they gain health, this should only occur when they lose health
If a player Possesses someone, a safeguard has been added so they cannot immediately Depossess by accident through spamming the Possession Stone object
People who are Frozen while in combat can be Backstabbed now
Fix for issues occurring if player attempted to perform various Special Abilities while starting to Teleport
When the player unlocks a new trait or traits, those traits are normally the first available when the player gains a level. As of this update, those traits will not appear if they are useless to the player’s current chosen character
Fix for NPCs having difficulty navigating around Fire Spewers and certain other objects
Players lose Above The Law and Upper Crusty if they buy when Possessing someone and then Depossess
Fix for NPCs who have Resurrect and are knocked out not resurrecting if they are killed on the ground
Fix for issue where NPCs who were knocked out and resurrected would not become attack the person who had knocked them out if they had not been previously hostile
Fix for Lunge, Zombie Spit and Charge attack issue where player could continue holding down the Special Ability button past the point where the attack had concluded, which would cause weird movement

Fix for occasional internal errors when bullets hit walls when the player was extremely close to the wall

Fix for Equip sound effect not playing when the only available weapon is Fist and the player uses the scroll wheel to choose Fist repeatedly

Fix for players being able to teleport into the bounds of Hedge Mazes
Fix for not being able to teleport from Dirt floor tiles
NPC party members will no longer teleport alongside the player when the player has commanded them to perform a certain action
Player can teleport while rescuing an NPC if that NPC has been commanded to perform an action

Stats / Unlocks
Fix for Destruction stat not increasing when the player destroys walls using a melee attack
Fix for player gaining an extra Destruction point for throwing objects with Toss ability
Player receives credit for killing people by knocking them into hazards
Player receives credit for Leafblowering dangerous items like Bear Traps into people

Fix for being able to teleport during the Find Bombs disaster, and not being able to teleport when it’s over

Level Generation
Removed ‘Holes in place of canals’. I dunno, I don’t love it.

Artificial Intelligence
Fix for NPCs continuing to sleep in beds or sit in chairs after the Wrestler had picked up the object
NPCs will no longer accept health items from the player when their health is full
Ghost no longer stops to avoid obstacles like Train
Zombified Slaves do not become Mutinous
Upper Crusters will not attempt to run and find an Alarm Button while enslaved
If Supercops are enslaved and set free, they will not continue searching for the person they were originally sent to kill
Upper Crusters, Cops, Supercops, and people in gangs will not become hostile toward other people who have Ideological Clash
Fix for NPCs sometimes continuing to dance after being Tased
Ghosts no longer flee Zombies or other types of danger
Fix for people sometimes saying their “annoyed” speech after the player uses Hypnotizer Mark I on them
Soldiers are always aligned with one another
Zombies will not refuse orders to attack someone due to low health
Fix for Zombies getting Annoyed when player started Cannibalizing, using Vampire bite, or Possessing someone nearby
Fix for Prisoners not becoming Loyal to the player if they were Friendly when released from prison
Fix for NPCs permanently attacking thin air when commanded to attack an open door or other object that could not be hit with melee attacks
If the player uses DNA Connection on someone, then dies and resurrects as a Ghost, and then the other person dies, that person will not follow the Ghost
NPCs stop dead in their tracks when the player begins Arresting or Biting them, rather than continuing to slide for a split second, to avoid them sliding out of the player’s interaction bounds
Fix for NPC Dizzy movement continuing when the NPC is being Arrested or Bitten
Fix for people with custom character trait “Zombiism” not speaking the same language as full-on Zombies
Fix for Gorilla being able to understand Comedian’s jokes without a translator
Fix for Zombies being hostile toward a player with Zombiism if they started a new multiplayer game with zombies in that stage
Fix for Mobsters attempting to do gang/mugging stuff after becoming Zombies
Thief no longer steals Tranquilizer Gun from the player
NPCs can no longer “bump” other NPCs who the player has commanded to stand in place

Edited Pacifist description to indicate that not all types of Thrown weapons can be thrown (such as Bear Trap)

Created new Show Floor version of the game

Alpha 38b (November 17)
Added extra safeguards for errors occuring when loading save files
A few localization fixes
Fix for some menu text not loading properly when starting the game in Fan Translations mode
Fix for all syringes being Invisible
Fix for wreckage sometimes appearing the wrong color initially
Flesh Feast description now reads accurately
Fix for dead people’s arms sometimes appearing to hover above their body on multiplayer client
Potential fixes for a few weird/inconsistently appearing multiplayer issues
Goodie Dispenser will not give you items that you already have in your inventory
Fix for NPCs not avoiding Slime Puddle
Fix for players not being able to give certain starting items to other characters when playing as custom character

Alpha 38c (November 19)
Fix for Zombie on Character Select sometimes appearing with incorrectly colored legs
Fix for Hacking not functioning properly in 2-player split-screen mode
No longer possible to Steal from, Bite, or Chloroform other players when PVP mode is turned off
Placed limit on the speed at which a person can be knocked back
Charismatic characters will still be hated by the appropriate character classes when they have Blahd Basher, Crepe Crusher, Specist and Scientist Slayer
Water hitting people and objects on multiplayer client no longer causes them to flash
Fix for Shapeshifter losing Invincible effects when Depossessing
Giants can no longer fall down small holes like Manholes, since they can’t fit
Fix for Refrigerators sometimes containing only money when certain mutators were active
Sharp Lunge is no longer selectable as a Special Ability for custom characters. I got a lot of people telling me how OP this is, and it was really just intended as a Werewolf-mode ability anyways
Cops are no longer seen as Innocent when the player is assigned missions that take place in Police Stations
Fix for Jock sometimes being able to phase through walls after using the Charge ability to jump out of water
Fixed text issues that were supposed to be fixed in the previous build.
Potential fix for in-game menu selections occasionally not working properly with the gamepad. Let me know if there are still issues with this
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 39) $
« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2017, 01:23:05 PM »
Alpha 39

New Features
Traits and Reward Items can be removed from their respective in-game pools, so they will no longer appear if you don’t want them to once they’re unlocked. There is a minimum number of items/traits that you must have in the pool, which increases the more you unlock.
Trackpad Mode - Attack in the direction you're facing, rather than the cursor position. Added this because trackpad aiming is near impossible. You can finally play on an airplane. Can be toggled in the control settings menu.
Added optional on-screen timer, which can be turned on from Gameplay Settings. Good for speedrunning.
Added option in Gameplay Settings to place Player Identifier circle underneath the player in single-player mode

UI / Controls
Another attempt at fixing the “can’t scroll through in-game menus” issue that pops up occasionally with the gamepad. Let me know if this still happens. I’m not talking about the main menu, just the in-game menus like the buttons that appear when you interact with something, and the end-of-level Trait selection
In Couch Coop mode, each player’s targeting crosshair has a different color
Game should do a better job of figuring out which gamepad should be assigned to which player without the user having to manually go in and assign them
Gamepads 2 through 4 can no longer press the Accept button on the main menu, to avoid confusion when the gamepads configurations are not set up for the game itself
Health bars appear over people’s heads when the player holds Space
If the player accepts a “Retrieve Item” mission, then picks up and drops the item, it will have an arrow above it, where it did not before
Fix for missions 1, 2 and 3 not appearing greyed out when talking to an NPC about an optional mission
Fix for optional mission arrow and line not appearing on the map screen when talking to an NPC to accept the mission
Fix for mission-giver icon not appearing on the map for all types of missions on multiplayer client
Fix for game sometimes believing the player is still holding down Special Ability when they enter and return from menus
Fix for Character Sheet Scroll Bar appearing oddly if the player scrolled to the bottom and then removed a large number of Traits
Fix for Quick-Health button displaying incorrect messaging when used at full health with “Low Health For All” mutator turned on
Fix for Page-Up and Page-Down-assigned gamepad buttons not working properly on other menus after the player viewed a Scrolling Menu
Fix for player being able to combine items in their inventory by dragging and dropping, rather than right-clicking first
Pressing Cancel or Esc on the title screen causes the Quit Game prompt to appear
Multiplayer information that the player enters from the title screen (like IP Address) is saved between sessions

Fix for pathfinding issues in one of the Arcade buildings

Water Puddles and Oil appear beneath floor decals like Blood and Slime puddles
Fix for gun appearing in both hands when the player performs Primal Lunge
Fix for client players not appearing to die properly on host when they were knocked out and killed while on the ground
Fix for Dizzy Stars not appearing if a person became Knocked Out while Invisible
Fix for Walls not changing color properly when screen turns red from Werewolf
Fix for checkered floor not always appearing in correct position in Home Base
Fixed certain instances where the player could appear with a consistently east-facing mustache

Playfield Objects
Player cannot start Arena fights if one of the Laser Emitters has been destroyed
Took extra steps to ensure that people cannot be knocked through Arena’s Glass Walls

Kill Ammunizer gives the player less ammo per kill with “Low Health for All” and “Everyone Hates You” mutators active
Fix for player sometimes having an item count of 0 if they choose a Loadout item that is already one of their starting items
Fix for NPCs with Resurrect not dropping their items when they are Knocked Out
Fix for player sometimes not being able to properly interact with items on the ground when their inventory is full

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for Jock sometimes changing Charge direction after being knocked back
Fix for NPCs sometimes emitting sleep Z’s while walking around while Invisible
“Friend of the Common Folk” cancels out “The Law” and “Fair Game” in the Character Creator
Bloody Mess and Cannibalize cancel each other
Jugularious and Medical Professional cancel each other
Naked and Suspicious cancel each other
Naked’s point value is -5 instead of -3
Fix for NPCs losing the “Guilty” tag if a player Possessed and then Depossessed them
Fix for Possessed Thief sometimes ending up with a permanent Sticky Glove icon above their head
Class Solidarity no longer prevents the player from attacking people they need to kill for missions
Fix for No In-Fighting not always working when used player-vs-player
No In-Fighting is applied to when melee weapons hit other melee weapons, so that they will not hit each other
Potential to Not Suck functions on skill levels past 12, if you somehow get that far
Class Solidarity allows players to attack Hostile NPCs, and allows Hostile NPCs to attack the player
Fix for Fair Game, when applied to NPCs, not scaring other NPCs away

Fix for in-game sounds stopping during the next game after player fails Hidden Bombs disaster
Fix for not all sounds stopping when giant explosion occurs at the end of Hidden Bombs disaster
Fix for Equip Weapon sound effect repeatedly playing when NPCs were commanded to destroy certain objects

Fix for issue where coop players would not respawn as a Ghost if they died shortly before another player who died with Resurrect

Stats / Unlocks
Players with Zombiism cannot gain Skill Points for killing NPCs with Zombiism since those NPCs cannot become Hostile
If the player purchases a Loadout item and then leaves the Home Base without starting a new game, their Nuggets will be returned to them

If the player reaches the game’s nugget limit of 50, they will receive items for optional missions instead of nuggets
On missions where a Prisoner needs to be killed, owners in the building are properly marked as Guilty

Fix for New Character Every Level not working properly when the player chooses to start with a Custom character

Level Generation
Fix for Trash Cans and Vending Machines sometimes spawning not directly next to a wall

Artificial Intelligence
If the player Bites or Cannibalizes someone, NPCs who are already Annoyed will turn Hostile
Questgivers become Friendly toward the player upon completing a Mission (results in lower shop prices amongst other benefits)
Hidden NPCs (Bushes, Manholes) will no longer talk to the player under various circumstances
Fix for NPCs not pathing properly around Refrigerator
Fix for NPCs “trembling/twitching” around certain objects
NPCs that the player must neutralize for missions will not get scared and run away players with Zombiism
Fix for Zombies with Resurrect not being Hostile toward anyone upon resurrection
NPCs will attack most locked wooden doors when commanded
Fix for Mobsters ceasing to Mug a Comedian when they don’t like his Joke
Fix for only one of the Mobsters listening to a Joke actually reacting to the Joke
Fix for player being able to offer Mobsters money if they became Friendly, Loyal or Aligned
Fix for non-owner NPCs sometimes having difficulty navigating their way out of buildings
Fix for Zombies sometimes remaining Aligned with NPCs who owned the same building as them post-Zombification
Fix for Zombies being initially hostile toward Security Cams, Turrets, etc.
Fix for NPC followers who come to the next level with the player not always having proper initial relationships with everyone on the next level
Fix for DNA Connected Prisoners not following the player when they are released from prison
Followers will follow the player into buildings with Gas
If the player wins an Arena fight, spectators will become Friendly
Fix for Arena spectators sometimes appearing to get scared during a fight
Arena payout is multiplied by the number of NPCs the player fights
NPCs no longer run away from dangerous NPCs who have exited the level
Fix for owners not reacting if they see you open a Do Not Enter door
When someone joins your party, they will always become Loyal toward other players and the other people in your party, unless they are already Aligned. If they are dismissed from the party, they will go back to being Neutral, or whatever their initial relationship was
If players join a game late, the other agents’ party members will be Loyal to the new player

Improved Paralyzed description
Changed Mysterious Elevator description text to make it more obvious how to see the different floor requirement
Made it slightly more obvious that you can load characters from the hard disks
When attempting to quit, text explicitly states that the game is saved at the end of levels
Changed Loadout instructions to be a bit more clear

No longer possible to get past the first laser without being injured
No longer possible to get stuck with the Rock not spawning
Banana is no longer available from the shop

Potential fix for memory leak issue

Alpha 39b
Fix for buttons in Home Base sometimes being highlighted in grey when they weren’t supposed to be
Fix for Filter text sometimes appearing incorrectly on Join Internet Game screen
Fixed multiplayer issue where end-of-level elevator could bring up character select. May have fixed other bugs in the process, such as the bug where objects appear the wrong spots on the client, or level is generated incorrectly on the client.
(This one’s for the Unity coders out there) Fixed a bunch of instances where static variables changes were inadvertently sticking around after the scene was changed, which will probably fix a few random issues.

Alpha 39c (December 2)
It is now possible to shut off Gas Vents that are constantly spewing by using the Computer
Fix for gamepad players being able to see text from moving the cursor over icons on the small minimap while on the Missions Screen
Fix for minimap not disappearing in 2-player coop when one player becomes a ghost and the screen becomes fullscreen
Fixed some screen transition issues when a player dies and becomes a ghost in 2-player coop mode
Fix for game remaining in slow motion if player was dragging an item with the mouse when the inventory was forced to close due to falling into a Hole, becoming Dizzy, etc.
Fix for minimap not updating properly when walls are destroyed
Trait display on left-hand side of the screen cannot spill onto multiple lines
Players cannot type /invite while playing LAN games, since these do not support Steam matchmaking
Health bars do not appear over NPCs’ heads when player holds the Extra Info button while in the Home Base
Gamepad Cursor movement speed on Missions Screen is no longer tied to frame rate and screen resolution
Fix for players getting a choice of 4 traits at the end of levels, it’s supposed to be 3 unless you have Jack of Extra Trades
Increased trait choices with Jack of Extra Trades from 4 to 5
Fix for player not being to add Syringes of the same type to their inventory when the inventory is full
Fix for certain character classes saying error messages when they refuse to join your party
When Player 1 is set to Keyboard, Player 1 Gamepad bindings no longer appear on the Gamepad Setup screen
Fix for controllers continuing to vibrate when the player enters menus where the game is paused
Normal cursor appears on the main menu when Esc is pressed rather than Target

Alpha 39d (December 3)
Fix for bug that was causing the game to freeze for some players when the player was meant to select a Trait at the end of levels
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 40) $
« Reply #26 on: December 14, 2017, 09:36:47 PM »
Alpha 40

Trading cards are FINALLY available! So get collecting!

I also made a rather large number of balance-oriented changes this update. If you’ve been playing the game on a regular basis, I’d recommend skimming through the whole list.

The next update will be on the “light” side, as I’ll be spending a week traveling for the holidays. I’ll be starting work on the Level 5 at the beginning of next year, so now’s the time to start making suggestions in this week’s Fortnight Discussion: Level 5 - Uptown!

Alpha 40

Big New Features and Content
(Though a lot of the bullet points further down could probably qualify as well!)
Steam Trading Cards added
Loadout-O-Matic appears in levels. Player can purchase any of their starting items, including loadout items. Note that this may not work properly with saved games from previous versions
Vendor Stand appears in Park levels. Player can purchase items from Bartenders or Shopkeepers.
New Trait: “Honor Among Thieves” given to the Thief at the start of the game. Allows him to purchase discounted tools from other Thieves, and also prevents Thieves from stealing from him
Medical Professional has completely changed. Rather than giving a health bonus for using first aid kits, it allows the player to restore the health of their followers, once per follower per floor
Accuracy is now known as Firearms, Strength is now known as Melee
Firearms (formerly Accuracy) now affects damage, spread of rapid-fire weapons, and cooldown for non-rapid fire weapons, in addition to the percentage of time auto-aim is triggered

Fix for multiple televisions spawning on top of each other in one of the hotels
Fixed a case where Sawblade movement could potentially go in the wrong direction
Fixed a case where a tube in a factory was spewing gibs in a slightly incorrect position
Fix for a Goon in one of the Banks facing the wrong direction sometimes
Fixed an instance where a Crusher could push its way into a window
Fixed instances where certain buildings had 2 locked doors and no computer, since this could result in cases where the door would be impossible to get open without the right items
Changed placement of a number of Gas Vents
Lakes that are poisoned when the level loads can no longer contain Enraged

Playfield Objects
Fix for player or NPCs sometimes being blamed when Alarm Buttons were destroyed due to natural causes
Laser Emitters can be disabled with the Wrench
Slightly more difficult to destroy Fire Spewers
Fewer Trash Cans are spawned in levels, but they are never empty
Reduced size of Gas collider

Cost to hire NPCs is a bit less
Cost to hire people is dependent on your floor
Cost for Doctor to heal you is dependent on your floor
Cost to purchase Slaves is lower when they are not being rescued for a mission
Fix for cost of muggings from Mobsters being a bit higher than intended

UI / Controls
Auto-Aim can be disabled from the Control Setup menu
When the player moves the cursor over an NPC or holds the space bar, status effects are shown
Fix for health bars of other players not appearing above their heads in online multiplayer mode when the player holds space bar
People can no longer Jump while in a Trip animation

Item cost is affected by the current floor. As the player progresses, items become more expensive and can be sold for more money
Player can get better deals on items from Shopkeepers and Drug Dealers after enslaving them
Reduced base extra cost of cloning items in Clone Machine
Increased base price of Giantizer pills from $50 to $80
Bartender is capable of selling more than 2 drinks
Tranquilizer Gun costs more and has a smaller initial ammo count
Shopkeeper no longer starts the game with Kill Profiter
Doctor now starts the game with the Tranquilizer Gun
Scientist starts with the Leafblower instead of the Tranquilizer Gun
Bartender NPCs now serve Cocktails, which will give you a completely random positive status effect
Fix for player being able to use multiple Hacking Tools on the same object, and only losing the first Hacking Tool
Fix for items sometimes remaining for sale after multiplayer client had purchased them
Fix for player not saying “I can’t pick that up” when inventory is full, after gibbing someone in very close proximity
Fix for items sometimes making a noise that could attract people nearby, if two items were spilled at the same time in close proximity to one another
Fix for never being able to see the contents of Cocktails that you clone

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Hacker has a 50% chance for their hack to cause an alarm, rather than 100%
Hacker can hack Slave Helmets being worn by Slaves
Hacker can hack the Killer Robot
Always Crit effect time reduced to 20 seconds
Giant effect time reduced to 20 seconds
Shrewd Negotiatiator benefits improved a bit
Crepe Crusher Blahd Basher, Scientist Slayer and Specist give the player more skill points for killing members of the opposing class
Cannibal receives extra health for eating people who have been “cooked” by fire
Wrestler’s Toss move does more damage
Backstabs are easier to perform - The player will always attack in a forward motion when they have the Backstab trait and are in the proper position
Sleep Killer is now completely silent
Sleep Killer does not gib people anymore
Soldier starting Endurance is now 2 instead of 3
Investment Banker’s Speed, Strength and Accuracy stats are higher
Withdrawal causes reduced strength, speed and accuracy
Nicotine lasts for 30 seconds, freezes the timer on Feelin’ Alright, and freezes the effects of Withdrawal
Clumsiness Accepted now allows you to break people’s walls without them becoming Hostile
Modern Warfarer regenerates health to 15 instead of 20 when Low Health mutator is active
When Werewolf is running low on time before transforming back into a human, numbers will appear over his head. The same goes for Assassin’s Camouflage
Fair Game cancels Suspicious, Charismatic and Malodorous in character customization
Bite cancels Strict Cannibal, and Cannibalize cancels Jugularious
Bite has a chance to give 2 health instead of 1, with a slightly greater chance of the number being 1
Bite costs 10 points in character customization instead of 5
Fair Game gives a 10 point benefit in character customization instead of 7
Assassin’s Accuracy stat reduced from 3 to 2
People are knocked back a proper amount when blocking hits from Primal Lunge and Sharp Lunge
Flesh Feast no longer works on dead people, it was functionally too similar to Cannibalize. However, it now restores 3 health instead of 2.
People turn into Zombies after dying more quickly. The amount of time had previously been extended to allow for more Flesh Feast hits
Zombie Phlegm charge time has been reduced
Darts can no longer randomly cause Paralyze, since this could make the player a sitting duck if it occurs near a turret
Players with Tech Expert have a 100% chance to turn off Security Cams and disarm Door Detonators when interacting directly
When NPCs laugh at the Comedian’s jokes, the chance that they will join their party is less predictable
Fix for Traits not being removed properly on New Character Every Level for clients in multiplayer games

Stats / Unlocks
Fix for only the server player in multiplayer games receiving nuggets when someone completes a mission where nuggets are the reward. Now, all players will receive the nuggets.

For Neutralize missions, it is now possible to threaten people to leave town (or ask them nicely if you have a good relationship)

Added 30 seconds to the “Find Bombs” disaster

Fixed crash when loading saved games with “New Character Every Level”

Level Generation
Cops are no longer spawned near Power Boxes if the Radiation Blast disaster is occurring
Varying number of cops is spawned near Power Boxes, rather than the number always being 2

Artificial Intelligence
If an NPC is Hostile toward a player, they will no longer immediately become hostile toward another player upon seeing both players at the same time
Fix for NPCs standing at the exact same spot as one another when “All Stand Guard” command is used
Added “All Follow” command for when the player has told more than one party member to Stand Guard
Prices for services are now properly affected by the player’s relationship with the seller in all cases
NPCs in combat are not as scared of large groups of players
Fix for NPCs who are Submissive to the player not always having the correct relationship with other players
Cops react properly when the Power Box that they are guarding is hacked
Normal Cops become Hostile if you destroy an Alarm Button
Fix for Thief not being able to steal from player when the PVP was turned off in Settings
Fix for Thief sometimes trying to steal from players who are dead or had disappeared
Fix for property owners becoming Hostile if the player takes something from one of their owned chests (Safes, etc.) after the player has purchased a Key or Safe Combination from them
Fix for Ghosts not always acting properly if Gravestones were destroyed by natural causes rather than a specific person
Fix for issue where NPCs in buildings where quests are taking place are aligned with the player for no reason

Added proper descriptions for Strength and Accurate status effects

It is now possible to revive other players from the dead using money
30 second timer for players to get the the elevator instead of 60 seconds. The same goes for the other timer that appears when everyone has reached the elevator

Unity engine updated from 2017.2.0 to 2017.2.1

Updated Rewired plugin from to
Updated 2D Toolkit plugin from to
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 44) $
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2018, 11:35:45 PM »
Alpha 44

Game is now playable through 5-2

New Track “Floor 5-2 Gonna Bust a Blood Vessel” added to soundtrack owners’ libraries

Fixed shadow for Loadout-O-Matic when it is facing West

UI / Controls
Fix for player 2’s Skill Bar text not appearing when player gained XP in coop mode

Playfield Objects
More difficult for people to become stuck in Lockdown Walls

Fix for EMP Grenades blowing holes in walls if they hit a Cop Bot or Killer Robot
Fix for Oil Container subtracting 2 ammo per tile instead of 1

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Certain Cop Bots can now rob the player of “non-Uptown-approved” weapons
Cop Bots’ security cam beam colors changed (yellow = Upper-Cruster check, purple = Drug/Alcohol check, Cyan = Weapon check)
Fix for Addict trait for Investment Banker not appearing on Character Select screen
Fix for player not gaining Upper Crusty when Possessing residents of Uptown
Fix for player retaining Withdrawal and Feelin’ Good after depossessing from Investment Banker

Fix for Cops sometimes not getting missions on a level

Level Generation
Fix for early-floor Hooligans not spawning in Uptown prison cells

Artificial Intelligence
Cop Bot no longer gets scared of people with Fair Game
Fix for Office Drone and Clerk not getting Annoyed at people with Malodorous or Naked
Clerks in Deportation Center do not get Annoyed at people with Suspicious, Malodorous or Naked
Fix for Cops not being Aligned with custom characters with The Law
When Comedian successfully tells a Joke to a Bouncer or Clerk at a Deportation Center, the effect is the same as if the Comedian had bribed them, so other people in the building will leave
the player alone
NPCs are better at using Flamethrower

Modified “Promise I’ll Return It” text to clarify that it does not work with Pickpocket

Load times between levels improved by around 40%-50%, primarily due to the points below
Unity “scene” does not switch when player enters new levels, so certain elements like the interface are no longer regenerated
Walls are now pooled instead of being generated fresh each level
Higher frame rate during parts of the level load (though you won’t notice this)

Updated Rewired plugin from to

Added a new and better method for loading level chunks into the game, though it’s not currently used yet
Got another console version up and running. Still can’t say which one it is yet!

Game is now playable through 5-1

New Track “Floor 5-1 I'm Too Arousing For My Turtleneck” added to soundtrack owners’ libraries

Unlock Elevator Access - Uptown

New wall and floor art for Uptown levels

Non-Playable Characters
Cop Bot

Gated Community
Uptown House
“Zoo” (features zombies, cannibals, and those filthy, uncouth Slum Dwellers)
Private Club
Deportation Center
Confiscation Center
Police Outpost
New Bank varieties
New Music Hall varieties
New Mall varieties
New City Park varieties

Lockdown Wall (barricades that go up when Uptown goes into Lockdown)

Everything Else
Fixed a hole in one of the Hideout buildings not being the correct size

Internal fixes to characters’ facial features, hats etc. are determined, could potentially fix a few small things
Fix for swimming NPCs on multiplayer client not appearing to be underwater at the start of a game

Playfield Objects
Certain doors have been given “Panic Room” behavior for particular buildings like Mansions
Fix for Ghosts and Holograms being poisoned by Slime Puddles
Fix for player sometimes being teleported behind vending machines and trash cans

Items that were missing from Item Teleporter were now available
Fix for Thief NPCs being able to steal quest items from player

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Investment Banker NPCs do not start with Addict

Level Generation
Fix for cases where buildings may not have been generated at proper difficulty levels on higher floors

Artificial Intelligence
Supercops are no longer Aligned with player cops, they are Friendly instead
Supercops will enter private property to investigate noises
Clerk in Deportation Center can be paid off
Fix for Goons sometimes not patrolling correctly
Fix for people sometimes observing Shelves against walls from the wrong side of the wall
Non-owners no longer take interest in objects outside of the building that they occupy, such as Air Conditioners
Fix for NPCs sometimes having difficulty navigating Crushers
Fixed pathfinding issues directly after an NPC jumps out of water
Fix for player not being able to ask Slaves to leave town after they are freed
Player can ask Slaves to leave town when they are in captivity, but they will always refuse due to the fact that their helmet would blow up
When player pays a bouncer, not all NPC owners in the building will become Friendly -- only the ones that would have become angry with the player immediately upon seeing them

Potential fix for multiplayer issue where host can enter the game as the incorrect player and start at the bottom-left corner of the map
Removed /teleport function from multiplayer games, this was meant to help with issues in earlier builds

Alpha 43b (January 27)
Fix for quests sometimes not appearing properly when due to reward item not being chosen
Fix for music not looping properly in 5-1
Cop Bots can be killed by EMP Grenades
Fix for gamepad players not being able to properly target a position to make their followers stand guard
Fix for Investment Banker dropping items that were never programmed into the game
Fix for cases where NPCs would still attempt to attack the player while in different “lockdown zones”
Fair Game and Charismatic traits cancel each other out properly
Improvements to when Lockdown is triggered
Fix for cases where player could teleport behind fences in new buildings
Clerks say dialogue all the time when the player interacts
Fix for audience members laughing at NPC Comedian’s jokes when they have Hearing Blocked
Added door to Gorilla cage in one of the Zoos that should have been there
Fix for player being able to lose a mission at the start of the game to free a Cannibal from the Zoo
Fix for followers from previous levels not transforming into Zombie properly
Fix for particle effects attached to people sometimes appearing at the incorrect angle
If one of the players is a Cop, you will not receive missions that take place in Police Stations
(For real this time) Fix for player sometimes being teleported behind vending machines and trash cans
Fix for player not being able to command followers to stand guard on top of hidden objects
Cop Bots no longer flee when their health gets low
Fix for player’s head not appearing properly as Ghost when player chooses the new Cop Bot head for their custom character
When players add custom characters to bottom row of character select screen, shadows no longer appear behind the characters
Fix for Trash Cans sometimes spawning next to level border near City Parks
Players who Can’t Speak English can still comply with Cop Bots

Alpha 43c
Fix for Can't Speak English not working properly as a result of a change in 43b

Alpha 43d (January 28)
Fix for lighting appearing weird at non-16:9 resolutions as a result of some internal screwing-around I did for console versions in 43c

UI / Controls
On the LAN screen, client IP address is automatically detected
Fix for camera sometimes not focusing in the correct spot when interacting with objects in three- or four-player mode when only one player is alive
Fix for camera focusing on wrong player in three- or four-player mode when the only living player chooses a throwable item
Fix for second target image that appears when aiming on gamepad with guns/throwables appearing too dark in split-screen modes
Fix for game freezing when starting Daily Run after turning Fan Translations on
Fix for Twitch voting sometimes ending early before votes were cast in online multiplayer mode
Fix for charge-up attacks being cancelled on freeze frames

Supercop speed reduced from 4 to 3

Fix for NPCs’ bodies and arms sometimes looking weird for a bit after teleportation

Playfield Objects
Fix for steel doors not blocking explosions properly
Fix for Loadout-O-Matics sometimes not getting items properly after loading saved games
Fix for line-of-sight issues when two objects are directly adjacent to one another, including explosions occasionally not hitting objects they were supposed to
Potential fix for player falling into trap door and then spawning on an adjacent trap door, causing a loop of falls. Same goes for Manholes.

Potential fix for items sometimes not appearing on multiplayer client

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for instances where the player could not use Camouflage despite not being in NPCs’ vision
Fix for NPCs not always being Zombified when hit with melee attacks from multiplayer clients
Fix for player being able to hack Killer Robot after its death, which could cause interface errors

Level Generation
Better randomization of level start and end points
Fix for NPCs in gas-spewing buildings sometimes starting without a Gas Mask

Artificial Intelligence
Fix for Supercops sometimes getting stuck near the Police Box and not disappearing
Fix for some instances where NPCs would pause to let Fire Spewers finish when the fire was blocked by a wall

Added proper description for Perfumorous

Created new Show Floor version of the game for PAX

Big Stuff
Major improvement in performance on multiplayer clients. Please let me know if this has negative side effects on your connection, causes disconnects where this did not occur before, etc.

People can now be knocked through Glass Walls, with the exception of the ones surrounding the arena, specifically during the battle. It’s a bit of a hack. In the process, fixed issue with people getting knocked through the Glass during arena battles without it breaking.

Fix for Vendor Stand not having correct shadow
Fix for white squares sometimes appearing for a split second in place of state indicators above characters’ heads

UI / Controls
Potential fix for issue with items sometimes not appearing properly in inventory unless in interfaces for Sell-O-Matic, Clone Machine etc.
Fix for character creation menu not showing the character’s name at the right side of the screen when first creating the character
Fix for issue where a player in Home Base would open the Character Creation screen or the Mysterious Elevator menu, and other players’ personal menus would not close
Fix for issue with Trackpad Mode where the player would sometimes aim toward the mouse’s position
Fix for player not being able to interact with Zombie immediately if Zombie resurrected while player was within range

Playfield Objects
Fix for doors sometimes not opening and closing properly on multiplayer client when they are opened and closed by NPCs
Fix for players on multiplayer client not stopping their interactions with doors when an NPC opens the door

Fix for Cocktails from Bartender sometimes having negative effects
Fix for Hypnotizer not working properly on NPCs who are Hostile

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for issue where quest-related NPCs would become hostile toward custom characters who were Zombified but did not have Fair Game
Fix for multiplayer client being able to talk to Zombies that have turned in the current level when they should not have the ability to understand each other
Fixed issue where “Chaaaarge” ability could sometimes result in the player charging into an object infinitely without being knocked to the ground
Fix for players not being able to Enslave anyone when they have the Antisocial trait

Death sound effect does not play when NPCs are knocked into holes
Fix for Security Camera rotating sound effect not playing on multiplayer client

Stats / Unlocks
Fix for kills counting twice for XP and stats when a dead body is knocked into a hole

Artificial Intelligence
Fix for NPCs not always having correct initial relationships to multiplayer client players
Fix for NPCs not always responding to noises properly, particularly knocks on doors and windows

Fix for multiplayer client sometimes being able to interact with NPCs who had moved out of range
Fix for host player in multiplayer games being able to press End Game and gib themselves after dying

Unity engine updated from 2017.2.1 to 2017.3

Updated Rewired plugin from to

Alpha 41b
Some of the changes from this changelog may have been omitted somehow in 41. This should be corrected now.
Unity engine updated from 2017.3 to 2017.3.0p1

Alpha 41c
Reverted engine back to Unity 2017.2.1, the newer version was causing a bunch of crappy performance issues.
Mac version updated to 41c. I had previously had to revert this from 41a to 40c because presumably Unity 2017.3 was causing the game to not work for some users. Let me know if the game does not run.

Alpha 41d (December 30)
Performance fixes for online multiplayer host
Fix for issue in online games where Zombies and Cannibals would sometimes stand still and not attack anyone
Fix for inventory items not appearing in certain interfaces (Ammo Dispenser, Clone Machine, etc.) when Auto-Sort was turned off
Fix for game freezing when player attempts to return to the menu in multiplayer mode when not connected to Steam
Fix for incorrect “points gained” message appearing when player disables a Laser Emitter with a Wrench
Fix for Traits appearing in-game if the player disables them immediately after unlocking

Alpha 41e
Fix for traits menu not appearing properly at the end of levels if the player recently unlocked a new trait.
Fixed internal errors occurring in multiplayer games when canceling a character selection.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 45) $
« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2018, 08:58:40 PM »
Alpha 45

Well, 16 new mutators to be more accurate, but 5 of them are basically the same thing.

I actually spent the bulk of this update working on the level loading improvements that I started during the last update cycle, but most of my changes weren’t ready for public consumption, so I left them out of this build. I’ll start drip-feeding these changes slowly over future builds, since there is lots of potential for these to cause new bugs, and I don’t want to break TOO much at one time.

More Uptown content is still coming. I’ll be away for a few days over the weekend visiting my grandmother for her 100th (!) birthday, but hopefully I’ll get to spend most of the next update cycle focused on Uptown.

Also, speaking of mutators -- that is the topic of this week’s Fortnight Discussion!

Alpha 45
Added “Remove Levels” mutators for Slums, Industrial, Park, Downtown, and Uptown. These will remove the specified level theme from the game.
Added “Random Level Themes” which randomizes each level variety you enter (Slums, Industrial, etc.)
Added “Exploding Bodies”, which causes people to explode shortly after dying or being otherwise neutralized.
Added “No Cops”, which removes patrolling Cops, Supercops and Cop Bots from the game. Cops can still be found in Police Stations, and Supercops can still be called via Alarm Button.
Added “Full Health For All”, which calculates health for players and NPCs the same, rather than reducing NPC health by comparison
Added “Infinite Melee Durability”, which does what it says.
Added “Infinite Ammo”, which again, does what it says
Added “Infinite Ammo for Common Weapons”, which encompasses mostly bullet-based weapons like Pistol, Shotgun, etc.
Added “Random Mutators” where each level contains a new set of mutators
Added “Continue?”, which gives the player 2 Continues. This means that if the player dies, they can start at the beginning of that level, with everything reset to its original state. On the third death, the game is over. This doesn’t work in online multiplayer yet.
Added “Mixed-Up Environments”, which can result in Lakes appearing in the Slums, Manholes appearing in Industrial, Upper-Crusters appearing in the Park, etc.
Added “Quick Game” which makes the game 10 levels long instead of 15.
Extreme Time Limit renamed to Time Limit EXTREME to make it easier to find alphabetically amongst similar mutators
Fix for bug in New Character Every Level where the character’s special ability from the previous level could remain on the screen
In Rogue Vision mode, player can no longer use the cursor to highlight items that are not visible to the camera

Fix for shadows appearing under certain objects in Rogue Vision mode when they were not supposed to
Fix for pink objects appearing on multiplayer client in Rogue Vision mode
Fix for shadows caused by walls near doors occasionally appearing in the wrong spot

UI / Controls
Fix for countdown timers not appearing on multiplayer client
Fix for multiplayer client not being able to auto-teleport to the Exit using the Ctrl key when all missions are completed
Fix for multiplayer chat log sometimes disappearing if it became too long. Older text is now removed manually if the log gets too big.

Playfield Objects
Fix for Mine Cart tracks sometime spawning in the wrong position on multiplayer client
Fix for Turret sometimes not activating when Security Cameras spotted the player when there were multiple Security Cams

Cocaine is now known as Sugar, and Steroids are now known as Muscly Pills. These were the only real-world drug references in the game (except for cigarettes/nicotine, which is bad for you in the game), and I decided to replace these due to A. Parents finding these references a little jarring, B. ME finding them a little jarring since they don’t quite fit with the weird nonsense world of Streets of Rogue, and C. I feel like something like that could take the game from a T rating to an M rating when the ESRB eventually does its thing. Overall, it didn’t seem worth keeping this stuff in the game. Also, the idea that drug dealers sell bags of sugar to willing customers is pretty funny.
Musician no longer carries items that do not exist in the game code

Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Modern Warfarer now works on NPCs

Fix for music not fading out properly at the end of levels
Fix for music sometimes not playing when reaching a new level

Soldier players will not receive missions that take place in Military Outposts

Level Generation
Various fixes to the new level loading system from the last build that should result in an overall decrease in weird bugs
Lockdown Walls can now be placed next to Fences

Changed text descriptions for No Guns mutator to mention that all guns would be replaced with equivalent melee weapons. Did the same for No Melee mutator.
Added notification to “End Game” prompt that saved progress will be destroyed

Lots more work on level-loading performance, though most of these efforts aren’t bug-tested enough for me to activate them in a public build
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Streets of Rogue (now at Alpha 46) $
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2018, 09:51:14 PM »
Alpha 46

I went into this update with the intention of doing a bunch of Uptown-exclusive content, and while there’s some of that in here, I also ended up spending like 5 days making functional Firefighters (non-playable for now!). Also, fixing a whole bunch of bugs.

My general rule is that if I catch a bug during development and it’s not necessarily easy to reproduce, I drop what I’m doing to try and fix it. This is often the case with AI bugs, which are notoriously frustrating to try and replicate from user reports. Fortunately for me, I encountered a lot of these elusive AI bugs while getting Firefighters to do their thing. So that was a nice surprise.

Though Uptown didn't get as much attention as I was planning this week, I've still made the game playable through 5-3. Expect a drip-feed of level-specific updates to Uptown and other levels throughout the game's Early Access development.

For next week, my primary focus will be on creating new Disasters -- an area of the game that hasn’t gotten much love in awhile.

In other news, March 10 marks Streets of Rogue’s 1-year anniversary in Early Access. While there’s no way to really quantify the work that’s been done in this period, the number of personally-written lines in my code base increased by about 40%. For a game with a 4+ year development time, that’s pretty hefty. (And for those interested, the final line tally was like 200,000, with 80,000 written in the past year.)

For this week’s Fortnight Discussion, I’m looking for input on how certain things in the game should function. Specifically: Fountain, Well, Satellite Dish, Arcade Game, Barbecue, Fireplace, Gravestone, ATM machine, of course, Toilet.

Alpha 46
Game is now playable through 5-3

New Track “Floor 5-3 Tell It To My Cardiologist, Why Dontcha” added to soundtrack owners’ libraries

Uptown Upper-Cruster achievement can be earned

Non-Playable Characters
Firefighter - Yes, they will actually come and put out fires. In the future, I’ll likely be giving them some sort of water cannon bionic arm, because right now they use Fire Extinguishers, which is lame.
Alien - Sorta hidden right now and not very fleshed out, but can you find him????

New Environments
Fire Station
Broadcasting Station
Outdoor pits surrounded by fences

New Objects
ATM Machine - Not fully functional, but check out this week’s Fortnight Discussion!
Fountain - Also see this week’s Fortnight Discussion!
Satellite Dish - Same deal!
Desk - Finally, office buildings have proper desks instead of home/bar tables

New Items
Fire Extinguisher

Player can borrow money from any Bank, even if they are not an Investment Banker.
Debt money can no longer be paid back to Drug Dealers, Shopkeepers, etc. It must be transferred through either an ATM Machine, or the Clerk at the Bank.

Pieces of Wreckage will disappear when they move over Holes or Conveyor Belt
Fix for Fire particle effects sometimes appearing to face the wrong direction
Fix for items sometimes having extremely bright lighting as the player progressed further into the game
Fix for people becoming too bright when bunched up together in a group

UI / Controls
Fix for text “E_ObjectAgent” appearing on cursor

Playfield Objects
Sign appears at the beginning of Level 5-1
Power Box hit points reduced from 50 to 30
When Fires in objects like Flaming Barrels are extinguished, fire no longer returns if the player goes away and comes back
Fires in objects like Flaming Barrels being extinguished is displayed properly on multiplayer client
Fix for Fires continuing to spread after being extinguished
Extinguishing a Fire no longer causes the object or wall to be destroyed
Fix for Fireplace appearing inside walls on multiplayer client
Fix for Fires not being destroyed properly internally when they are destroyed by being extinguished in some way
Taking damage from status effects no longer causes the player to become un-hidden from Bushes
Player is more likely to auto-aim at Exploding Barrel
Fix for situations where Gas would continue spewing from vents permanently when it was not supposed to
Potential fix for people being teleported on top of manholes
Fix for player Cops being able to go through blue Lasers without setting off the metal detector

Fix for Hypnotizer not working properly on gamepad after first level

Fix for Flamethrower causing knockback on dead bodies on multiplayer client

Fix for Wall Break sound not playing on multiplayer client when Fire destroyed a wall

Fix for not being able to exit Arena if opponents are Zombified rather than completely neutralized

Player may receive missions to Neutralize a person roaming the streets, typically with armed guards or a gang

Random Mutators mutator now keeps all the initial mutators you select and does not replace them with new ones
Random Mutators now works properly when you disable certain level themes
Fix for incorrect music tracks playing during Quick Game mutator
Fix for Disasters not always appearing on the correct levels in Endless mode when Quick Game is activated
Fix for bodies not being destroyed properly in the Exploding Bodies mutator if the player was very far away when the body exploded
Fix for recently-added mutators causing the Home Base to have non-standard “level themes”

Level Generation
Gangsters may be seen roaming the streets in gangs of 3 or 4
Musician may be seen roaming the streets with armed Goons
Uptown mansions may be filled with Vampires or Mobsters
Wood walls appear more frequently
Fix for Bouncers not spawning next to Mine Cart/Train Tracks
Fix for Water sometimes appearing where Ice was supposed to during Mixed-Up Levels mutator
Fix for lights above Lakes not spawning on multiplayer client
Fix for Door, Window and other objects occasionally facing the wrong direction in certain buildings

Artificial Intelligence
Added lots of AI revolving around extinguishing fires
Better pathfinding around Fire Hydrant sprays
Fix for property owners becoming Hostile toward Invisible people who open doors in their presence
Fix for Bouncer requesting money from the player upon talking to him after completing Arena fight
Fix for NPCs in roving gangs sometimes not fighting the player when they were too far away from their starting position
Fix for NPCs sometimes appearing to run back to the object they were observing when they come into the player’s view
Fix for NPCs with only one object to observe repeatedly walking away from that object for a split second and then returning to it
Fix for instance where NPCs could get confused on what to do next while battling the player, as a result of paying too much attention to certain noises where the player destroyed their property
Fix for NPCs running away from fire that had spawned in a different building
Fix for NPCs continuing to gather around Television long after it had been hacked to produce High Volume
After being hearing the hacking noise, NPCs no longer continue to search for the player for as long as the hacking interface is on the screen -- rather, they only perform one search
Fix for certain situations where NPCs could become stuck in place while searching for the player during combat
Fix for certain situations where pathfinding and movement for NPCs would stop working
NPCs are slightly better at using the Flamethrower
NPCs no longer have difficulty attacking objects that block their view, like Trees and Shelves
NPCs are less likely to walk on Train and Mine Cart Tracks
Supercops no longer become Hostile toward normal Cops who attack or arrest Guilty people in their presence
Fix for NPCs sometimes not running out of buildings when the building is gassed

Bunch of Russian Language fixes and additions (thanks to the Russian Streets of Rogue community on vk)
Added clarification in Super Studious description that this trait results in fewer Chicken Nuggets per level-up
Flesh Feast description changed to highlight the fact that it only works on non-neutralized people

Updated 2D Toolkit plugin from to
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training