« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2018, 11:35:45 PM »
Alpha 44
Game is now playable through 5-2
New Track “Floor 5-2 Gonna Bust a Blood Vessel” added to soundtrack owners’ libraries
Fixed shadow for Loadout-O-Matic when it is facing West
UI / Controls
Fix for player 2’s Skill Bar text not appearing when player gained XP in coop mode
Playfield Objects
More difficult for people to become stuck in Lockdown Walls
Fix for EMP Grenades blowing holes in walls if they hit a Cop Bot or Killer Robot
Fix for Oil Container subtracting 2 ammo per tile instead of 1
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Certain Cop Bots can now rob the player of “non-Uptown-approved” weapons
Cop Bots’ security cam beam colors changed (yellow = Upper-Cruster check, purple = Drug/Alcohol check, Cyan = Weapon check)
Fix for Addict trait for Investment Banker not appearing on Character Select screen
Fix for player not gaining Upper Crusty when Possessing residents of Uptown
Fix for player retaining Withdrawal and Feelin’ Good after depossessing from Investment Banker
Fix for Cops sometimes not getting missions on a level
Level Generation
Fix for early-floor Hooligans not spawning in Uptown prison cells
Artificial Intelligence
Cop Bot no longer gets scared of people with Fair Game
Fix for Office Drone and Clerk not getting Annoyed at people with Malodorous or Naked
Clerks in Deportation Center do not get Annoyed at people with Suspicious, Malodorous or Naked
Fix for Cops not being Aligned with custom characters with The Law
When Comedian successfully tells a Joke to a Bouncer or Clerk at a Deportation Center, the effect is the same as if the Comedian had bribed them, so other people in the building will leave
the player alone
NPCs are better at using Flamethrower
Modified “Promise I’ll Return It” text to clarify that it does not work with Pickpocket
Load times between levels improved by around 40%-50%, primarily due to the points below
Unity “scene” does not switch when player enters new levels, so certain elements like the interface are no longer regenerated
Walls are now pooled instead of being generated fresh each level
Higher frame rate during parts of the level load (though you won’t notice this)
Updated Rewired plugin from to
Added a new and better method for loading level chunks into the game, though it’s not currently used yet
Got another console version up and running. Still can’t say which one it is yet!
Game is now playable through 5-1
New Track “Floor 5-1 I'm Too Arousing For My Turtleneck” added to soundtrack owners’ libraries
Unlock Elevator Access - Uptown
New wall and floor art for Uptown levels
Non-Playable Characters
Cop Bot
Gated Community
Uptown House
“Zoo” (features zombies, cannibals, and those filthy, uncouth Slum Dwellers)
Private Club
Deportation Center
Confiscation Center
Police Outpost
New Bank varieties
New Music Hall varieties
New Mall varieties
New City Park varieties
Lockdown Wall (barricades that go up when Uptown goes into Lockdown)
Everything Else
Fixed a hole in one of the Hideout buildings not being the correct size
Internal fixes to characters’ facial features, hats etc. are determined, could potentially fix a few small things
Fix for swimming NPCs on multiplayer client not appearing to be underwater at the start of a game
Playfield Objects
Certain doors have been given “Panic Room” behavior for particular buildings like Mansions
Fix for Ghosts and Holograms being poisoned by Slime Puddles
Fix for player sometimes being teleported behind vending machines and trash cans
Items that were missing from Item Teleporter were now available
Fix for Thief NPCs being able to steal quest items from player
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Investment Banker NPCs do not start with Addict
Level Generation
Fix for cases where buildings may not have been generated at proper difficulty levels on higher floors
Artificial Intelligence
Supercops are no longer Aligned with player cops, they are Friendly instead
Supercops will enter private property to investigate noises
Clerk in Deportation Center can be paid off
Fix for Goons sometimes not patrolling correctly
Fix for people sometimes observing Shelves against walls from the wrong side of the wall
Non-owners no longer take interest in objects outside of the building that they occupy, such as Air Conditioners
Fix for NPCs sometimes having difficulty navigating Crushers
Fixed pathfinding issues directly after an NPC jumps out of water
Fix for player not being able to ask Slaves to leave town after they are freed
Player can ask Slaves to leave town when they are in captivity, but they will always refuse due to the fact that their helmet would blow up
When player pays a bouncer, not all NPC owners in the building will become Friendly -- only the ones that would have become angry with the player immediately upon seeing them
Potential fix for multiplayer issue where host can enter the game as the incorrect player and start at the bottom-left corner of the map
Removed /teleport function from multiplayer games, this was meant to help with issues in earlier builds
Alpha 43b (January 27)
Fix for quests sometimes not appearing properly when due to reward item not being chosen
Fix for music not looping properly in 5-1
Cop Bots can be killed by EMP Grenades
Fix for gamepad players not being able to properly target a position to make their followers stand guard
Fix for Investment Banker dropping items that were never programmed into the game
Fix for cases where NPCs would still attempt to attack the player while in different “lockdown zones”
Fair Game and Charismatic traits cancel each other out properly
Improvements to when Lockdown is triggered
Fix for cases where player could teleport behind fences in new buildings
Clerks say dialogue all the time when the player interacts
Fix for audience members laughing at NPC Comedian’s jokes when they have Hearing Blocked
Added door to Gorilla cage in one of the Zoos that should have been there
Fix for player being able to lose a mission at the start of the game to free a Cannibal from the Zoo
Fix for followers from previous levels not transforming into Zombie properly
Fix for particle effects attached to people sometimes appearing at the incorrect angle
If one of the players is a Cop, you will not receive missions that take place in Police Stations
(For real this time) Fix for player sometimes being teleported behind vending machines and trash cans
Fix for player not being able to command followers to stand guard on top of hidden objects
Cop Bots no longer flee when their health gets low
Fix for player’s head not appearing properly as Ghost when player chooses the new Cop Bot head for their custom character
When players add custom characters to bottom row of character select screen, shadows no longer appear behind the characters
Fix for Trash Cans sometimes spawning next to level border near City Parks
Players who Can’t Speak English can still comply with Cop Bots
Alpha 43c
Fix for Can't Speak English not working properly as a result of a change in 43b
Alpha 43d (January 28)
Fix for lighting appearing weird at non-16:9 resolutions as a result of some internal screwing-around I did for console versions in 43c
UI / Controls
On the LAN screen, client IP address is automatically detected
Fix for camera sometimes not focusing in the correct spot when interacting with objects in three- or four-player mode when only one player is alive
Fix for camera focusing on wrong player in three- or four-player mode when the only living player chooses a throwable item
Fix for second target image that appears when aiming on gamepad with guns/throwables appearing too dark in split-screen modes
Fix for game freezing when starting Daily Run after turning Fan Translations on
Fix for Twitch voting sometimes ending early before votes were cast in online multiplayer mode
Fix for charge-up attacks being cancelled on freeze frames
Supercop speed reduced from 4 to 3
Fix for NPCs’ bodies and arms sometimes looking weird for a bit after teleportation
Playfield Objects
Fix for steel doors not blocking explosions properly
Fix for Loadout-O-Matics sometimes not getting items properly after loading saved games
Fix for line-of-sight issues when two objects are directly adjacent to one another, including explosions occasionally not hitting objects they were supposed to
Potential fix for player falling into trap door and then spawning on an adjacent trap door, causing a loop of falls. Same goes for Manholes.
Potential fix for items sometimes not appearing on multiplayer client
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for instances where the player could not use Camouflage despite not being in NPCs’ vision
Fix for NPCs not always being Zombified when hit with melee attacks from multiplayer clients
Fix for player being able to hack Killer Robot after its death, which could cause interface errors
Level Generation
Better randomization of level start and end points
Fix for NPCs in gas-spewing buildings sometimes starting without a Gas Mask
Artificial Intelligence
Fix for Supercops sometimes getting stuck near the Police Box and not disappearing
Fix for some instances where NPCs would pause to let Fire Spewers finish when the fire was blocked by a wall
Added proper description for Perfumorous
Created new Show Floor version of the game for PAX
Big Stuff
Major improvement in performance on multiplayer clients. Please let me know if this has negative side effects on your connection, causes disconnects where this did not occur before, etc.
People can now be knocked through Glass Walls, with the exception of the ones surrounding the arena, specifically during the battle. It’s a bit of a hack. In the process, fixed issue with people getting knocked through the Glass during arena battles without it breaking.
Fix for Vendor Stand not having correct shadow
Fix for white squares sometimes appearing for a split second in place of state indicators above characters’ heads
UI / Controls
Potential fix for issue with items sometimes not appearing properly in inventory unless in interfaces for Sell-O-Matic, Clone Machine etc.
Fix for character creation menu not showing the character’s name at the right side of the screen when first creating the character
Fix for issue where a player in Home Base would open the Character Creation screen or the Mysterious Elevator menu, and other players’ personal menus would not close
Fix for issue with Trackpad Mode where the player would sometimes aim toward the mouse’s position
Fix for player not being able to interact with Zombie immediately if Zombie resurrected while player was within range
Playfield Objects
Fix for doors sometimes not opening and closing properly on multiplayer client when they are opened and closed by NPCs
Fix for players on multiplayer client not stopping their interactions with doors when an NPC opens the door
Fix for Cocktails from Bartender sometimes having negative effects
Fix for Hypnotizer not working properly on NPCs who are Hostile
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for issue where quest-related NPCs would become hostile toward custom characters who were Zombified but did not have Fair Game
Fix for multiplayer client being able to talk to Zombies that have turned in the current level when they should not have the ability to understand each other
Fixed issue where “Chaaaarge” ability could sometimes result in the player charging into an object infinitely without being knocked to the ground
Fix for players not being able to Enslave anyone when they have the Antisocial trait
Death sound effect does not play when NPCs are knocked into holes
Fix for Security Camera rotating sound effect not playing on multiplayer client
Stats / Unlocks
Fix for kills counting twice for XP and stats when a dead body is knocked into a hole
Artificial Intelligence
Fix for NPCs not always having correct initial relationships to multiplayer client players
Fix for NPCs not always responding to noises properly, particularly knocks on doors and windows
Fix for multiplayer client sometimes being able to interact with NPCs who had moved out of range
Fix for host player in multiplayer games being able to press End Game and gib themselves after dying
Unity engine updated from 2017.2.1 to 2017.3
Updated Rewired plugin from to
Alpha 41b
Some of the changes from this changelog may have been omitted somehow in 41. This should be corrected now.
Unity engine updated from 2017.3 to 2017.3.0p1
Alpha 41c
Reverted engine back to Unity 2017.2.1, the newer version was causing a bunch of crappy performance issues.
Mac version updated to 41c. I had previously had to revert this from 41a to 40c because presumably Unity 2017.3 was causing the game to not work for some users. Let me know if the game does not run.
Alpha 41d (December 30)
Performance fixes for online multiplayer host
Fix for issue in online games where Zombies and Cannibals would sometimes stand still and not attack anyone
Fix for inventory items not appearing in certain interfaces (Ammo Dispenser, Clone Machine, etc.) when Auto-Sort was turned off
Fix for game freezing when player attempts to return to the menu in multiplayer mode when not connected to Steam
Fix for incorrect “points gained” message appearing when player disables a Laser Emitter with a Wrench
Fix for Traits appearing in-game if the player disables them immediately after unlocking
Alpha 41e
Fix for traits menu not appearing properly at the end of levels if the player recently unlocked a new trait.
Fixed internal errors occurring in multiplayer games when canceling a character selection.

Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training