Hi! I am the creator of Demons of Dex, a game I released for the vic-20 last year. Please note that this version endorsed by CSDb is an unauthorized version that was made behind my back and without permission. A C64 group who call themselves Hokuto Force took the "Copyright Petri Häkkinen. All rights reserved" tagged source code from Github added a few bells and whistles like the titlescreen, options and custom charset. The gameplay is identical to the vic20 version because they used the stolen source code as is (C64 and vic20 can run the same machine code). As you probably know for roguelikes gameplay is king and everything else is superfluous. They are now representing the c64 version of the game as their own creation and give me no credits on the CSDb page and the marketing material they are posting on the web.
I have asked the game and its page to be removed from CSDb but the admins of the site apparently do not care about copyright infringements and support Hokuto Force's illegal and immoral actions.
Full story here:
Petri Häkkinen
The creator of Demons of Dex
Sad news if you ask me.
I have the version downloaded from the Legend of Grimrock forums, announced by Petri (I guess, you, unless you are falsely impersonating him here).
I suppose that the "Grimrock" version is the actual original version. Right? .prg file 3,585 bytes.
BTW, I just visited that "Hokuto Force" page, and I noticed this:
They are giving credit to you as the original developer. They just made a version of the game.