Author Topic: Libtcod can go jump in a lake  (Read 16411 times)


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Libtcod can go jump in a lake
« on: June 05, 2016, 06:20:13 AM »
3 hours. 3 hours!? I realize some of this is the slow internet connection in this cafe. But I have spent 3 hours trying to get TDL for python working in Crouton on my Chromebook. Django worked in 10 minutes. Eclipse also! After 3 hours, I have hit a wall because I'm running 64 bit (like, you know, the whole rest of the world) and libtcod won't compile.

Now to use pygame instead. Libtcod can go jump in a lake, I don't care how complete it's tutorial is.

mushroom patch

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Re: Libtcod can go jump in a lake
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2016, 03:15:11 PM »
lol... a slightly more srs question/comment: what is the intended (unix) build procedure for the python package? Every time I go to install it, I end up dicking around for 20 minutes shuffling files around and/or issuing make/install commands from different directories until it seems to work, then I forget how I did it by the next time.


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Re: Libtcod can go jump in a lake
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2016, 12:26:15 PM »
doulos05, if console window (fonts, sprites, etc.) is all you need from libtcod, then you may find BearLibTerminal useful. It does not have a proper pip package yet, but it is just two files (.so and .py) which should be fairly easy to set up. And well, as the library's author, I am somewhat interested in how it would work on chromebook.

mushroom patch, isn't libtcod python package just a wrapper using the .so? Default (bundled with the source) indeed tries to compile the library but it should be way easier to just compile the library in a regular way and then copy the python files =_=.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 12:28:06 PM by Cfyz »


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Re: Libtcod can go jump in a lake
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2016, 10:52:35 AM »
doulos05, if console window (fonts, sprites, etc.) is all you need from libtcod, then you may find BearLibTerminal useful. It does not have a proper pip package yet, but it is just two files (.so and .py) which should be fairly easy to set up. And well, as the library's author, I am somewhat interested in how it would work on chromebook.
Does it do FOV? I've just gotten to that stage in the tutorial and, well, the tutorial just says, "Here, use this function call to the libtcod FOV code!." Which... doesn't help me write my own at all."


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Re: Libtcod can go jump in a lake
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2016, 11:10:56 AM »
Just read the description. I'll have to try to figure out the examples on Roguebasin.

I might use BearLibTerminal, though. We'll see. I'm quite far into the curses implementation, though it does have the unfortunately side effect of being not square, but rectangular.


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Re: Libtcod can go jump in a lake
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2016, 12:44:05 PM »
After 3 hours, I have hit a wall because I'm running 64 bit (like, you know, the whole rest of the world) and libtcod won't compile.

I assume there would be an option with your compiler to do a 32-bit build. Which will run on a 64 bit OS. 
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Re: Libtcod can go jump in a lake
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2016, 09:56:20 PM »
After 3 hours, I have hit a wall because I'm running 64 bit (like, you know, the whole rest of the world) and libtcod won't compile.

I assume there would be an option with your compiler to do a 32-bit build. Which will run on a 64 bit OS. 
A large part of the problems people have in compiling libtcod are mingw-related.  It's gotten to the point where we have ditched mingw for libtcod 1.6, and only support Visual Studio which is free.

You can just get the source for libtcod 1.6 from bitbucket, install Visual Studio 2015 community edition, open the solution and with a few minor steps it should just build (getting SDL2 in place).  Or you can after installing VS, not open the solution and run 'build.bat' which should fetch the dependencies (SDL2) and do 32 bit and 64 bit builds.  Then you can open Visual Studio if you want and it will just work.

However, the tutorial needs to be updated for libtcod 1.6, which hasn't happened.  So at that point, anyone doing the tutorial needs to be able to master their own destiny to some limited extent.


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Re: Libtcod can go jump in a lake
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2016, 06:11:33 AM »
Does visual studio work on Linux? I'm installing on a Chromebook, not a Windows machine.