Day 1 (Sunday March 6, though I didn't post and register until the evening): Integrated some output and FOV code I had done previously.
Day 2: Finished getting the HTML canvas output going. Started on data structures for items and separate beings. Added combat stats based on Sil, and and a bunch of weapons also from Sil.
Day 3: Added actions and messages for the UI communicating with the game. Added a key to pick up things. Added UI to show messages and the inventory.
Day 4: Finished interface for managing items (pick up, drop, equip). Added a time-based queue for game actions. Implemented basic combat (again based on Sil) and enemies that attack if adjacent.
My game compiles both to a curses executable and to a web version with HTML canvas. I spent a while trying to make an overly abstract interface for that, which was a bad idea in this scope but something I'll come back to later.
I'm obviously not going to get to the party-based game this time, so for the remaining days I'll just aim to finish enemy AI, multiple levels, saving and restoring games, and if I have time than add more map generation and UI features.