Author Topic: Business Casual (7drl 2016)  (Read 4040 times)


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Business Casual (7drl 2016)
« on: March 05, 2016, 02:38:17 PM »
Take a satirical romp through corporate America as seen through the imagination of a child who is trying to figure out what their parent does all day. Be an average office worker, gain promotions to random job titles, battle printer gremlins and weresecretaries, and don't let the coffee go empty.

No, really, don't.

We're a small group of students from the southern United States. We're probably going to start on the 6th. This is our second large-ish project together and our first one in JavaScript(we're using the Phaser framework). We're aiming for a roguelike-like that feels like a less hopeless Binding of Isaac.

The player will probably go through levels modeled on a misinterpreted office environment rendered in a crayon art-style to reach the next floor of the building. Progression will be based on completing tasks (fill the coffee, fix the printer, etc) that are made more difficult by having to defeat enemies, but combat isn't required. When enough tasks are completed, the player is given a randomized job title that gives them bonuses. Each of these positions will be balanced relative to one another, as opposed to the player slowly gaining more power. The endgame will probably involve besting the CEO in combat.