Author Topic: Glub: The Underwater Roguelike (7DRL 2016) SUCCESS  (Read 12226 times)


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Glub: The Underwater Roguelike (7DRL 2016) SUCCESS
« on: March 04, 2016, 07:52:17 PM »
The basic idea behind this game is that the player is exploring and scavenging in a city beneath the waves. Played from a side on perspective, the player will have to manage bouyancy and air supply to avoid drowning.

Time is gonna be tight to do this design, so the plan is to basically go in this order:
1. Basic structure/movement
2. Basic item interaction/UI
3. Destructible levels/Basic monster AI
4. Level generation
5. More monsters/items stuff
6. Visuals, tuning
7. More visuals, tuning

Of course this means this game is going to look VERY UGLY until thursday.... but I hope it will all be worth it.


And it's done! See



Procedurally generated underwater cities
Over 20 types of enemies with their own AI behaviour
Multiple tile enemies
Over twenty types of items
Item crafting
Level destruction
Indoor and outdoor exploration
Water simulation
Air and bouyancy
Mouse controls
Tile graphics
Fog of war system
Also your boat bobs up and down, how cool is that
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 09:23:45 PM by Fangz »


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Re: Glub (7DRL 2016)
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2016, 01:20:36 AM »
DAY 1 Progress:

Well, I implemented swimming, bouyancy, and the basics of the collision system. (Thank you angband for the LOS code...) You can also go into and out of buildings.

Not totally sure if the bouyancy system is currently very fun, the main problem is that it can be a bit hard to control beyond the next turn. But maybe this will be okay.

(IGNORE THE AI that is moving out of turn and ignoring the grid!!)


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Re: Glub (7DRL 2016)
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2016, 06:06:03 AM »
A bouyancy system sounds cool, man. Good luck.


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Re: Glub (7DRL 2016)
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2016, 02:46:55 AM »
Day 2:

Day 2 was mainly about some background frameworks for handling things. Those little inventory boxes at the bottom don't look too impressive, but I swear, they are doing something!

Also I have a nice display of LOS working now.


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Re: Glub (7DRL 2016)
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2016, 01:24:38 AM »
Day 3:

Basic enemy model (moves randomly for now), terrain destruction, water physics! Even picking up and dropping items works now!!!
( Ignore the glitching out in the last 30 seconds...)


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Re: Glub: The Underwater Roguelike (7DRL 2016)
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2016, 12:55:59 AM »
Day 4:


Also spent a little time implementing an air bubble gun.


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Re: Glub: The Underwater Roguelike (7DRL 2016)
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2016, 02:33:16 AM »
Day 5:

Items are feature complete now. I'm behind schedule though... Still haven't properly implemented monsters yet!


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Re: Glub: The Underwater Roguelike (7DRL 2016)
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2016, 02:53:04 AM »
Day 6:

Not much time left now.

Items and monsters are fully implemented. Tomorrow will be for finishing up. I think I'll try and implement a level up system, and complete my crafting system, and redo the placeholder terrain tiles.


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Re: Glub: The Underwater Roguelike (7DRL 2016)
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2016, 03:05:40 AM »
Here's a pre-alpha release:

You can't die in this version, and the art is pretty bad, just imagine that bad things happen if you run out of air.

* Mouse controls: Right click uses currently selected ability, left click moves in direction of where you clicked. Mouse wheel scrolls between equipped items.
* Go inside buildings by remaining on yellow entrance tiles for > 1 turn. Or press E.
* You breathe air each turn, and also lose air when you get hit. You regain air either at the surface, or in air pockets within buildings. (With practice, you might learn to anticipate where air might be...)
* Items can be found inside some buildings. Try using the detector!
* Generally the deeper you go, the more the rewards and the danger.
* Try to hang on to your initial spear and detector. You can dig with the spear! That said, the spear cannot cut through the reinforced Blue blocks.
* Positive or negative bouyancy can lead to uncontrollable upwards or downward motion. If you find a float or gas bag, even if you can't take it, consider keeping note of where it is and coming back later.


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Re: Glub: The Underwater Roguelike (7DRL 2016) SUCCESS
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2016, 12:13:16 AM »

By Zhou Fang (@fang__z)

Left click - Move in direction of cursor
Right click - Activate currently selected ability at cursor

Spend two turns on an exit tile (i.e. click on it twice) to go into or out of buildings (or push E). Exit tiles are black holes on terrain.
Your air is your health, it slowly runs out. Replenish it at air pockets! If you run out of air you enter into drowning mode, you must make it to the surface to continue.
Use the Detector to find items. Bring items back to the boat to do crafting and level up!
You can dig with some items, like the Spear. Some blocks require better diggers. You can even dig to create exits from buildings!
You will swim in water and fall in air.
Items can grant positive or negative bouyancy. Neutral bouyancy is easiest to control...
At your boat you can craft combinations of items to make new ones. You need to find and bring back 'loot' to allow this.
Some combinations of items works much better than others!
The deeper you go, the most monsters, and the more goodies you'll find.

Beware: in the deepest depths Cthulhu fatgn....
Kill Him To Win.

- If you are moved around too quickly (e.g. shoved by multiple of the blue type of fish, or try to go up too fast while under the influence of extreme bouyancy) the game might softlock. It's difficult to reproduce this, so try to avoid it???
« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 12:35:58 AM by Fangz »


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« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 02:29:48 AM by Fangz »