Author Topic: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.63.69 Alpha release  (Read 6771 times)

Virtua Sinner

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Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.63.69 Alpha release
« on: January 06, 2016, 03:43:55 PM »
I've been working on Caverns of Xaskazien II for 5 or 6 years now.  I'm making it available because...  well, it's time.  I do so with some disclaimers, though:  It is a completely playable game (and has been for years), but there's a lot more content and gameplay elements I intend to add as time rolls on.  It is very much a work in progress, most particularly as pertains to graphics.  A good 40% to 45% of the graphics (especially where Objects and Skill images are concerned) are purely placeholder - one of my hopes in releasing is that someone with better graphical skills than myself may get excited and want to hop aboard the team to help finalize that aspect.

It's built and fully tested on Windows 7.  It's been tested on Windows 8 and Windows 10, as well.  I can't speak to other platforms.

The .pdf manual is in the docs folder.  I hope to add a tutorial to the game someday, but that day is yet far off.  In the meantime, I am curious as to how readable and useful the manual is in its current state.

If you have questions or concerns, please PM me.  I'm heading down to L.A. for a couple weeks, so won't be able to effect bug fixes during that time, but reports would be useful and I'll tend to them when I get back. 

I'm using dropbox for the moment because I don't have time immediately to investigate other options properly.  If someone could let me know the following two important things, I'd appreciate it:  A) does the link work?  B) does it isolate users from other folders that contain other work I can't have tampered with?



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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.63.69 Alpha release
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2016, 03:46:41 PM »
>600MB, whoa! It's... surprising.

Link works and only what I can do with this link is download CoX :) I will test it in next days, I hope...
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 03:49:36 PM by Avagart »

Virtua Sinner

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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.63.69 Alpha release
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2016, 03:48:11 PM »


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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.63.69 Alpha release
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2016, 10:12:51 AM »
It`s great...truly supercharged sequel ;) Only played for a bit but another high-level roguelike is most welcome.

"Alpha release"?  Probably the most advanced one I`ve ever seen :P Does it mean you plan more updates or taking a break after years of coding it?

Virtua Sinner

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Re: Caverns of Xaskazien II Ver. 0.63.69 Alpha release
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2016, 09:42:12 PM »
There are a lot more updates planned.  I'm out of town for a couple weeks, but when I return I should be able to resume work on it.