I guess that everybody should use what they are most accustomed to. After years of practice in using raw pointers you probably won't just switch to smart pointers in a week (even if you can start programming Java in a week). Also, refactoring a big project that has been built on raw pointers is definitely not an option.
The latter bit about refactoring a big project is undeniably true. The first two points, however, not so.
Using only what you are accustomed to without thinking is dangerous. Tools evolve and practices change. It's okay to prefer particular alternative, but ignoring years of evolution in computer science is not wise. I probably can guess where you're coming from. AFAIK you primarily use C so this must look like choice between proven, natural approach (manual memory management) and somewhat alien one (automatic memory management). We, however, are talking about C++, where it is as natural and have direct language support. If you are not accustomed to something like that, you are ignoring an integral part of the language. Think about arguing against using structures in C just because you technically can program without them (reductio ad absurdum).
You can switch to smart pointers in a week, unless the project too big or you are pressured for time, etc. but we are talking about fairly small programs here (roguelikes), and most of them are written from scratch (though it may not be the case here). Just as you can switch from homebrew list/map implementations to std::list/std::map in a week. One of the biggest things about smart pointers is they are almost drop-in replacement of a careful version of manual pointer management. Just as std::list is a list does exactly the same as the list implementation you might come up yourself (plus a few other features), smart pointers do exactly the same thing you would end up doing with your pointers yourself. Besides some really specific cases, by using standard library you lose nothing and still gain some.
I have fixed thousands of memory problems in my life. Most of them were not silly mistakes. They were about not understanding how my own program works (yes, this happens in big projects). Smart pointers can not replace thinking. They're just syntactic sugar that often hides the real problem, which is lack of understanding the code. Once you fully understand the code, you know who is the owner of the memory and managing it becomes easy.
I find this argument far beside the point. Nothing can replace thinking, be that smart pointers or your hard-earned coding practices. And standard library is not a syntactic sugar. Once again, std::list is not a syntactic sugar over prev/next fields, it is a carefully written and extensively tested double-linked list implementation, written and tested in a way not many can do. In the same manner, std::shared_ptr is very robust implementation of reference-counted pointer container. At best, you'll re-implement the same.
Also note that just because some things might look different, it does not mean they are not one and the same. Both
class A {A(); ~A();};
A* alloc_a();
void free_a(A* a);
are essentially the same. Lack of 'class' keyword does not make latter less object-oriented. Similarily, when you are manually managing the memory by keeping track of the pointers, counting references or carefully transferring the ownership, you are doing essentially the same thing as smart pointer will do but without language and compiler support. There are cases where it may be the right approach (e. g. C where there is no language support to begin with) but projects in modern C++ are rarely the ones.