Restoring game can be tricky. You have to run terminal, navigate to omega folder, and type omega.exe name_of_save.sav (is possible that you must to rename file to name.sav).
If you on windows, to make restoring games more easy, you can make shortcut to terminal (%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /k on upper adress, %curdir%\ to bottom) in your omega folder.
edit: ninjed

About promotions - just go to guild (Legion? So, this is Mercenary Guild), then they check if you deserves to promotion

And yes, tove can be too strong, but after killing goblin you should have enough XP to have next character level. There is no need to fight next fights - after joining mercenary guild and fighting on arena you should have enoung $ to survive (food, services) or making research in library.
Btw, not every location are marked on 'M'ap (ok, this is not map, rather fast-travel system

) at start - you have to discover some locations (like library, gym) yourself.