Author Topic: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.8.0 "Sergio Assad"(formerly Savage Lands)  (Read 357313 times)


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #270 on: November 02, 2017, 04:01:35 AM »
I think you're right.  I've reworked it, and fixed Whitebard's, too.  Thanks!


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #271 on: November 02, 2017, 04:31:32 AM »
Code: [Select]
                       Shadow of the Wyrm 0.7.0 "de Visee"

                                Alex, the Brawler
                                L26 Fae Pugilist

Age: 9564                     Sex: Male                     Size: Medium
Deity: The Trickster          Hair Colour: Black            Eye Colour: Brown
Alignment: Neutral

Strength: 99                  Hit Points: 202/202                               
Dexterity: 23                 Arcana Points: 60/60                             
Agility: 21                   Speed: 35                                         
Health: 65                    Evade: 75                                         
Intelligence: 20              Soak: 43                                         
Willpower: 17                 Experience: 224912                               
Charisma: 87                                                                   

Statuses: Wb

                         Resistances and Vulnerabilities

Slash: 0.75
Pierce: 0.95
Pound: 0.95
Heat: 0.55
Cold: 0.55
Acid: 1.05
Poison: 0.85
Holy: 0.55
Shadow: -0.20
Arcane: 0.49
Lightning: 0.80

                                Current Conducts

You have never consumed meat.
You have never consumed the corpse of another creature.
You have never disturbed the dead.

                       Skill Improvement Points Remaining: 0


Awareness: 41
Blind Fighting: 16
Carrying: 100
Combat: 100
Detection: 29
Dungeoneering: 15
Escape: 20
Foraging: 31
Forest Lore: 25
Herbalism: 15
Hunting: 40
Intimidation: 20
Literacy: 16
Magic: 15
Night Sight: 15
Stealth: 30
Swimming: 10

                                  Weapon Skills

Axes: 0
Short Blades: 0
Long Blades: 0
Bludgeons: 0
Daggers: 5
Rods and Staves: 0
Spears: 0
Unarmed: 100
Whips: 0
Exotic: 0

                              Ranged Weapon Skills

Thrown Axes: 0
Thrown Blades: 0
Thrown Bludgeons: 0
Bows: 0
Crossbows: 0
Daggers: 0
Rocks: 0
Slings: 0
Thrown Spears: 0
Thrown Exotic: 2

                                  Magic Skills




                                 Current Quests

The Black Orb (Gildi, Stoneheim): Find the Black Orb in the dwarven tombs of
Wyrmeswraec, and return it to Gildi.

                                Completed Quests

Love in Vain (Cadlind, Isen Dun): Return the wave locket to the girl with the
flaxen hair.

The Unearthly Stone (Cynwise, Isen Dun): Bring the Sun Gem to Cynwise, the
village witch.

Bandits in the Barrows (Hrimgar, Isen Dun): Defeat Garros, the Bandit of the

The Gathering Horde (Kirin, Atua-Elar): Slay the goblin captain in the ruined
monastery of Stonewall, north-west of Atua-Elar.

Wyrmeswraec (Skaal, Stoneheim): Find evidence of what destroyed Wyrmeswraec,
and bring it to Skaal.


Head: uncursed scrimshaw hairpin [4, 0]  [0.31 lbs]
Resists/Flags: {0.25Co}

Neck: uncursed Amulet of the Two Moons [10, 4]  [0.25 lbs]
Resists/Flags: {0.15Ar}

Right Finger: uncursed Ring of Aran Fee [8, 1]  [0.13 lbs]
Resists/Flags: {0.20Co}

Left Finger: uncursed ring of shadows [4, 2]  [0.13 lbs]
Resists/Flags: {0.25Sh}

Wielded: -

Off Hand: uncursed dwarven shield "Wyrm-Ward" [7, 10]  [2.00 lbs]
Resists/Flags: {0.20He}

Body: uncursed Atuan silver chain mail "Silari" [9, 10]  [2.00 lbs]
Resists/Flags: {0.10Sl 0.10He 0.10Co}

Around Body: uncursed hunter's cloak [13, 0]  [1.00 lbs]
Resists/Flags: {0.01Ar}

Feet: uncursed legendary boots "Akos Akari" (10, 0, 10) [15, 5]  [8.00 lbs]
Resists/Flags: {0.10Sl 0.15Ps}

Ranged: -

Ammunition: -

                                 Items Available

uncursed brass knuckles (1d4+1)  [1.00 lbs]
uncursed ivory pieces (251) [15.69 lbs]
old iron key [0.19 lbs]
uncursed unstoning potion [1.00 lbs]
pick axe (1d6)  [8.00 lbs]
blessed unstoning potion [1.00 lbs]
boathouse key [0.19 lbs]
rowboat [50.00 lbs]
uncursed metal cap [0, 2]  [3.00 lbs]
uncursed cap [4, 0]  [0.44 lbs]
uncursed wand of digging (6) [1.00 lbs]
uncursed clothes [2, 0]  [1.00 lbs]
scroll of identify (3) [3.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "AB EXTRA" (2) [2.00 lbs]
silver branch (1d4)  [2.00 lbs]
dwarven key [0.19 lbs]
handful of gleaming wyrm scales [2.06 lbs]
blessed buckler [3, 1]  [5.00 lbs]
stone key [0.19 lbs]
yew wand [1.00 lbs]
gnarled wand [1.00 lbs]
yew wand [1.00 lbs]
glowing potion [1.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "AMOR OMNIBUS IDEM" [1.00 lbs]
rosewood wand [1.00 lbs]
slimy potion [1.00 lbs]
ruby potion [1.00 lbs]
swirling potion (5) [5.00 lbs]
unstoning potion [1.00 lbs]
stone key [0.19 lbs]
rock adder's corpse [100.00 lbs]
uncursed shoes [2, 0]  [1.00 lbs]
frostling's corpse [100.00 lbs]
ruby potion [1.00 lbs]
emerald potion (7) [7.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "QUI AUDET ADIPISCITUR" [1.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "AB EXTRA" [1.00 lbs]
small lump of gold [0.19 lbs]
platinum amulet [0.25 lbs]
blank scroll (2) [2.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "AMOR OMNIBUS IDEM" [1.00 lbs]
healing potion (3) [3.00 lbs]
uncursed knight's ring [0, 5]  [0.13 lbs]
scroll labelled "VERITAS OMNIA VINCIT" [1.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "AB EXTRA" [1.00 lbs]
scroll of identify [1.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "QUI AUDET ADIPISCITUR" [1.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "MORITURI TE SALUTANT" [1.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "CARPE DIEM" [1.00 lbs]
blazing potion [1.00 lbs]
azurite amulet [0.25 lbs]
azure potion (2) [2.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "CARPE DIEM" [1.00 lbs]
scroll of identify [1.00 lbs]
blank scroll [1.00 lbs]
aspen wand [1.00 lbs]
uncursed ring of iron [2, 3]  [0.13 lbs]
scroll of identify [1.00 lbs]
rosewood wand [1.00 lbs]
alabaster potion (2) [2.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "CONSUMMATUM EST" [1.00 lbs]
sapphire potion [1.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "CONSUMMATUM EST" [1.00 lbs]
copper amulet [0.25 lbs]
uncursed elven hammer "Goblincrusher" (2d10+15)  [10.00 lbs]
magici shard (21) [63.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "CARPE DIEM" [1.00 lbs]
uncursed barbarian's ring (0, 10, 0) [0, 3]  [0.13 lbs]
shining amulet "Catara" [0, 4]  [0.13 lbs]
radiant amulet "Calluna" [15, 0]  [0.13 lbs]
maple wand [1.00 lbs]
uncursed scrimshaw hairpin [4, 0]  [0.31 lbs]
ebony wand [1.00 lbs]
arbutus wand (2) [2.00 lbs]
ebony wand (2) [2.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "MORITURI TE SALUTANT" [1.00 lbs]
elm wand [1.00 lbs]
healing potion [1.00 lbs]

                               Generated Artifacts

legendary boots "Akos Akari" (10, 0, 10) [15, 5]  [8.00 lbs]
Ring of Aran Fee [8, 1]  [0.13 lbs]
Black Orb [3.00 lbs]
radiant amulet "Calluna" [15, 0]  [0.13 lbs]
shining amulet "Catara" [0, 4]  [0.13 lbs]
Cosmos Stone [10.00 lbs]
elven hammer "Goblincrusher" (2d10+15)  [10.00 lbs]
imperial broadsword "Ironsword" (3d12)  [12.00 lbs]
imperial staff "Stormstaff" (6d4)  [6.00 lbs]
Sun Gem [1.00 lbs]
Amulet of the Two Moons [10, 4]  [0.25 lbs]
dwarven shield "Wyrm-Ward" [7, 10]  [2.00 lbs]

                                 Attack Details

Wielded: unarmed. Base/Total Difficulty: 50/-47, Speed: 0, Damage: 1d53+682 (slays: Divine).
Ranged weapon: /, Ammunition: /.

                                 Latest Messages

Dumping Alex...

Wielded: unarmed. Base/Total Difficulty: 50/-47, Speed: 0, Damage: 1d53+682 (slays: Divine).
Action not found: ''
"There is little more I can teach you about the weaknesses of the divine.  But your technique could be better.  Let me show you..."
The Smith looks you over.  "A fighter, hmm?  So was I, in my younger days.  I fought men and monsters, beasts for which you have no names."
There is a staircase leading down.
There is a staircase leading up.
A floor. An alghari [ In Fl Friendly ] (Deadly; [B]estiary).
A floor.
A floor.
A floor. A bird of paradise [ Fl Friendly ] (Deadly; [B]estiary).
A floor.
A floor. A bird of paradise [ Fl Friendly ] (Deadly; [B]estiary).
A floor.


acolyte: 1
Akojo: 1
archer: 2
armoured beetle: 1
barrow spider: 11
black creeper: 1
black servant: 1
blackguard: 4
blood hawk: 3
boar: 1
Brimman: 1
Cahri: 1
Callara: 1
cave bear: 1
chaosling: 1
corpse bird: 1
corpse rat: 1
crone: 3
deep crawler: 1
divine spirit: 2
drakheen: 2
dwarven hero: 4
falcon: 2
fantastic beast: 1
fire spirit: 1
floating eye: 1
fox: 1
frostling: 3
gargoyle: 1
Garros Barrows-Thief: 1
githra: 1
gloaming: 1
gnome: 2
gnomish miner: 1
goblin: 6
goblin champion: 4
goblin elite guard: 1
goblin impaler: 2
goblin raider: 5
goblin trapper: 1
grave worm: 1
graverobber: 6
great serpent: 2
green slime: 7
hound: 5
imp: 1
kalath: 1
kestrel: 2
king slime: 2
Kith: 1
knight: 1
lightning bug: 1
Marvelle: 1
minotaur: 1
mire: 1
mole: 6
mountain elf explorer: 1
muck: 1
ogre: 8
ogre savage: 3
Pallas: 1
quisling: 2
rat: 18
red ooze: 1
roc: 2
rock adder: 2
rock crawler: 5
rook: 5
shadow snake: 2
shrike: 1
skeleton: 1
snakeling muckraker: 1
snakeling thief: 1
sorceror: 1
a spearman: 13
spook: 4
squire: 1
stone ooze: 1
sword-eater: 3
sylph: 2
tangleweed: 2
thaumaturge: 2
thief: 5
thrall: 21
Urgrim: 1
vorpal bug: 1
white wolf: 1
Whitebard: 1
will o' the wisp: 1
wood elf: 1
wood elf swordsman: 1
wraith: 3
wrecker: 1
Wulf: 1
xither: 1
zealot: 1

Total: 243
Maximum Level Difference: 29 (king slime)

Turns: 112666

I've been playing around a bit. This is Alex, the Fae that survived. He's level 26, and about to take on the gods. I had another one that was level 23, but it died when I got stunned and hit myself, thereby instakilling myself.

Some stuff I did you should probably look at:

-Being burdened trains strength, even when carrying is maxed. For some reason, charisma and toughness get trained as well (not sure if that's from being burdened). At around level 10, I pick up every single corpse and heavy item I can find, and go from one side of the world to the other. I usually gain 1 or 2 levels having to find more corpses to keep myself burdened. So, at level 12, I have 99 strength, charisma (usually, above dump is an exception), and around 65 health.
- You can get the Amulet of the Two Moons as soon as you get a seaworthy vessel. It's possible to sidestep the ogres and nab the amulet without fighting them. It takes a few tries sometimes, but I can almost always get it without dying.
-Goblins can't swim. You can use this to your advantage by throwing tons of stuff at the goblin boss in the quest to get the elven chain mail, thereby getting it absurdly early. Maybe give them arrows or something?
-Charisma makes monsters peaceful. Using the method detailed above, you can nab all the shrine gems, walk past almost every randomly generated monster in the Cloudspire, and get really really far down dungeons without fighting anything. This enables you to get awesome stuff with little to no danger.

Regarding the dump:
It's 0 bytes in my folder too. Maybe the crash was on my end?

More stuff to follow.

EDIT: Come to think of it, me running back and forth on the world map is probably the reason for that age-related crash.

EDIT2: Something very strange occurred to me. According to my mortuary, the highest level difference between myself and a killed monster is 29. However, I killed Vedere and my highest level difference did not change. This means that Vedere is level 55 or below, seeing as I killed him at level 26. Hmm...

Also, I was mistaken about monsters being in the rift. When I killed Vedere this time, half of his escort was in the rift and the next god/goddess still spawned. Strange.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2017, 05:04:24 AM by kraphead »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #272 on: November 02, 2017, 12:19:58 PM »
Getting the amulet early I like, though I'll add some sort of ranged weapon threat for the goblins.

I'll look at how often Str and Cha train. Soon I want to rework charisma, or at least lessen its impact. And I think I'll likely cap out how high Str can be trained by carrying as well.  Health is trained by getting hit, and I'll look at capping when that stops as well.  Not sure why you're seeing that level difference with Vedere. I'll investigate, and also try to trigger the crash by running around on the world map.

And you can do the cosmos quest now?  Do you know what's different from that other run?
« Last Edit: November 02, 2017, 12:22:42 PM by jcd748 »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #273 on: November 02, 2017, 10:25:44 PM »
I can do the cosmos quest if I make sure NOTHING is in the rift. Otherwise, it's an on and off thing. With the other run, the rift was nearly full when I killed the god.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #274 on: November 02, 2017, 11:20:24 PM »
Okay.  It should be safe for me to clear out the rift after a god dies and repopulate it with the next batch, as there can only ever be one deity present at a time.  I'll make sure to do that.

I'm going to add some goblin pelters to Stonewall, and ogre hurlers to the Far Shore.  I've also created a new creature, goblin alchemist, that carry fire bombs and will also be present at Stonewall.  I think this should make this discouraging (but not impossible) for low level characters.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #275 on: November 02, 2017, 11:41:15 PM »
An update: Killing Voros did not spawn another god, even though the rift was empty. Furthermore, there was no "strange, pulsing energy" message after he died.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #276 on: November 03, 2017, 01:17:45 AM »
How did Voros die?  Regular attack?  Spell, something else?  Did you kill him?  Was he killed by something else?


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #277 on: November 03, 2017, 01:50:43 AM »
I killed Voros with a spell. I spawned in all of the other gods and only the last one (Scea-something) triggered his script.

Also, pugilist unarmed damage is too high (after talking to the Smith). WAY too high. I one-shot all the gods and Amaurosis (dual-wielding World sword, explained below). Eakauri died in one turn (I hit him, he missed me and I countered him).

-For some reason, status effects lasted forever on my pugilist. Died because I was poisoned and I couldn't cure it.
-You can dual wield your fist and a two handed weapon. My pugilist was dual wielding the World Sword in his left hand, and punching with his right, giving me a bit over 1000 average damage per turn (before slays).
-This is debatable, but none of the Elysians acknowledge your victory over the gods. Furthermore, one of the Elysians at the foot at the tower (the Worldsinger?) talks about receiving a Godblade, when in reality that's only one of the options. Maybe change the dialogue to say something about receiving an extremely powerful weapon?

-Fantastic beast desc: "capable to" should be "capable of"

Some other stuff:
-Does the health stat give a chance to completely negate damage?
-Archers don't seem to get any of the love wizards and melee fighters do
-What in the world is Demontide? The victory message makes a mention of it but I haven't encountered anything along those lines yet

EDIT: Clarification about the pugilist damage
« Last Edit: November 03, 2017, 04:06:19 AM by kraphead »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #278 on: November 03, 2017, 10:55:58 PM »
Fixed up the fantastic beast entry.

Puglist damage is meant to be high.  They shouldn't be able to dual wield two-handed weapons with fists, though, that's a bug and I'll fix that.  The reason it's so high is that I didn't anticipate people coming in with huge amounts of charisma and being able to bypass most encounters.  In the next release, I'm likely to change how charisma works so that it pairs up with Intimidation, and gives a chance for a creature to attack, but then pull up short (wasted attack).  This will have some sort of maximum chance, too (75-80%?), so the end game is likely to get a lot more dangerous.  Going hand to hand with the gods is very dangerous, and the godblade/pugilist reward are meant to be a counterweight to that.

I'm interested to see what the balance will be like next release.

As for the endings, this is supposed to be the hard one - Amaurosis is meant to be the easiest, followed by Eakauri.

I like the idea of changing the Elysians' speech after a victory.

Archers got a bit more powerful this release.  Do you use altars and crown at all?  They're much more likely to get a great ranged weapon, though they could use something in the endgame content.  I'll add that.

There's a bit on Demonstide in the Book of Days in Isen Dun.  Essentially a giant war fought between encroaching demon hordes from a different plane of existence, and all the races of the world.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #279 on: November 09, 2017, 04:18:52 PM »
Where in the hell are people finding all these quests? Outside Isen Dun, I never run into anything questy, just lots of sewers and caves which I clear out until I get bored. I must be missing something obvious, but what?


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #280 on: November 10, 2017, 02:48:55 AM »
There are fixed areas that are in the exact same location game to game.  In general, that's where you should be looking.  And they tend to be around the "edges" of the world.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #281 on: November 10, 2017, 03:54:06 PM »
There are fixed areas that are in the exact same location game to game.  In general, that's where you should be looking.  And they tend to be around the "edges" of the world.

Oh, I see! Seems counterintuitive that everything interesting/important/useful is on the fringes, but maybe that's just me. It means you have to push past a load of generic dungeons and empty villages to find anything of note. I've spent a fair amount of time in SotW and I had come to assume that there was just nothing much out there.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #282 on: November 10, 2017, 08:53:39 PM »
It could well be my crappy laptop that's responsible for this but just in case:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name:   sotw.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:   59ee8cb1
  Fault Module Name:   ntdll.dll
  Fault Module Version:   6.1.7601.17514
  Fault Module Timestamp:   4ce7b96e
  Exception Code:   c0000005
  Exception Offset:   00052d37
  OS Version:   6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:   2057
  Additional Information 1:   7387
  Additional Information 2:   73876208b69642a9ec7de918fec224ef
  Additional Information 3:   9405
  Additional Information 4:   9405e2316c7c62c4f8606f028e3213a7


  • Rogueliker
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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #283 on: November 10, 2017, 11:49:41 PM »
Yeah, the lack of content in the centre of the world is something that's going to need to get slowly addressed over time.  It's something that bothers me a lot, but I keep it there, and empty, as a reminder that I need to fill this in.  My hope is that by v1.0, there will be a lot more to do in the middle.

Was there a .dmp file for that crash?  If so, can you provide it to me? (dropbox link, google drive, whatever)


  • 7DRL Reviewer
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    • The Indie Ocean
Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #284 on: November 11, 2017, 12:14:12 AM »
Yeah, the lack of content in the centre of the world is something that's going to need to get slowly addressed over time.  It's something that bothers me a lot, but I keep it there, and empty, as a reminder that I need to fill this in.  My hope is that by v1.0, there will be a lot more to do in the middle.

Was there a .dmp file for that crash?  If so, can you provide it to me? (dropbox link, google drive, whatever)

Ah, so it's just awaiting content, not intentionally designed that way? No rush then. :) I don't doubt that it will arrive in good time.

As to the .dmp, I assume it must be this one.