Author Topic: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.8.0 "Sergio Assad"(formerly Savage Lands)  (Read 357816 times)


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #255 on: October 31, 2017, 01:50:54 AM »
Code: [Select]
                       Shadow of the Wyrm 0.7.0 "de Visee"

                                Al, the Pugilist
                                L12 Fae Pugilist

Age: 10266                    Sex: Male                     Size: Medium
Deity: The Trickster          Hair Colour: Black            Eye Colour: Hazel
Alignment: Neutral

Strength: 99                  Hit Points: 85/85                                 
Dexterity: 20                 Arcana Points: 34/34                             
Agility: 22                   Speed: 67                                         
Health: 65                    Evade: 47                                         
Intelligence: 17              Soak: 31                                         
Willpower: 14                 Experience: 2940                                 
Charisma: 99                                                                   

Statuses: Burdened

                         Resistances and Vulnerabilities

Slash: 0.95
Pierce: 1.05
Pound: 1.05
Heat: 0.85
Cold: 0.59
Acid: 1.15
Poison: 1.10
Holy: 0.90
Shadow: 0.90
Arcane: 0.60
Lightning: 0.90

                                Current Conducts

You have never taken nutrition from food.
You have never consumed meat.
You have never consumed the corpse of another creature.
You have never requested divine aid.
You have never read a scroll or book.

                       Skill Improvement Points Remaining: 0


Awareness: 31
Blind Fighting: 16
Carrying: 100
Combat: 21
Detection: 27
Dungeoneering: 15
Escape: 20
Foraging: 26
Forest Lore: 25
Herbalism: 14
Hunting: 34
Intimidation: 20
Magic: 15
Night Sight: 15
Stealth: 30
Swimming: 10

                                  Weapon Skills

Axes: 0
Short Blades: 0
Long Blades: 0
Bludgeons: 0
Daggers: 5
Rods and Staves: 0
Spears: 0
Unarmed: 92
Whips: 0
Exotic: 0

                              Ranged Weapon Skills

Thrown Axes: 0
Thrown Blades: 0
Thrown Bludgeons: 0
Bows: 0
Crossbows: 0
Daggers: 0
Rocks: 0
Slings: 0
Thrown Spears: 0
Thrown Exotic: 0

                                  Magic Skills




                                 Current Quests


                                Completed Quests

The Greatness of Smiths (the blacksmith, Isen Dun): Bring the Sun Gem back to
the blacksmith.

Bandits in the Barrows (Hrimgar, Isen Dun): Defeat Garros, the Bandit of the

The Gathering Horde (Kirin, Atua-Elar): Slay the goblin captain in the ruined
monastery of Stonewall, north-west of Atua-Elar.


Head: uncursed cap [4, 0]  [0.44 lbs]

Neck: uncursed Amulet of the Two Moons [10, 4]  [0.25 lbs]
Resists/Flags: {0.15Ar}

Right Finger: uncursed guildmaster's ring [11, 0]  [0.13 lbs]

Left Finger: blessed ring of ice [5, 1]  [0.13 lbs]
Resists/Flags: {0.26Co}

Wielded: -

Off Hand: -

Body: uncursed Atuan silver chain mail "Silari" [9, 10]  [2.00 lbs]
Resists/Flags: {0.10Sl 0.10He 0.10Co}

Around Body: uncursed cloak [2, 1]  [1.00 lbs]

Feet: uncursed iron boots [0, 2]  [6.00 lbs]

Ranged: -

Ammunition: -

                                 Items Available

uncursed ivory pieces (245) [15.31 lbs]
old iron key [0.19 lbs]
sapphire potion (2) [2.00 lbs]
azure potion [1.00 lbs]
swirling potion [1.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "AB EXTRA" [1.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "AB EXTRA" (3) [3.00 lbs]
boathouse key [0.19 lbs]
rowboat [50.00 lbs]
blackened hammer "Forger" (2d10+8)  [12.00 lbs]
slimy potion [1.00 lbs]
alabaster potion [1.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "CARPE DIEM" [1.00 lbs]
barrow spider's corpse (2) [200.00 lbs]
imp's corpse [100.00 lbs]
large ant's corpse [100.00 lbs]
acolyte's corpse [100.00 lbs]
blue jay's corpse [100.00 lbs]
wrecker's corpse [100.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "QUI AUDET ADIPISCITUR" (3) [3.00 lbs]
Siriath's corpse [100.00 lbs]
magici shard [3.00 lbs]
goblin raider's corpse [40.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "DEO ET PATRIAE" [1.00 lbs]
huge rock (1, 1, 0) (2d6)  (3) [90.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "AMOR OMNIBUS IDEM" [1.00 lbs]
radiant potion [1.00 lbs]
horn [7.00 lbs]
uncursed ring of flames [4, 2]  [0.13 lbs]
scroll labelled "VERITAS OMNIA VINCIT" [1.00 lbs]
zealot's corpse [40.00 lbs]
thief's corpse (2) [200.00 lbs]
hound's corpse [100.00 lbs]
graverobber's corpse [100.00 lbs]
blackguard's corpse (2) [200.00 lbs]
scroll labelled "CARPE DIEM" [1.00 lbs]
goblin raider's corpse (2) [80.00 lbs]
goblin impaler's corpse [40.00 lbs]
goblin champion's corpse [40.00 lbs]
goblin's corpse [40.00 lbs]
Urgrim's corpse [1000.00 lbs]
goblin elite guard's corpse [40.00 lbs]
goblin elite guard's corpse [40.00 lbs]
rook's corpse (3) [300.00 lbs]
floating eye's corpse [100.00 lbs]
uncursed leather armour [0, 2]  [10.00 lbs]
uncursed buckler [3, 1]  [5.00 lbs]
falcon's corpse [100.00 lbs]

                               Generated Artifacts

Black Orb [3.00 lbs]
radiant amulet "Calluna" [15, 0]  [0.13 lbs]
shining amulet "Catara" [0, 4]  [0.13 lbs]
Cosmos Stone [10.00 lbs]
blackened hammer "Forger" (2d10+8)  [12.00 lbs]
imperial broadsword "Ironsword" (3d12)  [12.00 lbs]
imperial staff "Stormstaff" (6d4)  [6.00 lbs]
Sun Gem [1.00 lbs]
Amulet of the Two Moons [10, 4]  [0.25 lbs]

                                 Attack Details

Wielded: unarmed. Base/Total Difficulty: 50/-9, Speed: 0, Damage: 1d24+27.
Ranged weapon: /, Ammunition: /.

                                 Latest Messages

Dumping Al...
Action not found: ''

Wielded: unarmed. Base/Total Difficulty: 50/-9, Speed: 0, Damage: 1d24+27.

You feel self-assured.
A sudden chill fortells a deep and coming cold.

You feel self-assured.
The cool, crisp air heralds the start of autumn.

You feel stronger.
You feel tougher.


acolyte: 4
Akojo: 1
archer: 1
armoured beetle: 1
barrow spider: 3
blackguard: 5
blood hawk: 3
blue jay: 2
bog spirit: 7
chaosling: 1
corpse rat: 1
dwarf: 1
falcon: 2
fire devil: 2
fire spirit: 1
floating eye: 1
fork bug: 1
fox: 1
frostling: 2
Garros Barrows-Thief: 1
gas cloud: 5
gnome: 2
gnomish miner: 1
goblin: 8
goblin champion: 2
goblin elite guard: 2
goblin impaler: 2
goblin raider: 6
graverobber: 7
hound: 4
imp: 3
kalath: 4
kestrel: 2
large ant: 2
mirshi: 4
mole: 1
ogre: 5
ogre savage: 2
rat: 1
red ooze: 1
roc: 1
rock adder: 1
rook: 7
shrike: 1
Siriath: 1
skeleton: 2
a spearman: 2
spook: 4
squire: 1
tentacled spider: 2
thief: 7
thrall: 5
Urgrim: 1
wrecker: 2
xither: 4
zealot: 4

Total: 150
Maximum Level Difference: 9 (Urgrim)

Turns: 202952

Initial character. Testing the waters a bit, nothing major. Only notable thing I've encountered so far is that monsters can cast spells.

I've had one crash: I was in the infinite dungeon southeast of the starting town, minding my own business, when a black X appeared. I didn't see any attack messages, and my game crashed as soon as it appeared.

EDIT: Crashed again while exploring some sewers.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 02:04:58 AM by kraphead »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #256 on: November 01, 2017, 03:06:10 AM »
Any .dmp files generated? I can use those to track down the cause of the crash.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #257 on: November 01, 2017, 03:51:01 AM »
I put the dumps on Google Drive, sorry if that inconveniences you. Not sure of how to attach files to a post on here.

Anyway, I've gotta say that this game has gotten a lot more hard and thrilling. A LOT of high level characters have been splatted. I've had a lot of fun discovering stuff as well. Very cool.

Some typos in descriptions I've seen:

Megalodon description: "are" should be "is"

Temple guardian description: "night invincible" should be "nigh invincible"

Divine avenger desc: "recordud" should be "recorded"

Stone worm desc: "smaller and smaller" should be (I think) "larger and larger"

Zaeda desc: "built" should be (I think) "build"

Finally, I've been having some trouble with a certain quest. I don't know how to use spoilers, so I'll try to be as vaguely specific as possible.

I'm on the level with the spiral arm. I've just defeated the boss (and everything else), and I think I know how to proceed, but "A strange force prevents you from moving there."

Bug, or am I missing something? If I'm missing something, please don't tell me what I'm missing, I just want to make sure it's not a bug.

EDIT: Also, I have absolutely got to commend your writing. I've had a blast reading all the descriptions, in-game lore, and quest descriptions. It's really engaged my imagination.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 04:02:18 AM by kraphead »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #258 on: November 01, 2017, 04:03:08 AM »
You're amazing. I'll go through the dmp files tomorrow and see what I can find. Thanks for catching those typos, too.

In that level, you're explicitly barred from entering the rift. The victory condition after the last fight should trigger a prompt on whether to continue adventuring or not, and if so, stairs should be generated under your character, leading back to the top of the Cloudspire.

Did you win? If so, how's the balance? I'm going for quite hard but not impossible.

Thanks for the compliment. I enjoy the writing as much as the programming!


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #259 on: November 01, 2017, 04:15:52 AM »
Strange. I killed *SPOILERS* Aurelion *SPOILERS* and nothing appeared. I did feel "a strange, pulsing energy" though.

If by win you mean beat the wyrm, I did indeed win. I have a lot I want to say about the balance, but I want to be able to play more races and classes before I write anything broad.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #260 on: November 01, 2017, 11:54:47 AM »
That's insufficient for that win condition. You need to take out the rest. Did another deity appear after?  If not, that's certainly a bug, and if you can give me any further details, that's be great. Was the rift area "full", etc?


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #261 on: November 01, 2017, 11:56:29 AM »
The pulsing energy is essentially a repop message and should appear before repopulating the rift with more creatures.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #262 on: November 01, 2017, 03:20:46 PM »
Nothing appeared after I killed him. The rift area was almost completely full. He was one of the first creatures that saw me, so I lured him out along with a couple of his cronies. I've been wandering around the level for about a thousand turns now, no new enemies.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #263 on: November 01, 2017, 05:07:12 PM »
Sounds like a bug with the next deity not generating properly. I'll for sure get that fixed for the next release.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #264 on: November 01, 2017, 05:17:19 PM »
If you're attached to this game, you can press F12 to bring up the Lua console and run:


and then go back to the top left.  Kill Celeste and you should get repops in the rift again.

If you want to skip to the very end, use "sceadugenga" instead in that Lua function call.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 05:22:30 PM by jcd748 »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #265 on: November 01, 2017, 06:45:05 PM »
Thanks, but I already retired that character. I had a few other high level character I've been playing around with. It's been pretty difficult, with one notable exception I'll post about in my victory dump. Additionally, I've found a few things:

-Status effects inflicted in the void are permanent

-NOTHING can be in the rift when you kill a god. Otherwise, nothing happens

-AOE spells that hit gods cause them to go berserk and kill everything for you. This is true for creatures outside of the void too: The liches in the Gildi's Cloak quest and the Wyrm's cavern pretty much did most of the work for me

As an aside, I liked that little detail you get when you chat with Aurelion. Very neat.

EDIT: Wyvern --> Wyrm

EDIT2: Stuns also cause that domino aggro effect. Stunning a single monster causes it to hit another monster, which causes that monster to hit back. That aggros all the other monsters, which then attack the monster that hit back, which aggros them against each other.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 08:13:11 PM by kraphead »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #266 on: November 01, 2017, 11:45:01 PM »
Thanks - I've added all of these to my list to investigate before the next release.  The AI is definitely predictable.  Creatures attack things that attack them, and a recent attack will take priority over the hate towards the player.  So, it's tilted in your favour for now.  It's on my list of things to address before I do a 1.0 release.

The domino effect comes from nearby creatures.  When a creature is attacked and hostility engaged, nearby creatures who are not hostile to the attacked creature will defend it.  So that's part of what's causing the pile on.

Personally, I kind of like it, but monsters need to be smarter about when to engage their spells/etc and that's something I'll look at not immediately, but in the near to medium term.

Thanks, but I already retired that character. I had a few other high level character I've been playing around with. It's been pretty difficult, with one notable exception I'll post about in my victory dump. Additionally, I've found a few things:

-Status effects inflicted in the void are permanent

-NOTHING can be in the rift when you kill a god. Otherwise, nothing happens

-AOE spells that hit gods cause them to go berserk and kill everything for you. This is true for creatures outside of the void too: The liches in the Gildi's Cloak quest and the Wyrm's cavern pretty much did most of the work for me

As an aside, I liked that little detail you get when you chat with Aurelion. Very neat.

EDIT: Wyvern --> Wyrm

EDIT2: Stuns also cause that domino aggro effect. Stunning a single monster causes it to hit another monster, which causes that monster to hit back. That aggros all the other monsters, which then attack the monster that hit back, which aggros them against each other.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #267 on: November 01, 2017, 11:52:59 PM »
Some typos in descriptions I've seen:

Megalodon description: "are" should be "is"

Temple guardian description: "night invincible" should be "nigh invincible"

Divine avenger desc: "recordud" should be "recorded"

Stone worm desc: "smaller and smaller" should be (I think) "larger and larger"

Zaeda desc: "built" should be (I think) "build"

The megalodon descriptions are correct, as they refer to plural creatures.  All the rest are typos and have been fixed.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #268 on: November 02, 2017, 12:11:24 AM »
I put the dumps on Google Drive, sorry if that inconveniences you. Not sure of how to attach files to a post on here.

One of the dmp files is 0 bytes - was it copied incorrectly?

One was due to a missing pointer check when applying a teleport effect.  Fixed.  I went through and checked and found other instances of effects not properly checking pointers, and these have been fixed as well.

The other was due to something in the age-updating code.  The values look very weird, and I'm not sure if it's the result of optimizations in the release code or what.  Did you spend a very long time in-game?  Like, years and years of in-game time?  I'm not sure what's the cause of this one.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2017, 12:32:46 AM by jcd748 »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.7.0! "de Visee"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #269 on: November 02, 2017, 03:53:17 AM »
Some typos in descriptions I've seen:

Megalodon description: "are" should be "is"

Temple guardian description: "night invincible" should be "nigh invincible"

Divine avenger desc: "recordud" should be "recorded"

Stone worm desc: "smaller and smaller" should be (I think) "larger and larger"

Zaeda desc: "built" should be (I think) "build"

The megalodon descriptions are correct, as they refer to plural creatures.  All the rest are typos and have been fixed.

Honestly, it doesn't really matter, but you have "distinguishing 'it' from other sharks 'are' its heads". I'm not the best with English, but it doesn't seem right to refer to the same creature using different pluralities. Sorry if I come off as one of those rude sticklers for grammar, believe me when I say that's absolutely not my intention. You could leave it as is and very few would probably notice.

Another typo: Whitebard's description: spend should be spent