New version, 0.2, see first topic for download link.
Major add for version 0.2 is random dungeon generation.
A little bit of story. In the past I've build and wrote some
tutorials for build little roguelikes , but I've never build a roguelike from scratch. In particular dungeons generation is an enormous topic, so.. I'm here with CryptoRl and want to study and learn something new.
For this particular implementation I've used random walk, with some custom rules:
1) starting point is near center +- a value (5 for this build)
2) avoid to use last direction: so is not-so-random walk

3) avoid to use opposite direction for next move: for example avoid to go Down if last move was Up, seems reasonable, to avoid random walker to get stuck in one point
4) place exit in a random point on map, but always with a connection between player starting point and exit itself. Using awesome
Kevglass's Slick Astar implementation.
5) add a creature with a probability of 15% for each floor tile and potions with probability of 5%. Each of them with a minimum distance of 30 tiles for any other creature of potions.
As experiment I'm happy with result. Now game doesn't have an end or a purpose, but it's more like a roguelike